Flamey Astray, The Crystal Pegasus. [OC]

Started by FlameyAstray, 2014 Jan 23, 14:25:23

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2014 Jan 23, 14:25:23 Last Edit: 2014 Jan 23, 14:40:43 by FlameyAstray
Flamey Astray is a young adult, being at least 1 foot taller then the average pony. she not a princess or a queen of course, but simply a normal mare. she has the body structure of cadence though, and the wing span of Luna.

Ponies often mistake her for a princess though.

She has a nice shining orange coat, giving her the name Flamey. and a crystal pony mane of pure white. her eyes are a bright green.

She is also a pegasus, with the effects of what Cadance's wings have.

This is thanks to her mother being a crystal earth pony [blue mane, white coat] and her father a Pegasus [Orange pelt, dark orange mane]

Shes a friendly pony, always trying to help the ones around her, but she is one to be a loner at times, that's to being made fun of or such. she also likes parties, as it brings a happiness to all the ponies with in it.

Her cutie mark is a raging storm.

That is all you really need to know, other then she carries a firey stone with her at all times, and shes a hothead. :P

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