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Messages - Blue Shield

This RP takes place 1000 years BEFORE the times of princess Celestia, Luna, and so on. Starting classes MUST be basic classes from Fire Emblem: Awakening. To put things in a nutshell, the group is the first to attempt to overthrow discord, whether or not they succeed is all up to the players and their skills.

Since the My Little Pony universe doesn't apply to the classes of Fire Emblem, I'll have to post some to make it fair for all other classes and species.

-Magic based classes such as cleric, troubadour, valkyrie, and so on can ONLY be unicorn.
        -Classes in this list include:
               Valkyrie (female only)
               Troubadour (Female only)
               War Cleric/ War Monk
               Dark Knight
               Sorcerer (Can use tome, dark tome)
               Dark Mage (Can use tome, dark tome)
               Tactitian (Can use sword and tome, can suggest tactics to other units, but CANNOT take control of other units)
-Flying based classes are restricted to pegasi and griffons ONLY Classes include:
               Pegasus knight (Classes are only allowed to use lances and are weak to arrows)
               Griffon Riders (Can only be griffons and can only use axes)
-Other classes are allowed to be whatever race they want to be, and even has special perks, HOWEVER, the pegasus of other classes aren't allowed to fly, and unicorns aren't allowed to use magic. Other perks include:
                Pegasi are granted an agility bonus, allowing them a slightly better chance of avoiding a hit.
                Unicorns are granted a resistance bonus, allowing them a slightly better chance of ignoring magic damage.
-Falcon knighs and Dark Fliers can ONLY be alicorns, being that they can fly and use magic, so to make things fair, they are not allowed.
-Other classes that are restricted are Lodestar, dread fighter, and bride, since I didn't have the DLC to the game, and don't understand how they work.

Now that we've gone over the classes and restrictions, we'll now go over stats. Since most stats are about the same, I'm going to keep it simple and combine some of them.

Attack and Strength have the same effect, both raise your base physical damage. Griffons are granted a +5 this if choosing another class other than Griffon Rider.
Hit and Avoidance can be combined into an Agility stat, since Hit is your base chance of hitting the enemy unit, and Avo is the base chance of avoiding damage. Pegasi are granted a +5 bonus to this when choosing a class other than the listed flying classes.
Critical is the base chance of a critical hit, often times, they result in a one hit KO.
Mag is the base skill adding to magical damage.
Resistance is the base chance of guarding from magical attacks. Unicorns are granted a +5 in the res stat when using a class other than those listed above.

EXP to next level is 100, max level is 20. You can only reset to level one when using a master seal or a second seal, which allows you to change classes. Master seal allows you to change in your class tree, second seal allows you to change to any class.

The list of all characters are in the link, though keep in mind of their restrictions when using this.

All you need is a character in the OC characters thread, and a link. A picture as well if possible. After that, I'll generate your stats, and you'll be ready!

Name: Blue Shield


HP: 20
ATK: 15
Agility: 15 (+5)
CRIT: 13 (at a 1% Chance)
MAG: 0
RES: 10

Note: Pegasus Knights are agile classes and have virtually limitless navigation, but in harsh terrain, their movement is severely limited. (as opposed to being able to move approx. 20m, they could only move 3m per turn.) They are also weak to arrows.

Now, if there's anything I'm missing, feel free to ask, and I'll fill you in on it and add it to the seet! :) Thank you, and have fun!


Team based combat WILL be allowed in the game. Since this would take place in the time of Discord's rule, relationships between units will be HIGHLY useful, and may greatly increase both character's stats depending on their relationship.

Please note that like in the game, as you spend time with team members, and battle alongside them, your relationship level will increase.

