Started by Peace Keeper, 2015 Dec 16, 01:24:39

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Quote from: PlatinumJoystick on 2016 Mar 21, 00:22:05
"Oh, hey, Marble. Thought I told you to get some rest. The others are in there asleep, besides Zealous, and I like being far away from him, so it's not a big deal for me. Yeah, go on in there and get some rest, me and Raven are covering watch. You've had a long day." Joy's plans of revealing himself had been foiled by Marble, and he was slightly irritated by the impedement.

Turning to Raven, he opted to still reply, although with an altered reply from what he had planned. "I'll tell you in a minute," he delayed, waiting for Marble to take him up on his offer and head to sleep.

"Very well," Raven replies.


"Go on inside, maybe you'll sleep better in there." At this point, Joy was just trying to get Marble out of the current equation. He had been prepared to tell Raven, and he would likely tell Cheveyo, if only because he was the unofficial leader of the group. It might be info that would help out with escaping, who knows.
Hail to the Knights Of The Dawn.

Misty Fly

Marble : allrighty then *she enters the shed*


With smoky mist filling the graveyard of trees, a light rainfall of ashes fell upon the charcoal ground. Among the corpses of trees; a small, sandy mare stood with her gaze locked on the sky above. The galaxy above was hard to see with the fog, but she could see The Cavalier Constellation looking down at her: Leo, the element of fire. How ironic to have this constellation out on a night like this. A large frown was engraved on the mare's face as she glared at the constellation; she felt like this was a bad omen. The mare scoffed at the sight of Leo before turning her to a different star. As much as she didn't want to look at Leo, she couldn't bring herself to look at anything around her. The sight of burnt trees was too much for her to handle. Knowing a single pony caused this much destruction made caused mix feelings. . . She had failed at something she had been able to control. But the fire grew too fast, and too high; and she is only one water gem spirit. With a heavy heart, she let out a bubbly sigh as she watched the ashes dance around her. The ashes of those who lived long before she took this spirit form.  With her mind heavy with the thoughts of the wildlife who is suffering and her failure, the mare lowered her head.

She always hated fire.

To be surrounded by ashes and to had witness roaring flames, Smile felt like she was traveling back a few centuries. With this throwback to an ugly past, she felt. . . nothing. The mare is as empty as a Baobab Tree. But with this much empty space it leaves room for ill thoughts to fester. It was hard for her to wrap her head around the image before her. Just a few minutes ago, this part of the forest was full of life. It was home to the wildlife, and many unseen forces would have travel through here. . . Now it is a waste land. Like the other spirits trapped on the island, the mare adored the scenery. So many exotic trees, flowers, animals, and waterfalls. . . The island was truly a place of peace. Besides the tainted spirits. Behind all the beauty, there are powerful forces within the island. Forces that some spirits, and few ponies, would like to obtain. It was Smile's duty to keep these tainted spirits from causing harm to the island. . . And she had failed. She had failed miserably. Though she didn't put herself down too hard, her petty bubbles wouldn't be able to douse the flames. No. . . . There wasn't much she could do expect watch the world around her burn. But while that fire grew. And each tree fell to ashes. And the sky stained with smoke. The mare saw something within those flames; she saw a few familiar faces; faces of those centuries ago. These are faces have been haunting her for many many years. These are the faces of corrupted souls. These are the faces of the wicked. These are the faces of pure hatred. These are the faces of those whose actions has caused so much pain. These are the faces of those who were served justice by her own hooves.

It will be a very cold day on Equestria before Smile allows a similar face to slip through her vengeful hooves.

Hippity hop,
There goes The Frog.
Hippity hop,
Toward the smoky fog.

With great speed, The Frog is guided by the breeze.
With great speed, The Frog heads toward the cries of the trees.

Hippity hop,
There goes The Frog.
Hippity hop,
Toward the smoky fog.

Out of his way, he's set off on an important mission.
Out of his way, he has to find the source of the ignition.

