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Messages - Lord of Madness

Off-Topic / Re: FUNNY image Thread!!!
2012 Mar 29, 18:02:23
 :D *Hugz Nova back tightly*
Original Characters / Re: Nova Class
2012 Mar 28, 15:36:16
lol tiger *HUGS TIGER TOO!!!*
somepony sounds Logical! too bad Madesses full potential can be realized without the Manawell
Original Characters / Re: Nova Class
2012 Mar 28, 06:55:54
LOL what a fun story this has turned into!!!  ovO
*hugz Nova*
he going to come in your room... have a party... and that willl somehow clean the room... then... he will eat the covers on yer bed  ovO
MADNESS HAS been revised!!! iv taken all the best traits over the time ive been on EO and LoE to make him what you and I both love him to be!
Off-Topic / Re: FUNNY image Thread!!!
2012 Mar 27, 17:22:24
Original Characters / Re: Lord of Madness
2012 Mar 27, 07:45:09
*turns your head into a cabbage* NOW your a burrito... but look out.. the trees have haberdasheries with extra anomonons... and on that note... i have sadly been sick lately... it causes ma Madness to recede within me for protection... i think somewhere in my appendix  ovO
all... the... ponies.... he... hehe... ovO
LULZ and thats not even half of the internet....  ovO
Original Characters / Re: Lord of Madness
2012 Mar 25, 10:11:15
hmmm.... ima keep ma eye on you tiger... *but hugz anyway*
loved the episode... THE GAME!!
*Madness is carrying tables around in the shop with his magic*
"ooh well be sure to be back my new friend" *Madness swallows the bits*
"OH dont worry the first is very cheep! not free thou... abouuuuut... 4 bits.. BUT next time its full price my friend"
"eerrrmm... sorry but that tea i cannot tell... BUT if you would like some more just ask  ovO" (( that is one of his 5 secret teas... and you do NOT want to know what is in it..  ovO ))
*suddenly we are all back to the normal area, the tables are right and the gravity is normal but it seems your hair is a bit more blue than usual*
WELL Nothing is really normal here... he.. ehhe...

(( NO and yes, the building here is empty and the door is a gateway/portal to my shop! :D ))
*Madness looks up at you* "dont worry the same thing happens to me all the time!!! ok just stay calm.. but know i dont know how to get down.. and there is nothing i can do..."