F- 1 interaction
E- 5 interactions
D- 10 interactions
C- 20 interactions
B- 40 interactions
A- 80 interactions
S- 100 interactions (ONLY available through opposite-gender pairings and the permission of the other player. This relationship level is marriage.)
I think this is where it goes, since it IS a suggestion... But, what if there was something on the site where people can make suggestions for the game that the members can look at, decide whether or not they like them, then have a member of the team look at it and make the final decision on if it should be in the game or not. Suggestions ranging anywhere between items, locations, or even characters and quests and so on...
Introductions Archive / Re: Hey there!:D
2014 Apr 24, 15:21:29
I most certainly will! Thank you! :D
Well darn. Thanks for that though. I appreciate it. :)
I wasn't aware of that honestly. But then again, you did say Army, so that might only be as much... I was Air Force.
I can access it no problem... But when I try to chat, it doesn't even send... Refreshing and closing the window doesn't help either...
So if that's the case, it might be a whole day I can't use it? Oi...
Well, I'm sorry if my name's making yours seem unoriginal... But I'm just asking for help with the chat box...
Introductions Archive / Re: Hey there!:D
2014 Apr 24, 08:33:51
Yup, already read the rules! And actually, Roleplay and fanfictions is how I like to do things in forums. XD
I did, but it didn't work... I don't know what else to do... I tried refreshing, closing the window and reopening it...
Yeah, so I was chatting with some people in the chat box, and suddenly, I can't post anymore... Is this a bug, or was I simply banned from doing so? Though I don't exactly understand what I did TO get banned from the chatbox...
Well... I was asking for something more like people who served in the Armed Forces... Air Force, Army, Navy, Marines, stuff like that...
I was wondering if there were any military bronies here on LoE that I could talk to every now and again. I haven't been registered long, but so far, I seem to be the only one... I'm a former Airman in the USAF and an Afghanistan war veteran, though the story behind that is rather depressing, so I'm not gonna go into detail about it... But anyone here military? :o
Original Characters / Blue Shield
2014 Apr 24, 02:00:19
This is an old characer I've had in the making since I became a brony. :3 So hopefully he's good to roleplay! :D
Not entirely sure what I'm doing with this, since I couldn't find a reference sheet... So I've got no clue how you guys do these...  ono

Name: Blue Shield
Gender: Stallion
Species: Pegasus
eye color: Blue
Mane style: Short Curtain
Mane color: Golden
pelt color: White
Hoof color: Black
edit Cutie Mark: A blue shield with unfurled wings and a golden heart in the center portion

Profession: First Sergeant in the EUP Guard

Personality: Blue is the type of pony who never lets his friends down. Being strong willed and courageous, he will always be there to back somepony up in good times and bad. Often times, he is kind and compassionate towards other ponies, but he tends to push his limits a little too far which results in him being injured. Blue is extremely down to earth and can easily get along with ponies around the world, and having traveled alot in his work, he is very adventerous and tends to let his curiosity get him in some pretty messy situations.

Backstory: Blue was born and raised in Cloudsdale a majority of his life as a pony who didn't get his cutie mark until he was a full grown stallion, and to get away from all the harrassment, he moved to Canterlot, where he took notice in the EUP guard and did everything he could to enlist. Upon graduating the academy, he was finally granted his cutie mark; a blue shield flanked by two unfurled wings and a golden heart in the center part of the shield. Upon graduation, he had done his best, and showed the utmost prid in his work, which resulted in early promotions and such up to Master Sergeant. He then was offered to serve directly under the captain of the guard, either filling in their position during their absence, pointing the guards in the right direction, or slamming the book on those who misbehave.
Throughout his travels and meeting new ponies and many other citizens of the world, Blue had also learned a very basic grasp of alchemy used by zebras such as Zecora, and various languages throughout Equestria. however, Alchemy isn't a hoby for him like language, and he very seldomly uses alchemy.

Likes: Working, apple fritters, and freshly baked, warm apple pie, and protecting those who need it.

Dislikes: Fighting (Though there may be times he's called upon to do so)

Strengths: Courageous, loyal, and down to earth

Weaknesses: Traumatizing fear of Spiders, pushes his limits too far, Easily angered when ponies make fun of 'blank flanks' [edit] and having only a basic grasp of alchemy, he tends to blow himself up or makes potions that may have negative or no effect.
Introductions Archive / Hey there!:D
2014 Apr 24, 01:21:09
Okay, so I saw some gameplay of the LoE game, wanna try it out SO BAD!!!! So I'm gonna check out the forums frequently and keep posted on errything.  :P Anywho, I feel like sharing how I became a brony, but that'll be given upon request. Even though I read the rules, I'm not 100% for certain if it's against them or not... Lol, so I'll have to wait for a moderator to verify that... At any rate... I love roleplay, and obviously, I love MLP.  :D