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Messages - Greyscaleisme

Secretly wants to be left alone
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2014 May 16, 22:26:00
Quote from: DawnsEmbrace on 2014 Apr 30, 17:58:47
Quote from: dr.induction on 2014 Apr 30, 17:25:31
Girls you have a crush on. Its cool for about a day but after that wish it would go away D:

And it gets even worse when you work up the courage to ask her out on a date, and she inevitably rejects you.

Now I'm depressed again...

Hey, its better than having a crush on a dude that you met over the Internet for months but knowing that nothing will ever happen because you will never be able to meet in real life, and then realizing that even if you do meet he won't like you back, and then crying for hours knowing that you are and will be forever alone.
I became a brony thanks to Eurobeat! (Him and the fact that my sister was a huge fan)
I think mine would be a Fist and a wooden spoon, the fist because of my fighting prowess and the spoon because of my cooking abilities (yeah I know the are totally unrelated, but thats just me)
Canterlot Archives / To each their own.
2014 May 02, 00:39:29
A young female Unicorn walks along a road in Manehatten, sighing to herself she thinks back to her foalhood ah, a warm summer day in Equestria, bees buzzing to their own tune and birds in the trees, and yet not all is well in this beautiful haven. A small foal, not even old enough for a cutie mark sits crying beneath a tree, with no parents in sight she is alone and scared, clouds start to cover the once bright sky and a cold wind comes, she sits there for hours, not even moving when cold rain pelts her once shiny black coat.    She was brought back into the present by an unexpected jolt to her snout, "huh? Who hit me?" She exclaimed, a young colt appears around a corner "sorry miss, I was running to look for a friend of mine, but it appears as if I missed him" he said, "oh, it's okay, I was just surprised that's all" she replied. "Hey, maybe I could help you find your friend, what does he look like?" She asked, "oh, you don't have to help if you don't want to" he said with a shake of his head, "no, no, I insist" she replied with a smile. "Okay, he has a black mane with royal blue strips, and a green coat" he said, "okay then" she replied " let's go look for him, shall we?".                 

(Feel free to continue!)
Original Characters / My OC: Grey Scale
2014 Jan 05, 00:24:23

This is Grey Scale, he is a black and white film producer.
     His cutie mark is black and white film, he found his talent when he had to produce a film for his art class.
    He is quite shy, and his magical abilities make his work all the more popular. He is not in a relationship, but is looking for a good mare. He is an orphan, his parents were killed on a hike through the Everfree Forest. He is 18 by pony standards.
Introductions Archive / hii!
2014 Jan 04, 19:16:05
Sooo all i really want to say is hi and will you friend me?
o.O   o.O