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Topics - Joylight

Introductions Archive / How is everyone?
2013 Nov 11, 05:19:22
Hey, this is Joylight. Although I should formally say my name here...still haven't passed that barrier yet.  :I

Anyways, I like animals (not all of them though, insects count as animals, don't like them. Parasites too) and a distant member of a few fandoms. Not stating names because it is a touchy subject in itself. That and I don't want to start anything here. Not while this being my second post.  :s

Anywho, I have a DeviantArt but I won't link it. The web outside this bubble is dangerous.   >.< What this means is, I do draw digitally and traditionally respectively. I also write but not as much as I desired to. Most are considered "fanfic" material. The longest "book" I ever wrote is "Lucario Oddball Adventures" which doubled up as my writing assignments in High School. Everyone loved it but that's not noteworthy to me (PG 13. It's lost in my old laptop which...ceased to function...  :c). I'm not doing much now, still draw here and there. Sorry if I seem a bit down, being sick and confused lately.

Also particpated in other games and their forums (Transformice, Feral-Heart, Neopets) so this isn't my first one. It's my fifth and I have high hopes of this game. Not saying its bad or anything but...   X3 Oh geez. So much for me keeping this professional. Yeah, I might be on the little of the...paranoid side but don't let that stop you. I'm willing to listen.  ^-^ I like to overthink things a lot so if you get confused its most likely I'm putting too much thought into things. Puzzles and reading I like to do too, but I haven't found any good ones that appeal to me. Sci-Fi, Fanstasy and Fiction books I prefer. Romance novels, not so much.

Favorite pony: Obviously Rarity. I just love the essance she raditate and some sort of Trying to think of an appropriate word...maturity?'ll do.

Favorite color: It's between blue and lavender. It used to be purple but as I got older it was baby blue. Now I can't decide.  lol

Likes: Some animals (not going to lie saying "I love animals". No.) my hobbies, cartoons, reading, some Youtubers, older cartoon and their channels.

Dislikes: Not much to unless seeking specifics, not much to note. this is a long post, huh? Sorry, I just want to get first impressions out of the way. So, I guess I'll have to wait and see how this place turns out and I gotta say. Loving that this is MOSTLY family-friendly. I can introduce my neices to this without little to no reproccussions. -and my sister. She likes the show too (if curious, her favorite pony is Hasbro's favorite. Pinkie Pie. :D).

Well in hopes to me for breaking the ice...and not break anything (rules and all).
-Joylight (Joy Light in-game if not taken).