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Topics - Greyscaleisme

Long ago, when Luna and Celestia ruled over the lands of Equestria together, there was peace. But even in a time without war, there will be those that stand to fight against what is good and just. Each princess, knowing this all too well, took it upon themselves to train an elite force of guards. On the outside, they protect the princess they are trained by. But within the walls of the castle, they are trained to protect the innocent lives of common ponies. Each princess hoof selected every member, choosing those that would make a strong and elite force. Upon the formation of the elite squadrons, there were societies formed, and the Lunar Guards were the most reclusive. The dark is taken by many to mean evil and fear, but it can also be warm and caring, much like the enveloping hug of a one you hold dear. When the Lunar Princess was banished to the moon, the society kept on, but as the thousand years passed, the society grew smaller and smaller, till it was but one pony still maintaining the structures within the Lunar wing. With the return of the Lunar princess by Twilight Sparkle and the Elements of Harmony, the ranks need more members. So the one remaining pony has taken it upon herself to gather a new elite team of ponies. Ones trained in both the ancient ways of the night, and the newly discovered techniques of today.

Among the crowded streets of Cantermore, a dark coated unicorn mare wound her way, heading towards the royal garrison. She wore a dark armour, unfamiliar and odd looking to those accustomed to the bright golds of the Solar Guards. She was a Lunar Guard, rarely seen because of their small numbers. With the return of Princess Luna, she had assumed the task of recruiting more for the ranks of Luna. Before she could begin however, she had to trade in her heavy patrol armour for a lighter more friendly version.
Long ago, when Luna and Celetia ruled over the lands of Equestria together, there was peace. But even in a time without war, there will be those that stand to fight against what is good and just. Each princess, knowing this all too well, took it upon themselves to train an elite force of guards. On the outside, they protect the princess they are trained by. But within the walls of the castle, they are trained to protect the innocent lives of common ponies. Each princess hoof selected every member, choosing those that would make a strong and elite force. Upon the formation of the elite squadrons, there were societies formed, and the Lunar Guards were the most reclusive. The dark is taken by many to mean evil and fear, but it can also be warm and caring, much like the enveloping hug of a one you hold dear. When the Lunar Princess was banished to the moon, the society kept on, but as the thousand years passed, the society grew smaller and smaller, till it was but one pony still maintaining the structures within the Lunar wing. With the return of the Lunar princess by Twilight Sparkle and the Elements of Harmony, the ranks need more members. So the one remaining pony has taken it upon herself to gather a new elite team of ponies. Ones trained in both the ancient ways of the night, and the newly discovered techniques of today.

This is the back story for the RP. I will start the RP thread itself soon, for now, discussion about team placements will ensue.

Member applications now closed!

Members and placements:
Greyscaleisme, Spellcaster, attack.
Waaaaaah, Recon, attack.
Fakesmile, Interrogation, defence.
Stryder221, Diversion, neutral.
mirustal, Cartographer, defense.
Gamepaw, Comidic relief, neutral.
What you do is place a random fact about you, I'll start "I speak bits of 5 different languages" now its your turn!

Name: Grey Scale

Eye color: Deep Blue

Mane color: Naturally all white, she dyes a purple stripe in it.

Coat color: Deep black, seems very dark blue in bright light.

Age: 29

Race: Unicorn

Gender: Female

Cutiemark: A shining silver comet

Occupation: Captain of the Lunar Guards in Canterlot.

House: An old apartment in Canterlot.

Backstory: Abandoned as a filly, Grey was taken into an orphanage in Manehattan. As time passed, the orphanage closed, and the orphans were put out on the streets. Grey, young and naive, joined with a group of rather unsavory characters. Despite their inadequacies, they helped her, giving her shelter and food, a family. This group was a mob, violent and cruel, but protective over those they saw promise in. Grey, from a young age, was smart, and possessed very powerful magic. This made her a valuable asset to the mob, and she was trained well. As time passed however, she began to see just how bad her 'family' was, and she disapproved. When she grew of age, she joined the guards, keeping it a secret from all but one of her closest friends. It would come back to haunt her. That friend ratted her out on his first chance, and she was forced to run from Manehattan. She came to Cantermore, and when she was assigned guard duty there, she stayed. She worked her way up through the ranks, talent and skill making her a captain. She became the only member of the Lunar Guards still on active duty, and now that Luna has returned, she is seeking more members to join and hail the moon. The reason she even managed to get into the guards is complex, and it is for that reason, and several others, that the civilian ponies do not know how ponies enter the guards. There are scouts, ponies that have been trained to find, and from a distance, test possible recruits for the guards. When Grey's cutiemark was seen, the scouts went into action. Despite her intelligence, she was no archivist, so she could not help Luna with books or knowledge of the past. And despite her spell adeptness, she was not powerful enough to be a sparring partner. But she was loyal and strong, a great leader, and a good pony, even with her checkered past. It was for this reason, that one day, Grey revived a letter from the recruitment office in Manehattan.

Cutiemark story: One evening whilst prowling the streets of Manehattan, Grey observed a comet go towards, and seemingly disappear into, the moon. Upon seeing this, her cutiemark appeared. She never knew what it meant till she became a Royal Guard. She was destined to be a Lunar Guard, always has been. That comet appeared ever 100 years, and anypony who got a cutie-mark of a comet on that night was destined to serve Luna in some way.

Likes: Good books, music of any kind, home cooking, family, love, friends, and fun.

Dislikes: Ponies who look down on her for being in the guards, ponies who judge her for her past, ponies who act high and mighty because they are rich and 'have connections', and also ponies who break the law in any way for malicious intent.

Fears: Her loved ones dying because she couldn't save them, changelings, and anything having to do with clowns.
Canterlot Archives / To each their own.
2014 May 02, 00:39:29
A young female Unicorn walks along a road in Manehatten, sighing to herself she thinks back to her foalhood ah, a warm summer day in Equestria, bees buzzing to their own tune and birds in the trees, and yet not all is well in this beautiful haven. A small foal, not even old enough for a cutie mark sits crying beneath a tree, with no parents in sight she is alone and scared, clouds start to cover the once bright sky and a cold wind comes, she sits there for hours, not even moving when cold rain pelts her once shiny black coat.    She was brought back into the present by an unexpected jolt to her snout, "huh? Who hit me?" She exclaimed, a young colt appears around a corner "sorry miss, I was running to look for a friend of mine, but it appears as if I missed him" he said, "oh, it's okay, I was just surprised that's all" she replied. "Hey, maybe I could help you find your friend, what does he look like?" She asked, "oh, you don't have to help if you don't want to" he said with a shake of his head, "no, no, I insist" she replied with a smile. "Okay, he has a black mane with royal blue strips, and a green coat" he said, "okay then" she replied " let's go look for him, shall we?".                 

(Feel free to continue!)
Original Characters / My OC: Grey Scale
2014 Jan 05, 00:24:23

This is Grey Scale, he is a black and white film producer.
     His cutie mark is black and white film, he found his talent when he had to produce a film for his art class.
    He is quite shy, and his magical abilities make his work all the more popular. He is not in a relationship, but is looking for a good mare. He is an orphan, his parents were killed on a hike through the Everfree Forest. He is 18 by pony standards.
Introductions Archive / hii!
2014 Jan 04, 19:16:05
Sooo all i really want to say is hi and will you friend me?
o.O   o.O