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Topics - Spectral Spirit

Has anyone every tried to play a DnD-style roleplay in LoE?

If you have any experiences to share or tips on how you did it, I'd love to hear about them!  0:)
Is anyone having trouble with the "Birthday Wishes" quest?  I'm able to initiate it and talk to Grassy Fields after for the second step, but if I try to talk to Wellington, I get a blank text box, and I can't advance the conversation with L'il Galoshes  :s

I just wanna give her a good birthday  D:

I didn't want to bug report if no one else was having the problem  >.<
Introductions / Howdy Everypony !!
2018 May 16, 21:32:15
Hi everypony !!

I'm Spectral Spirit.  I've been playing the game for about a month, but I've never posted on the forums.  I'm an animation student in the United States, and I love mlp !!

I'm a small-time g1 collector, and I love to write, paint and make art. 

Nice to meet everypony !!