Hippity hop,
There goes The Frog.
Hippity hop,
Toward the smoky fog.

With the wind by his side, he will save the cistus.
With the wind by his side, he will bring justice.

Hippity hop,
There goes The Frog.
Hippity hop,
He is at the smoky fog.

The mountain chicken was out of breath by the time he reached the open plain. But he could catch his breath when he is dead; he has a duty to attend to. With the amount of smoke the fire produced, any creature from any part of the island would have known there was a fire. The thought of what creature the fire attracted worried him, but he was more concern about one creature's reaction to it. To prevent any more tragedy, The Frog was hoping his way toward Smile. He already knew she would be here, since she tends to be wherever tragedy is. But the longer he hop, a sick feeling slowly started to grow in his stomach. Much like the mare, he also hated fire. Not because frogs like water, but it is dangerous element. Fire cannot be control, and destroys everything in its reach. The amount of relief that Smile is not a fire spirit cannot be express in words or numbers. She is already a hot head, and The Frog believed that being a water spirit was the only thing keeping her cool forty percent of the time. Too bad her being a water spirit couldn't prevent such a crime against nature. Blaming Smile for this wasn't even in his thoughts; she can only blow bubbles and bubbles can't drown a fire. Even though she is a water spirit, she can't summon water. Instead, she can store large amounts of water in her body. . . I guess that is nature's way to nerf water spirits. . . Speaking of water spirits, it appears like one is coming into view. A weight was lifted off his frog shoulders at the silhouette of Smile. The Frog was croaking with joy to know his travel companion was safe and sound. As he approached the figured, a chill ran down is frog spine. For starters, he could actually see her. There are two reasons for her to be visible: she is angry and wants you to see her angry; or she is about to do something that requires her to focus all her water energy on it than on being invisible. Another detail worth noting was her posture. It was. . . unsettling. Smile's head was hung low, and not a trace of emotion could be seen on her face. Her dead eyes seemed even more lifeless as she kept them locked on the grey world below her. The Frog decided to take extra precaution when approaching her, and slowed his "hippity hop" to a simple "hop". Once The Frog made it to Smile, he stopped shortly in front of her. He gazed up at her lifeless face as he tried to search for the right words to say. When you have been around this mare as long as he has, you know where to tread in order to avoid naval mines. . . Between the stress the fire caused and the awkward silence, The Frog was very uncomfortable. Even though he was mentally trying to perfect his dialog, he knew the chances of it blowing up in his face was always high. But it wasn't like the two had all night, there is an arson on the loose who needed to be brought to justice. As put on a sheepish smile, The Frog croaked,
The Frog: Oh thank the wind, you are okay. . .
. . . . . . . . .
I'm. . . sorry.

That. . . properly wasn't the best thing for The Frog to say. . . but he could have said a lot worse. He tried to keep emotions out of it, but knowing how she is this would even be considered emotional in her book. But someone had to apologize to her; even though he knew she doesn't care for apologize or would accept his. It didn't seem like the words even registered in the mare's mind. She hadn't moved a muscle since he arrived. Her gaze was still locked on the ground. It didn't even look like she was breathing; ghost don't have lungs, but she unconsciously would breath since. . . that is something coded in ponies at birth. Smile was lost in thought and didn't look like she was trying to be found. More and more minutes passed of awkward silence. The Frog continued to look up at her as if he was searching for any hint of life in the pony. To be honest, he wasn't surprised by her behavior. Its amazing how the years past and she still kept her old behavior from her first life. She tends to freeze up when too overwhelmed, and the duration of this spell depends on what the event is. More and more minutes of silence pasted before . . . her gaze slowly drifted on The Frog. She appeared as if she just now realized The Frog was here, and she slowly crotch down on the ash floor. As she approached the eye level of The Frog, her cloudy gaze remained on him.

Even though Smile didn't have any irises, its amazing how much pain her cloudy eyes could inflict on a frog.

