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Messages - Scootashy

this happened to me aswell with all but the last one with the pony couple after picking I have a book for trade it just ends and trying again repeats with them and just ends they don't say nothing after picking that. most likely broken code or caused from all these auto server resets which seems to cause even more problems to come up
this has happened to me aswell with that same error in journel
wow after being gone for a year I'll be appearing back when its open fully now : D
finding bug problems and giving error and or even crash reports is important to get the rest in that wanna be there with there friends without being bugged out glitched in spots or crash. I'll apply again on the 12th since I'm pretty good at it and would like to be part of debugging and getting loe ready for everypony.
I'd most likely think forum pm and or email or both.
You bet. I'll be cheering the ones that get in aswell. If I make it I will be still cheering the others aswell and ready to work along side the other testers checking for any loose ends that may need to be tied. Any missed bugs and any feedback. Aswell as meet and make new friends.
If I am accepted I'm ready to help with the rest of the accepted ones test through and through.
General News / Re: Announcing Release!
2016 Aug 01, 01:27:35
ill be filling the december app when i see it for limited release as i will be happy to be there seeing others and also helping loe move for its full release.
i didnt make it this time. i got logged in then had a screen problem. reset it then came back in and got could not log you in servers offline so I was not seen this time
I hope it opens again soon and hope scootaloo can get in next time. This closing I was chilling with a timberwolf and two timberdeer I made friends with.
Im getting the bugfixed one now and will be on
yeah servers stopped responding again is what caused that
I'll be waiting scootaloo when we both can get on
yes i hear feb versions work but those files ain't around for download and i dont have them like alot wont have that client version.
i dont have the feb client this osw ain't gonna be much at all if its stuck like this. seems the breaks and bugs have multiplied big time this time. Guess I"ll be stuck in cantomore. Was looking forward of playing hide and seek with scootaloo again
they came back up and after a short time got slow then unresponsive then went down again.
the servers froze up while I was on and now wont reply at all yet. Just hope it ain't those ddos attempts again.
Hi scootaloo : D
I'll be sure to be there for the server test