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Topics - Itty Bit

Video Games Archive / Them's Fightin' Herds
2015 Aug 28, 23:43:21
You guys remember Mane6? You know, the people that were making Fighting is Magic back before they got a Cease and Decist? No? Yes?
Well, they've been working on another project lately, to capture the feel that Fighting is Magic had to it, and create their very own IP with it. And after a few years of silence, they finally have a name, as well as a crowdfunding coming soon!

What are you guy's thoughts? I'm pretty excited, I remember how smooth Fighting is Magic felt, and I'm excited to see this team's hard work not going to waste. I've always been not so good at traditional fighting games, but I just can't help but get excited whenever a new one shows up <3
Here is their tumblr below
Thought it might be interesting to make a thread like this.
What video games are you currently getting into at the moment? Have you gotten a new game lately? Found an old gem and decided to get back into that? Just wanna keep us updated on a beast of a game you've been playing a lot? Share it here!

Recently I found Metal Gear Solid: Sons of Liberty at a Best Buy bargain bin for only $1! While I still haven't brought my PS2 to my new home yet, I've compensated by replaying Twin Snakes on my Gamecube, to refresh myself of the game's plotline. I rarely replay games nowadays, but this game is just so marvelous, I've now finished it for the third time! C:

Oooh, and I've also been getting into Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess for the first time. I just recently cleared the second dungeon! After the long tutorial, the game is getting a lot funner ^^
Video Games Archive / Splatoon
2015 Jan 13, 17:43:24

Why haven't I made a thread about this yet?
So as some of you may or may not know, Nintendo is developing a new IP, which is the third person shooter known as Splatoon. Aside from it's core multiplayer gameplay, and the announcement of a single player mode, nothing much is known aside from that, although hopefully we will be getting some news regarding the game come the Nintendo Direct tommorow. Either way, I know I'm super excited for this game, and I've been anticipating it since E3 last year!
But I'm curious as to you guy's thoughts for this game~ c:

Not sure if this goes in video games or MLP thread...
Anyway, anybody remember Pony Kart? That one Kart racing fangame that had lots of potential, but has kinda fallen off the map? Apparently the game is being broguht back from the dead in an attempt to revive it... I think this is pretty cool, since I'm a big Kart Racer fan, so if they could actually get this up and running, and somehow avoid a C&D from Hasbro, it could become something pretty neat.
So uh, what do guys think you think?
Video Games Archive / E3 2013
2013 Jun 07, 14:42:34
Oh goody goody gumdrops, it's that time again.
So what do you guys think of this year's E3? Personally, the only thing I'm excited for isn't even related to E3, and that's the Nintendo Direct that is happening on the 11th, because I've heard that the new Smash Bros is going to be mentioned.

But what about you guys? What do you think is gonna happen this year?
So recently I've gotten the urge to play my old NES games the past week or so now. And throughout that week, I played through quite a few games I never beat as a kid, such as Zelda II, Metroid, and Duck Tales. While some of them were pretty tricky at times (Kraid), I was pretty proud to say none of them were anywhere nearly as hard as I imagined them to be back when I was a kid. It feels good to finally be able to say I beat these games I put off for so long! Makes me feel even better to say I beat them without using any strategy guides or walkthroughs, either!
You guys get that same feeling?
Video Games Archive / Rush Bros
2013 Jan 31, 01:08:47
So recently this game has been greenlighted on steam. The general concept of the game is to be a multiplayer racing game, that bases the feel of the levels on your music you upload to it. Tis a pretty neat concept, and I recommend you guys give it the thumbs up on Steam.
But what do you guys think about it?
I should have made a thread about this game earlier...
It's a short little game, but definitely an experience worth having. The cut scenes and the audio is what makes this game worth playing.
Original Characters / Itty Bit's Ponies
2012 Dec 26, 23:42:52
*checks twice to make sure this is the right topic*
okay... good ^-^

Name: Itty Bit
Age: 2
Gender: Female
Species: Pegasus

Appearance: Bright purple Pony with a "candy" red mane. She never does part without her yellow ribbon that she has always had with her. Being her current age, she also wears diapers, and is often seen with her pacifier.

Cutie Mark: Blank flank

Current Caretakers: Parfait and Button

Personality: Active and playful. Always curious and likes to explore and see new things, even if it gets her in trouble. Her vocabulary is very simple, and oftentimes most ponies don't understand her, and loves to be carried around. She also has a pink stuffed Giraffe she usually carries around named Gelly Bean. Itty also loves to color, and sometimes gets in trouble, as she has a nasty habit of coloring on the floors and the walls.
Itty is also known to have a big bias towards colts around her age, as she thinks they are icky and mean. That being said, Itty only has a few friends at her daycare, because she is one of the youngest fillies there, and often gets brushed into another category by the older fillies. This usually does not stop her though, as she is well known for getting other foals involved in her imaginary adventures she likes to have.

