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Messages - Ferro_the_King

Ingame bugs should be reported by phabricator system. More information here:
Yes, it was a nice game today, thanks everypony :)

And after it we had much fun (and a bit of frustration) jumping around Sweet Apples. I'm not very good at taking screenshots apparently, so I hope you took some yourselves :D Thanks Show Film for participating and Wind Spray and Deep Sky for being wonderful (and VERY patient) audience  :D
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Quote from: Dota on 2017 Nov 15, 13:00:32Lea Invicta, can I be your apprentice? :D

We figured this one quite easy...

This one, on the other hoof, is one of the hardest ever...

Nothing like sitting on the flag. Literally :D

Show Film needed just about 30 tries to get to the gazebo. I needed more... (About 800, I kinda forgot to count :D )

I actually learned much just from observing Film. It helped me figure out other jumps later, when I continued on my own...

Flower among flowers  lol

I use StaSh on my Deviantart account ;)
Quote from: dmDash on 2017 Nov 04, 19:53:36There were also 3 rounds before, in Ponydale, where we did the standard Hide and Seek. It started at 5:00PM EDT.
Be careful, Daylight Savings Time ends this Sunday, so we'll be observing EST next time.

...Oh buck! So I missed half of the thing, because I had the time wrong. THIS IS THE WORST THING EVER!!!! D:  D:  D: It's just hard telling the right time, because the daylight savings time ended last sunday in my country... >:/
How many games did we play today? Was it just the three in Cantermore, or more? I'm just not sure, whether I have the time right since there was a time change recently ;-)
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2017 Oct 29, 10:23:07
Quote from: Stardust Dragon on 2017 Oct 29, 02:46:29When places you submit job applications for don't respond.

Yeah, I know that one. A few years back (When there was the world-wide crysis) there was an advertisement that the International Airport is hiring security personnel. I was unemployed at the time, so I tried to apply for the job. One day after I sent my CV, they replied that I'm "beeing processed" and should hear from them soon. This was the last time they contacted me. Just a week after that they had new ad in newspapers, so I realized they just don't want me.

It's been 4 years now, there's no crysis and unemployment rate is at its historical minimum. I have a good job at another security branch and... I got an email from the airport, whether I'm still interested in the job and that I could enlist immediately!  lol  lol  lol
Quote from: MidnightLunaRose on 2017 Oct 26, 02:50:57Same thing happens to me. I'll do a flip and the pony stays on the side like it's glued to an invisible wall.

This is what I'm talking about. Found out it only happens when you use arrows and RMB mode to steer your pony simultaneously  ovO

Is there going to be an event this saturday? There is still the old announcement on the forum.
Anyone else noticed the flying is behaving weird after the update, or is it just me?

I don't have the time to go through it to the point, where I can submit a report on phabricator, but I have noticed my pony flies like drunk lately. She gets stuck in some maneuver- turn, up/down, sprint, I even once had her flying upside down. When I push a button for some other maneuver, the animation is correct, but when I release it, the pony returns to the position she was stuck in. It usually ends when I land, but I was even once or twice runing on the ground at about 30 degrees sideways...
Lets talk about addiction... Symhonic metal AND ponies!

Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2017 Oct 22, 21:39:06
That people change. And sometimes all it takes is a month of well-paid job in a bank to turn a perfect pegasister into pony-hater. So much that she even doesn't speak to you anymore, because "She would be a laughing stock of whole company, if someone found out"...      :c
It was a nice game today, thanks everypony! Hope to see you next week  ;)

Followed by some also funny parkour lessons:

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Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2017 Oct 21, 10:58:01
Quote from: Thundergirl on 2017 Oct 21, 02:32:04When I visited France, I only knew a few French words so I spoke English to them. "But nobody came" . Only a little amount of the people there talked to us in English. Why?

They're not racist, they are nationalistic. A lot of French people speak either English or German, but they usually don't want to. It has to do with their nation's pride and some historical grievances (100-years war, WWII and so on...).
I actually was in France, when I was a kid and since I only spoke English and a little bit German by that time, they didn't wanted to speak to me at all. I had to start every conversation with a phrase "Excuse my bad English, I am from Czech republic". Then they actually would speak to me in English without any problem lol
General News / Re: Hope you're having fun!
2017 Oct 18, 02:31:39
Funny... I was told there are places Earth pony can't reach!

Upon arrival...

So, the building over there looks like a good place to start.
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This would be actually a lot easier, if there were stairs. And door...
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Looks like fun from above...
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That's weird, for some odd reason I expected some Friendship princess or at least a purple dragon to appear out of nowhere...
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So, don't try this at home, little fillies...
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Or you're gonna end up right here!
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There's nothing like a bath after a long day full of rooftops jumping  :]
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sorry, posted twice and I have no idea how to delete my post
Quote from: Silverbeat on 2017 Oct 16, 09:16:08...but I've never tried with just jumping before.

You have to be Earth pony, because sprint+jump is the key. Oh, and I made it to the Ponydale library top platform (About 8 jumps, i forgot to count. Some of them quite difficult) just today :D

Others I can do in Ponydale are:
The School (Easy, 2 jumps)
The Hospital (Somewhat easy, 2 jumps)
The bathtub on a big tree (Moderate, about 5-6 jumps)
Windmill (Easy, 3 jumps)
The Theathre (Moderate, Wasn't counting)
Bowling Club (Easy, 1 jump)
The train station (Moderate, 2 jumps)
The big solo tree behind SCC (I have no idea, I was just foaling around :D )
And some other unidentified buildings lol
Quote from: Silverbeat on 2017 Oct 16, 04:44:47And I still don't know how some ponies can get to certain places without flying/teleporting.

Well, the hardest one I was able to figure out is actually first floor of Ponydale's city hall. It's about 10 jumps, some of them quite hard :D
Snuggle pile is an interesting mode. The only problem is, when 2+ ponies finds you, there's usually not much space left for the others to hide, so the others just sit in plain sight.

I also don't like the Crystal Empire map- It's all flat (That means almost no chance to jump on a structure), there are only few places where you can be hidden well (Unless you want to hide in a tent) and the map is quite hard to navigate, while running and looking for hidden ponies. (Because buildings and streets looks almost the same. This also makes giving hints almost impossible...)
Though that's my personal feeling, somepony might actually like it ;)

And the funnies part was, when I got accused of flying to an inacessible location (twice), while playing as an Earth pony lol