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Messages - Cybestry

Original Characters / FIXED Lunar soul OC
2014 Nov 05, 17:50:31
Disclaimer: My previous OC had a cutie mark which was the same as someone elses, and I'm really sorry for that.   

Spoiler: show
(Yeah! I made it 3D!)

Cinematic view

Side view

Front View

Name:Lunar Soul


Race: Unicorn


Occupation Reads books and studies magic (Whaddaya know?)

Home: Lives in a large house in Canterlot

Appearance: Lunar soul has a dark violet and light blue mane and a violet coat, giving him a dark spacelike look. Lunar's eyes are a light blue, and upon long sessions of using magic, they turn a light green.

Cutie Mark: A variation of Twilight's and Rarity's cutie mark 
Spoiler: show

(Made with cutie mark creator on deviant art by 8-bit spider)

Talent: Lunar Soul can perform many spells that he has studied in his free time

Hobbies: Practicing Magic, reading and fighting monsters.

Personality:While Lunar Soul may seem as a tough, spell-wielding wizard, he is actually sensitive and kind on the inside. Lunar is very friendly to new ponies he hasn't met. Lunar Soul isn't the kind of pony that is impatient and conceited, and he doesn't really get angry at anypony for anything, unless they're evil.   

Abilites:Lunar Soul is a very able, and talented pony, but he tends to hide his talents, so not to show off. His very best ability is using magic. He has been studying magic since he was a little colt, and he knows many spells, even a forbidden spell only very talented unicorns and alicorns may learn. That spell is the is called  The Summoning spell, in which the caster may summon ANYTHING they think of.

So yeah, that's about it, what do you think?
Original Characters / Re: Lunar Soul
2014 Nov 05, 08:18:22
Ok terribly sorry I'll change the cutie mark.

Post Merge

I'm locking this thread and making a new thread, except my OC will have a different cutie mark
Original Characters / Lunar Soul
2014 Nov 04, 19:10:24
Here is an OC I made a little while back, pretty cool.

EDIT:Made a completely different cutie mark, because the last one was used by someone else. 

Spoiler: show
(Yeah! I made it 3D!)

Cinematic view

Side view

Front View

Name:Lunar Soul


Race: Unicorn


Occupation Reads books and studies magic (Whaddaya know?)

Home: Lives in a large house in Canterlot

Appearance: Lunar soul has a dark violet and light blue mane and a violet coat, giving him a dark spacelike look. Lunar's eyes are a light blue, and upon long sessions of using magic, they turn a light green.

Cutie Mark: A variation of Twilight's and Rarity's cutie mark 
Spoiler: show

Talent: Lunar Soul can perform many spells that he has studied in his free time

Hobbies: Practicing Magic, reading and fighting monsters.

Personality:While Lunar Soul may seem as a tough, spell-wielding wizard, he is actually sensitive and kind on the inside. Lunar is very friendly to new ponies he hasn't met. Lunar Soul isn't the kind of pony that is impatient and conceited, and he doesn't really get angry at anypony for anything, unless they're evil.   

Abilites:Lunar Soul is a very able, and talented pony, but he tends to hide his talents, so not to show off. His very best ability is using magic. He has been studying magic since he was a little colt, and he knows many spells, even a forbidden spell only very talented unicorns and alicorns may learn. That spell is the is called  The Summoning spell, in which the caster may summon ANYTHING they think of.

So yeah, that's about it, what do you think?
I found this online, and I could not beleive this! Everything fits together (Just one note: the number 42, the meaning of life)

Everything is such a fit together,
It's a if Twilight Sparkle is the meaning of life
[move][shadow=red,left]-39 -39 -39 -39 -39 -39 -39 -39 -39 -39[/shadow][/move]

Typed every available feature except strikethrough.  :P
YEEEESSSSSSSSSS!!! The pony race prevails! Who will stop us now?!?!?!?!? MWAHAHAAHAHAHHAHA!!!!     ovO

Who will win?!?!?! Anyway, this post is about which pony race is the best IN-GAME. ( I am almost certain almost nopony wil pick earth pony :c. They have no powers, except running fast and hitting like a truck.)
It's been about seven months, Equestria still remains empty and  dormant of ponies. Unicorns, pegasi , and earth ponies everywhere are trying to go in.
     Anyway, my main point is  that the servers are still down and I really want to play this game  D:! Does any dev or mod know when the servers will go back online? Please tell me whenever you plan to schedule another weekend I've checked everywhere around the forums and can't find anything. Thank you.
2 things:
1.)Is going to be special events based on the holidays? For example, when it's the nightmare night,  can ponyville canterlot, etc. be decorated to the purpose? And if you get permission from hasbro, maybe have Princess Luna roaming around?
2.) When development slows down a little, can the servers be online for more time than weekends?


Two more things, is this like a classic mmorpg where you have upgrade to get stronger?
and finally, can unicorns pick up certain objects with their magic and carry them around or use them as weapons ovO?