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Messages - SunStripe Brizzal

Name: SunStripe Brizzal

Level at time of application:48

Race: Earth Pony

Gender: Male

DoB: 01/25/99


Levels in given skills



Why should the Timberwolf Infantry enlist you?

I wish to be a scout for her majesty, to run into danger and help my comrades in the fight anyway I can by being in the territory of her foes that appose her. I do wish to make new friends and and have laughs with my comrades.

By signing below, I ensure that I have, to the best of my knowledge/ability, have answered each of the above honestly and to the fullest extent of the truth.

Applicant's Name (type your applying pony's name, and be sure to supply a screenshot of the pony (close and facing camera) from in-game.)
X- SunStripe Brizzal

I'm having problems logging into my account it looks like this.

Server Listing

Cutiemarks .. Error

Items .. Error

Abilities .. Error

Skills .. Error

Recipes .. Error

Items Atlas .. Done

Skill Atlas .. Downloading