Backstory: Due to being a foal, she still doesn't have much of a Backstory. Her original parent's are not present for whatever reason it may be, and is currently adopted. When not supervised by her caretakers, she is usually left at Banana Bread's Daycare.

Other: The main idea I want to try with this oc is growth. As time goes on (and if I can manage to dedicate myself to it for long enough) Itty Bit will become older, and based on how her adventures go in rp will determine how she will grow up, what her cutie mark will be, and how her overall personality could become.
Currently Itty's adventures can be found in her tumblr blog, which can be found here:

Spoiler: show

Name: Peanut Butter
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Species: Earth Pony

Appearance: A tall, orange pelted mare with a blonde mane. She is about as tall as most stallions, and looks about as strong as them, too. She also has a bit of a gut, which she isn't too proud of. she often wears a bumblebee hair clip in the side of her mane

Cutie Mark: A Bun. She is rather good at cooking, and always tries to make new "hit" snacks. Usually resulting in bizarre flavors.

Personality: Quiet and often keeps to herself, mostly because she is somewhat shy towards other ponies. Despite being a big and strong pony, she isn't very proud of her physique, and secretly wants to be small and cute. She can also zone out sometimes, and wonder out of a conversation in a group if something catches her eye.

Backstory: Being different sure is tough when your young, and Peanut Butter is no exception. All through her childhood, the other fillies were afraid to talk to her because of her big physique. She was a natural at athletics, and had decent grades, but was always afraid to talk to her peers. Deep down that frail, tough looking body was a meek little foal who just wanted to be cute. As she grew up, she began to be more respected as a "strong, silent type."
Video Games Archive / WiiU
2012 Nov 19, 15:11:44
No topic has been made about this yet? Kinda strange, since it's a new big name console...
So what do you guys think about it? And if you have it, how is it? What games do you have for it, and how are they?
Personally I haven't looked too much into it, but I'm sure as time goes on I'm gonna be getting one for myself... Just gotta get the funds for it~
Has anyone else here been rather... not so hyped up as much as they want to be for the third season? I remember last season I was pretty excited for the new season to come out, but this year it doesn't really feel that way. It kinda feels like the longer the wait has been for the next season, the less interested I've been in Ponies. Heck, I'm trying to turn Itty Bit and my other ocs into their own thing right now; hence my avatar.

Right now, were about 3 days into the new season, and half the time I keep forgetting it... Maybe its just that I've been a fan for awhile and starting to look for something new, or I'm just a person that can't seem to keep an interest on one thing for too long, I'm not sure...

I don't really wanna leave this community and this forum, because it has a lot of sentimental value for me, and helped me actually talk to people and make new friends... But the more my interest in the show is fading, the less I've been dedicating myself to fan projects like this one...

Does anybody else feel this way..?
So... The new Generation of TMNT has just came out recently on Nick...
For those of you guys have seen it, what do you think of it? I personally am liking it so far; it feels like the previous two generations meshed into one. I specifically like the dialogue and interaction between the Turtles. The animation has a cute little charm to it as well. I may still wait till a few more episodes come out to form my opinion on the show, though.
I have no idea if this is the right thread, however...
If the Legends of equestria forums were a video game, what kind of game would it be? What would be the objective? Storyline?
this is just a silly thought I had in my head; let's see where it goes with this...
Pony Off-Topic Archive / PonE3
2012 Jul 11, 12:52:46
Not sure if I should have posted this here or in the LoE thread... However...
I'm an itty bit surprised this hasnt been brought up yet in a thread, but who else is excited for PonE3? For those of you who don't know, this Friday, the big name Pony games (LoE included) are getting togeather to show off their games! The schedule can be seen here
Which of these games are you all most excited to see? Save for LoE and Fighting is Magic, I'm personally thrilled to see Ponykart!
Original Characters / Peanut Butter
2012 Jun 03, 20:36:55

Name: Peanut Butter

Gender: Female

Race: Earth Pony

Age: 21

Cutiemark: Bun

Special talent: Cooking

Bio: Peanut Butter is not the most attractive pony, being about as tall as most stallions, and even having a bit of a gut. But that doesn't bother Peanut Butter all that much, as she prefers to spend her time in the background, making delicious treats for ponies. She is a very peculiar baker, and always loves to try new bizarre flavors for her friends to taste. She is socially awkward, and not very good at communicating with others, always trying to make herself sound as tough as she can, in fear she might sound "lame" in front of other ponies. She also does foal sitting on the side, and has been known to often foal sit Itty Bit, though she has been known to wander off from time to time.
Video Games Archive / The Backloggery
2012 May 28, 18:34:14
Does anypony else use this site? I find it very convenient to keep track of my games on here. It's quite a bit of fun to fiddle around with. If you do have a backlog, go ahead and post it here  :D
Here is mine: