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Topics - Night Pony

Resolved Issues / Quote chains
2014 Nov 30, 14:52:55
Tired of big laggy quote chains that go on forever? I got a suggestion for that.
Limiting  the quotes to a fixed number like 3. If it's exceeded the post won't post.
Original Characters / OC Suggeston
2014 Aug 23, 06:10:46
Hello! As the title says I'd like to hear your suggestions about an emblem for my OC. Although there is no 100% drawing of her yet (due to her being WIP) I'm gonna post some details about her:
She is a white haired blue eyed young girl. She uses magic and a battle scythe for combat and her main outfit is a dress with white and blue colours.

So suggestions below. They could be descriptions or if you want you can make a visual representation.
Resolved Issues / Site bug
2014 Jul 30, 13:25:46
I though to randomly close the User Submitted Content and after close the window of the chat is on the top of the site where it used to be. If I open the section, it's still there. Upon refreshing it disappears.
Pony Off-Topic Archive / Pony Creator
2014 Mar 06, 15:04:42
Are you tired of seeing your pony only in 2D? Do you wish to see him/her from every angle without doing anything?
Well look no more! Here's a pony creator entirely in 3D! :D

This is a private RP between Blaze and me. No jump-ins allowed.

In a world dominated mostly by monsters, every sentient life lives in cities or villages surrounded by high walls and big gates. Inside them everyone lives at peace and enjoys their day to day lives. The monsters though do not leave these settlements alone and often attack the walls in hopes to breach them. They are prevented by specially trained individuals that keep everyone safe behind the walls. These warriors are trained by entering specialized schools in each city by their own will.

Spoiler: Rhilin's classes • show
[quote=Rhilin's classes]
1. Magic casting and incantations. - Lecture
2. Magic casting and incantations. - Lecture
3. Two handed weapon training. - Lecture
4. Two handed weapon training. - Lecture
5. Survival outside the walls. - Lecture
6. Survival outside the walls. - Lecture

1. Creature classes and biology. - Lecture
2. Creature classes and biology. - Lecture
3. Basic defence strategies. - Lecture
4. Basic defence strategies. - Lecture
5. Two handed weapon training. - Lecture
6. Two handed weapon training. - Lecture

1. Two handed weapon training. - Lecture
2. Two handed weapon training. - Lecture
3. Physical training.
4. Physical training.
5. Magic casting and incantations. - Lecture.
6. Magic casting and incantations. - Lecture.

1-6. Two handed weapon training. - field training.

1-6. Magic casting and incantations - field training.[/quote]

Spoiler: Akkeiyo's classes • show
[quote=Akkeiyo's classes]
1. Magic casting and incantations. - Lecture
2. Magic casting and incantations. - Lecture
3. Hand to hand combat. - Lecture
4. Hand to hand combat. - Lecture
5. Survival outside the walls. - Lecture
6. Survival outside the walls. - Lecture

1. Creature classes and biology. - Lecture
2. Creature classes and biology. - Lecture
3. Basic defence strategies. - Lecture
4. Basic defence strategies. - Lecture
5. Hand to hand combat. - Lecture
6. Hand to hand combat. - Lecture

1. Hand to hand combat. - Lecture
2. Hand to hand combat. - Lecture
3. Physical training.
4. Physical training.
5. Magic casting and incantations. - Lecture.
6. Magic casting and incantations. - Lecture.

1-6. Hand to hand combat.  - field training.

1-6. Magic casting and incantations - field training.[/quote]
This is my new favourite Black Flag related video. :D

MLP: FiM SD Archive / Season 4 announced!
2013 Jul 25, 11:30:08
Season 4 is going to start on Saturday, November 23! Start the hype trains!
So EqD started a little discussion on the various types of fan animation and I decided to bring it here.
QuoteWe have had two episode style fan animations release this month.  The first was Snowdrop, rolling with a very emotional and story driven style.  It set out to explain the history of snow flakes, and did a pretty">Read the forum rules. good job of it!  The second was Double Rainboom, which seemed to focus much more on gags and specific scenes than the overall storyline.   I know I wasn't expecting Power Puff Girls to show up.

