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Messages - LunarDusk

Lunar sat down on the icy ground unable to hear Shelly. He sits down on the ground before meditating to slowly recover. "Ravaged by a volcano, torn apart by a fued, now a severe flood with others possibly in it....hehe what next?" he thinks. "Gah where in Celestia's name are you Tilien." he says out loud losing patience.
News Archive / Re: One Week Away!
2014 Apr 21, 18:44:01
Quote from: pfiutek1 on 2014 Apr 21, 04:52:44
I played the whole weekend. It was awesome.

same and agreed
"That is all..." Lunar says with an expressionless look on his face.

"Understood.....but let me try this." Having his right eye still closed Lunar flies toward the mountain that the adult dragons fled to earlier during the incident with the baby dragons. "Hmm.." Lunar uses his magic to throw a few ice boulders in the water where the lava golem is to drastically lower the water temperature."Chill you hot head."
"Yes, but you do...realise the lava golem was in the tsunami to begin with." Lunar grinds his teeth. "But i can summon some icebergs to lower to water temperature to solidify the golem like you wanted." He looks up wondering about Tilen. "You better not have fallen in that water griffon...i still havent forgotten about that crown you have." he thinks
Keeping his right eye closed Lunar looks back then responds. "The only monster is the lava golem, Tilen has taken care of those 2 red dragons and the tsunami i caused has dragged the rest of the monsters to the ocean" Lunar starts to have a small grin on his face. "...And possibly some of the other ponies as well."
Slowly opening one eye Lunar looks left and right to see what's happening then notices Shelly. "....." Showing no intention on doing an sneak attack on her while shes holding him he gazes at her with a blank expression.
"!?" Unable to hear the shot from the stun gun coming due to the thunder Lunar groans from getting shot in his right eye. He scans his left eye in the direction of the clearing. "A...Another foe that case." All three of Lunar's horns start to glow charging up energy. "Say your prayers." Lunar shoots a laser on a hill above the clearing to cause a mini landslide. "Ugh..ah" Lunar starts to lose conscious due to fatgue from the last fights and falls in midair.
"Hehe...had enough?" Getting carried away Lunar sends more lightning bolts but they miss the golem and hit the fields including the clearing. "Oh boo."
Agreed let me rephrase that....EVERY....not some ponies will be screwed.
"Enough messing around, take this." Lunar's center horn glows and makes lightning strike the golem from a cloud.
Looking down at the tsunami after countering the projectile with another fireball Lunar laughs maniacly. "D....destruction...Hehehehe....hahahahahahahahahaha!"
News Archive / Re: One Week Away!
2014 Apr 17, 23:04:38 much..this is madness!!
Flashback of napping on the edge goes through Lunars mind. "......I...fell backwards from standing too close while reading."
Lunar uses the magic on his cape to fly right in front of Electric. "Yes...pretend you didn't see or heard that."
Lunar slowly opens his eyes when he starts sliding off the edge of the boat."What...the..." His body hits the water and pokes his head out. Starting to glare with his eyes comically glowing red at this random moment he screams at the point where everyone on the boat can hear him. "uuuuUUUUUNBELIEVABLE!."
Culex from super mario rpg... some ponies could get screwed over.
News Archive / Re: One Week Away!
2014 Apr 17, 06:35:44
Oh the intense lag...I feared as much... ovO
Lunar evades the shot then tilts his head. " I can see it ...that you're slipping from drowsiness."
News Archive / Re: One Week Away!
2014 Apr 12, 10:11:22
So. stoked!!...but I better hurry before it gets overcrowded