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Topics - Vapid Pixel

The Open Server event this August was my first delve into Legends of Equestria, and while the whole game was amazing, I took particular liking to the music.  I've found some of the music around the internet, on places such as LoE's YouTube channel, but I was wondering if the soundtrack from the game could be found in one place somewhere?  I'd love to get MP3s of the game music to take with me wherever I go. Listening to music of games past is something I greatly enjoy, as it always takes me back to the virtual lands I explored.  ^-^ 
I was just curious if anyone knew anything on the topic.  By the way, if anyone on the development team sees this, I would gladly pay for a soundtrack of your game!  I don't know if you had plans to release the soundtrack upon the game's completion or not, but it's something I'd personally be happy to see! 
Hello Legends of Equestria community! I'm Vapid Pixel, a gamer and Brony who dabbles in art and loves listening to music.  I've actually only been a part of this fandom since late 2014.  The recent Open Server was my first delve into Legends of Equestria, and I must say I was very impressed!  I'm pretty quiet by nature, and probably won't be too active on the forums here, but if you ever see me wandering the lands of Equestria during the next Open Server feel free to say hi!  I may be quiet and socially awkward, but I'm friendly! Lol!  ^-^