Ready to roll

Started by Howitzer, 2013 Jun 11, 23:50:16

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My email has been validated, my account is all customized, and I'm all ready to begin my never-ending flood of posting.
looking forward to seeing you all. A few things about me: Good with history, devoted brony, gamer, in serious need of a few brony friends. see ya in the forums!
------->  Jurassic Systems <-----------

Night Pony

Welcome to the forum!  ^-^

I want to thank all of the artist that have drawn my OCs.
Night Shine and Moon Violet


Greetings and welcome to the forums and to LoE. Please check out the rules explore and have fun. There's lots to see and do and all the time in equestria to see it, there's Arts, Videos, Stories, Singers RP'ers and more so join us you in the madness my friend  ^-^


Hi my new friend and welcome to the Legends of Equestria forum! I wish you to have the best stay here and make lots of friends! And most important HAVE FUUUN!! :D
<br />My channel<br />My DA<br /><br />

Billow Pillow


Greetings, and welcome to the [LoE] Forums! It's a pleasure to meet you. 
To avoid conflict/misunderstanding, I suggest you'd first check out the Rules. If you require additional assistance, help, or simply have a question, i'd suggest messaging a staff, or one of the many helpful users on the forums. 
Want to learn more about each section, or just want a quick and fast tour? Simply click the spoiler below this introduction.

Spoiler: Additional Information Inside • show
Art Section:
The primary Art section, is only for showing off drawings you made, and obtaining feedback on them. 
The Art Request section, can be used to either give out free art, or to simply ask another for some art of your character. 
Under no circumstances should it ever be used for paid commissions. 

Roleplay Board:
This board is primarily built to handle all your roleplaying needs. 
In the Original Character section, this is where you post about your custom character.  You may even request other users to rate your [OC]. 
The Roleplaying section, is where you'll be roleplaying at.  If you don't know what roleplaying is i suggest reading Here.  Certain roleplays acquire you to sign up, so be sure to always read the main page.  Best to check this Section. first.
Please try to keep all OC/Roleplaying mature, and refrain from posting about bloodshed, profanity, or gore.

Pony Sections:
These two sections should primarily be used for dicussings things about MLP/MLP related things.
The MLP FiM: Show Discussion section, should only be used for dicussings things that directly relate about the show. 
Pony Off-Topic is made for dicussing about anything related to ponies.

The Video section, is made for posting videos/channels that you've created!
The Audio section, is designed strictly for posting your own custom audio based creations, or projects.
Have a story you've wrote and want to share it with the other users? That's where the Writing section, comes in handy.

Game Discussion:
In the [LoE] Discussion section, is only for talking about the unknown variables, and facts we already know about the up and coming fan-game.  Worried about [LoE] being taken down? Well don't, but if you want to find out more about this i'd suggest mailing McSleuthburger
Best to avoid posting suggestions too as they aren't currently looking for ideas.

Want to learn about the technical information about the game? Go Here.  Want to learn more about the game? Go Here
Want to make, or join a guild/herd before the game comes out, and build your own miniature following? Go Here

My Chat:

Devotion is a good trait.
Senpai Notice me

LOE Craft: Here
My OC: Here
Dragon Cave Click Meow.

The Wandering Magus

Quote from: Howitzer on 2013 Jun 11, 23:50:16
My email has been validated, my account is all customized, and I'm all ready to begin my never-ending flood of posting.
looking forward to seeing you all. A few things about me: Good with history, devoted brony, gamer, in serious need of a few brony friends. see ya in the forums!
hello and welcome to the forums ^-^ do you roleplay?
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here:
my art:
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013


not really I think I'll be doing more posting than RPing
------->  Jurassic Systems <-----------

The Wandering Magus

(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here:
my art:
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013

Lord of Madness

Greetings from Madness!!! If you need any help there is a place with threads for that right Here.
There is even a thread where some Ponies ask questions Here.
Or you could even ask some of us members, we would be glad to help. Be sure to read the Rules

I hope that you have a wonderful time here my flooding friend lol

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