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Quote from: Lullaby Princess on 2015 Sep 26, 13:47:55
* she flew onto a tree and sat down, Silver Gem stared at the tiny mare curiously *
Quote from: Lemon D. Muffin Pony on 2015 Sep 25, 22:28:08
Ok, lets see where your hiding, Silver... * she whispered in her amulet and a red orb appeared, showing a place of discord * Where are you, princess... * she grazed her hoof across the orb, scrolling around until she saw the princess * Aha! * she saw the dragons * Hm... they could be a handful... especially that dragon pony, ruining my plans...* she continued to watch Silver Star as she continued to prepare her plan *
Quote from: Lemon D. Muffin Pony on 2015 Sep 25, 22:24:28
* she jumped off of the bed and sat next to the changeling * Hi! I'm Lemon D. Muffin.