So what type do you prefer? Do you like the silly fandom references and nostalgiatastic crossover style? Or is the story driven type more your thing?

What kind of topic would you like to see fan animation explore?
Pony Off-Topic Archive / Mane6
2013 Mar 02, 04:33:48
Mane6 have a new member and it's none other than Lauren Faust! :D
Go check the article on their site.
Video Games Archive / Nitronic Rush
2013 Feb 14, 16:24:42
Anypony here played it?

Spoiler: What is Nitronic Rush? • show
Nitronic Rush is a free survivor racing game. Your car can jump,rotate and fly.
Here's a little review about it and like the reviewer I recomend trying out the game.

Also if you by any chance heard about and about it's spiritual successor Distance, are you looking forward to Distance?
Spoiler:  Distance's Announcement Teaser  • show
MLP: FiM SD Archive / BG help.
2013 Feb 08, 15:40:12
Hey guys can anyone tell me which episodes have scenes that take place outdoors and during the night?
Excluding Best Night ever and Luna's eclipse.
I just want to warn you that this person steals OCs and adoptables to give them away to different people without the artist knowing.

She stole Moon Violet and I'm pretty angry. Do anypony know how to make reports there?
Music Archive / Portal Turret Anthem
2013 Jan 22, 15:46:54
[ Invalid YouTube link ]

Here's a nice video I found from the top 15 videos of December. How many things do you recognise from the video?
Animations Archive / Taking Flight
2012 Nov 06, 10:26:04
I didn't know in which category to post this. I'll put it here since it's animating 3D objects.
So anyway enjoy the video!
[ Invalid YouTube link ]
Animations Archive / Rainbowlicious
2012 Aug 22, 06:21:14
Video Games Archive / Assassin's Creed
2012 Jul 01, 17:37:31
So i noticed a lack of a general AC thread so I am making one.
Post everything from original trailers and gameplay to fan made content or just comment about the games.

I will start off with this awesome song by Miracle of sound.
Animations Archive / Children of the Night
2012 Jun 23, 08:13:48
Animatic that was posted on EqD and the song is amazing.Check it out.
Video Games Archive / Transformers
2012 Jun 07, 18:05:09
So I was wondering if there are any Transformers fans here who are waiting for Fall of Cybertron.
Original Characters / The Night Ponies
2012 Jun 01, 05:18:38
Name: Night Shine
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Personality: Night is reluctant at first to meet new ponies but she quickly becomes very nice and friendly. She is kind and compassionate. Also Night Shine is competitive in that she wants to compete with her friends with either magical or flying endeavors. Night is also very stubborn when facing something she does not approve but not unreasonable.
Likes: the night, magic, flying, testing herself
Dislikes: spending much time during the day, ponies that judge her based on her appearance, being made fun of
Fear: failure/failing.
Race: Alicorn
Magic: Telekinesis and basic unicorn spells; spell that increases wing span without increasing weight; spell that increases the endurance of her wings.
Bio: Night Shine was born in a house in Ponyville. The fact that she had both wings and a horn surprised even her parents. At a young age the fillies and colts stayed away from her because she was different and not in a good way. She looked intimidating with her dark colours and in addition with the fact that she was an Alicorn, a race that represented power and being above everypony else, made the others to isolate her.  Night gradually started spending time during the nights instead of the days, because she loved the peace and quiet that they offered. Soon enough she became entirely nocturnal.
      Having both magic and wings didn't help to develop either. Night Shine couldn't do spells or fly for a decent amount of time and slowly started to think she would never discover her talent. Then one night her sister, Moon Violet, brought her a book from the local library in an attempt to help her learn at least her magic. Not very optimistic about it, Night went through the different spells until she came across a very interesting piece of magic. The spell was apparently made by unicorns to help young pegasi to take their first steps in flying by expanding their wing span. The name was smudged but the instructions were readable. Night Shine decided to learn this spell no matter what it would take. So every night she went to an open plain and tried to performing the spell. Her first tries ended with utter failure. The magic did nothing more than a fuzz and an occasional poof. Having been fed up with her inability to do anything she continued to try every night. Step by step her magic progressed and started to form around her wings for a very short time. One night, after many tries and improvement, she decided to try it in the sky. Night Shine flapped her wings and took off with much greater ease than any of her previous attempts. This was true flying and it wasn't anything like  she had done before. She was so happy that she finally achieved something. During that initial flight something on her flank flashed. After she landed next to her sister who was watching her flying and in that moment they saw Night's cutie mark. It was a shining star with two wings coming out of it. Moon said that Night looked just like that when the cutie mark appeared in her flight. From then Night Shine started to look for similar spells in the books that her sister gets from the local library and also to discover new ways of combining her flight and magical abilities.  That first spell became her signature.
     Today Night Shine part time jobs that are mostly during the nights. After becoming of age, she moved with her sister to a house just outside of Ponyville. She has few but very close friends that she met during her midnight flights and magic castings. Each night she strives to become even better and to improve her current skills. Sometimes she competes against unicorns and pegasus alike to know how far she has progressed. Since she started being nocturnal, most ponies forgot  her. In the rare cases where she needed to visit Ponyville during the day she wears a hooded cloak that hides her wings and horn. Night wishes one day (night) to become Princess Luna's personal student. That dream came after discovering how much she and Luna have in common and that the local librarian, Twilight Sparkle, was Princess Celestia's personal student.
Spoiler: show

