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Quote from: Aster Topaz on 2018 May 25, 04:43:03There is indeed: it's !roll, and you can specify the type of die by adding something like d20 or 2d10 at the end ("!rolld20" and "!roll d20" both work the same I think, the latter adds an extra space in the printed message).
Just don't get too fancy with it, the feature doesn't handle penalties correctly and I suspect bonuses don't work right either (and don't add words to your rolls, they really mess with the results).
Quote from: CMC Scootaloo on 2018 May 24, 23:14:51How do you imagine doing it exactly? Just simply sitting around a table and have the DM (GM? I'm confused to how they're called now.....) sit at one end with their instructions and the others around the table so they can't see them and everything is imaginary?
Or actually going to places and make it like a roleplay that is narrated by somepony? The latter could be done using the environment we have, but then it wouldn't be real O&O anymore.
Quote from: Holiday Cheer on 2018 May 24, 11:31:21Guess I'd better get around to buy those books and creating the .pdfs to distribute to less fortunate ponies then.![]()
My thought would be yeah, you come up with a basic racial template for each of the races, create characters and submit the sheets here (or on a similar forum post, maybe in the RP section). Then the rest would be 'theater' of the mind except with the ponies actually being able to go to the physical locations to stand around and RP the scene.![]()
((In case it wasn't clear, I'd be willing to GM this. Unless you planned to Spectral)).
Quote from: Pumpkin Glow on 2018 May 24, 09:48:57I mean Tails of Equestria exists.
But I don't know if the rules are basic enough, as I still don't own it due to being too poor to justify buying it, i.o. to just read it.![]()
Quote from: FakeSmile on 2018 May 16, 21:45:06Howdy howdy!
I was always thinkin' 'bout collectin the g-1 ponies but I'm not havin' that much luck ^^;
Anyways, your art is really cute omg. Hopefully we'll get to see more of your art and some of your writin' on the forum. ^^