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Messages - Itty Bit

Well, it would have its ups ad downs.
Personally, I'd still love the cartoon. Heck, I got into the show before I knew there even was a brony community.
However, I'd probably still be a major internet lurker, never really making any friends online like I have been now. I'd probably still be a big ol' doormat too, like I used to be before I met you guys.
I love Garfield, and he was a part of my childhood but... Pinkie has been with me to help me through these darker moments of the past year, and has made me smile in much more situations than Garfield ever has, so I have to say Pinkie Pie.
Guild Archive / Re: The Haylanders
2012 Jun 06, 06:08:17
Quote from: iAN on 2012 Jun 05, 23:57:43
Some of you may wonder what it may feel like to be in the Haylanders, well I just happen to have this video recorded of this party we had a while ago in Sugar- wait...who's that pony in the back with the top hat?  o.O

Yeah, that seems about right.
Video Games Archive / Re: E3
2012 Jun 05, 14:46:37
this is the first time in awhile I'm more anticipated for what Sony has than Nintendo.
Nintendo's conference started great but... I slowly lost my ability to care near the end...
The new Playstation All Star Battle Royale looks really cool though... Probably the game I'm most hyped for this year. I mean, it's got Parappa the Rapper in it! :D
Original Characters / Peanut Butter
2012 Jun 03, 20:36:55

Name: Peanut Butter

Gender: Female

Race: Earth Pony

Age: 21

Cutiemark: Bun

Special talent: Cooking

Bio: Peanut Butter is not the most attractive pony, being about as tall as most stallions, and even having a bit of a gut. But that doesn't bother Peanut Butter all that much, as she prefers to spend her time in the background, making delicious treats for ponies. She is a very peculiar baker, and always loves to try new bizarre flavors for her friends to taste. She is socially awkward, and not very good at communicating with others, always trying to make herself sound as tough as she can, in fear she might sound "lame" in front of other ponies. She also does foal sitting on the side, and has been known to often foal sit Itty Bit, though she has been known to wander off from time to time.
News Archive / Re: Artists Wanted!
2012 Jun 03, 19:51:19
Quote from: Kit on 2012 May 30, 18:29:05
Yes, but not much longer.

Oooh, we are getting close to the due date? :D
Is it ok if I may ask how many applications you guys have gotten so far?
Guild Archive / Re: The Haylanders
2012 May 29, 11:43:19
Nope.avi, my drawing is on the tippity top ;D
If I'm gonna do what I plan to do, I wonder how stretched out this image will be XD
Video Games Archive / The Backloggery
2012 May 28, 18:34:14
Does anypony else use this site? I find it very convenient to keep track of my games on here. It's quite a bit of fun to fiddle around with. If you do have a backlog, go ahead and post it here  :D
Here is mine:
Video Games Archive / Re: Mario Tennis Open
2012 May 25, 13:47:04
Has anypony else been scanning the hidden QR Yoshi's hidden across the internet? Nintendo has left clues for us all to find these Yoshi's on the official Mario Tennis website. While I could send you all the links to the direct QR codes, I found it an itty bit more fun to find it yourself  :D
Here's the official page where the hints are
Coolest game? I never really thought about which game felt the coolest... Shadow the hedgehog would have been cool... the whole dark/light choices and the rather dark atmosphere had a rather "cool vibe," but Shadow speaking like a fourth grader that just learned about swearing just killed it for me.
I guess I could Say Sonic adventure 2 battle felt pretty cool, with the atmosphere it set up... Either that or Sonic Colors. The fast speed and bright colors just felt so awesome to see whiz by. Especially Starlight Carnival, talk about eye candy!  ^-^

Video Games Archive / Re: Mario Tennis Open
2012 May 20, 20:17:43
I'll probably be pretty busy myself for the rest of the night myself; but hopefully I should have time to play ya again. it's fun to have matches against people who are at the same skill level. :)
Video Games Archive / Re: Mario Tennis Open
2012 May 20, 20:11:41
Hehe, traction isnt much of a problem with me. Especially when it comes to Boo; if you feel unconfident to whether or not he would hit the ball, just teleport ^-^
Video Games Archive / Re: Mario Tennis Open
2012 May 20, 20:06:06
hehe, yeah. I noticed your mii is wearing all the bear minimum items. Those were some good matches though! I think I wanna build my mii up to be a tricky character, Those slices are wicked XD
Video Games Archive / Re: Mario Tennis Open
2012 May 20, 19:35:54
haha, sorry. Let me try again, moving closer to my router. I was quite a distance away >.<
Video Games Archive / Re: Mario Tennis Open
2012 May 20, 19:24:27
Alright! I'm ready when you are :)
I created a room
Video Games Archive / Re: Mario Tennis Open
2012 May 20, 19:00:53
hehe, I'm trying to not play too much today, as I'm going on a long trip later. I wouldn't mind playing a game with you.
You have my friend code right?
Video Games Archive / Re: Mario Tennis Open
2012 May 20, 14:52:03
That dosen't sound like a bad idea, actually ^^
I'm about to go and get the game, myself actually :)
Edit: I just got it. It's actually quite fun to play!
Guild Archive / Re: The Haylanders
2012 May 16, 03:34:10
b-but I'm the engineer of this here herd! I load the demoponies with explosives!
The Retirement Home / Re: Confession Thread
2012 May 15, 15:28:16
This semester I failed the easiest class I took basically I got cocky, and had a nasty procrastination habit  DD:
I'm also terrified of bugs. Once I touched my charger cable thinking it was a big roach one night, and nearly passed out.
The Retirement Home / Re: Confession Thread
2012 May 15, 13:47:45
Quote from: Sonic Heart on 2012 May 15, 13:37:07
Quote from: Itty Bit on 2012 May 15, 13:27:06

I understand what you mean. But alas, I don't really much much of a personal gender preference relationship wise myself. I haven't really gotten started with relations yet as right now I'm just  trying to adapt to my body XD
One of the biggest things I find interesting is the pronouns when it comes to gender preference. If it's okay with me asking, which pronouns are you more comfortable going by?

Me neither...on the dating aspect i mean.. not for anything but im just really hard to talk to...hard to throw conversation topics and such.
I suppose, girl pronouns, even tho im sometimes changing names in different forums i go, going from neutral, to boy names, to girl names and such, im always more comfortable with those. Still i dont get mad, or much sad if someone fails on saying the pronoun right..

I don't often get mad at slip ups either, myself (Especially irl). After all, all of my friends knew me of another gender before they knew me as it was now. I understand changing a pronoun takes time, and just the fact they try to do it makes me happy. I could get into a deep discussion about pronouns, Transgender, and the way society views it, but It would probably go out of the safety zone of the forum's rules, so I'll just leave it there :)