Spoiler: By Ninny Daft • show

Spoiler: By Star Striker • show

Spoiler: By Julius • show

Spoiler: By DANMAKUMAN • show

Spoiler: By Sabrina • show

Spoiler: By CrabApple • show

Spoiler: Bakasan94 • show

Name: Moon Violet
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Race: Unicorn
Personality: Like her sister Moon likes the night. She is kind, generous but dislike when somepony picks a flower from the garden without asking her. She is extremely loyal to her family especially her sister. They have always taken care for each other. Despite being the younger sibling she is more social than Night.
Likes: the night, flowers, spending time with her family.
Dislikes: anything that can ruin her garden, mean ponies.
Fear: something bad happening to her sister.
Magic: Telekinesis and some basic unicorn spells. Moon can levitate multiple things at once.
Bio: Moon Violet is Night Shine's sister who was born a year later. When they were little, Moon was one of the few friends Night had and she often spend the nights with her, making her company, doing stuff together or just laying on their back staring at the night sky.
      One night while they were walking around they noticed a flower on the ground. Moon really liked it, it was special somehow in some way. It was a little violet. They took it and planted it in the yard of the house. When she could, Moon went and water the plant and often she sat next to it and just stare at it for hours. One time while she was returning home she noticed something on her flank. There was a moon with a violet in it. It was then she realized how deep her love for flowers really is. She started collecting flowers and planting them around where the violet was, creating a garden.
      Today Moon Violet lives with Night Shine after moving with her. The garden was moved from the little yard to a more open plain so she could continue to expand it. Her flower collection has grown very large and it is filled with all sorts of flowers, from common to rare. Moon is constantly looking for new ones to add to her garden. She often asks Night to help her with the search but sometimes she likes to look alone enjoying the calm and beautiful night. Moon spends more time during day hours than her sister so she can tend her garden and  to run errands in Ponyville. She has a part time job in one of the flower shops. Moon Violet's dream is to make the biggest and most beautiful garden in all of Equestria.
Spoiler: show

Spoiler: By Beetus • show

Spoiler: By Bakasan • show

Spoiler: By Misty • show

Spoiler: By Thunder Heart  • show

Spoiler: By Kat • show

Spoiler: By Eivuiee  • show

Spoiler: By GlassMirror • show

Spoiler: By Sugarcup • show

Spoiler: By Midnight Star • show

Spoiler: By I like lobsters • show

Spoiler: By Fudgemuffin • show

Spoiler: By Ethereal Nebula • show

Spoiler: By Jenzy • show

Spoiler: By Itty Bit • show

Spoiler: Rainbow June • show

Spoiler: By Ba2sai • show

Spoiler: By Cutiebone • show

Spoiler: By Julius and Jenzy • show