A hint of . . . despair emerged from Smile's expressionless face as she stared down The Frog. While she was lost in her thoughts, she became so angry that she managed to burn herself out. Now she was left with this feeling of exhaustion, and wanted to quickly move on from this event. The Frog read the signs, and for the sake of her mental health he would keep his dialog short and to the point. The two of them both let out a bubbly sigh before conversing,
The Frog:. . . . . . . The Wind is gathering earth spirits and sending them our way. . . They should be here shortly to help repair the damage. . . . .
. . . . . . .
Do you have any idea why this happened?

Msr. Smile: No. This one stallion didn't mention anything to the others. . . . He kind of just. . . left without any warnin'.
The Frog: So I guess we have an arson case on our hands. . . . And the vile beast will be brought to justice!
Msr. Smile: Let us not forget those guilty by association.
The Frog: . . . . . . The Wind deliver their punishment. . . and you shall deliver yours.
The Frog. . . didn't really know what else to say after Smile's comment. He knew she was dead serious about what she said and her idea of "justice" was a bit. . . cruel. Even though he didn't agree with the guilty by association, he also didn't care enough about the other ponies to convince her not to go with it. But the events that will take place isn't top priority right now, reviving the ashes were. The Frog was informed that it might take a while to round up enough earth spirits to heal the ground, so the two had to be patient. During this time, the two decided to check out the graveyard of trees and see how bad the damage was. With The Frog placed on her head, the duo explored the ruins of the forest. As she glided along the charcoal field, the frog decided to fill the silence.
The Frog: What a shame. . . To think this place hasn't been disturbed for centuries. . . Decades it took for each of those trees to grow. And within hours a few ponies took their lives away. . .
Msr. Smile: Makes you wonder if you should even bother.
The Frog: All life is worth protecting; no matter how short or long it may last.

After The Frog's comment, the two remained in silence. There wasn't much more to say; The Frog gotten to the point a while ago and Smile didn't feel like talking anymore. She decided to stop wondering the ash field and to pick a spot to perform her water spell. The mare didn't need much space, but she wanted to make sure she was out of the sight of wondering ponies. She took a position near a rather large burnt tree. It wasn't completely burnt, but the weight of it collapse under itself. The Frog jumped from her head to the tree, and got himself comfortable for the show. Within minutes of their arrival, The Frog could feel the presence of an unseen force. It felt as if at least five other spirits were dwelling among them, and the two could on figured it was the earth spirits. These spirits took no time in starting the healing process. Slowly, pieces of burnt tree started to emit a dim green light. The magic of the earth spirits caused the larger burnt trees to crumble into ash. This caused most of the burnt site to be fairly flat and covered in ash.The graves of the trees started to dig new life into the soil. The dim green light slowly died as the roots dug deeper into the earth; the earth spirits work is done As many ponies know, it takes years for trees to grow. The earth spirits had no control over the speed of growth. . . Not until another component was added. Like all living things, these special seeds would need water from a water spirit in order for them to skip to the next stage of the seed's life. Once all the seeds were rooted into the ground, it was time for Smile to do her part. . . But she didn't move a muscle; her gaze was locked back on The Leo Constellation. The frog figured the mare was lost in thought so he decided to speak up in order to bring her back to reality,
The Frog: The earth spirits are here. . . You know what to do, Msr. Smile. . . .
As the mare stood tall above the ash, and her face reverted back to its blank state. It wasn't because she was numb to the sight of trees or wowed by the sight of the earth spirits magic. No, she was lost in her thoughts. The earth spirits had done their part, but water spirits would be able to make the process much faster; one of the reasons why these two elements tend to stick together. But she wasn't thinking about how well she could get along with the spirits. She was thinking about her part of this process. Water Spirits magic is very different from others and required not just water, but a lot of thinking to be able to perform. This was one of the main reasons why she avoided doing spells; she was awful at coming up with poems. The mare took two unnecessary deep breaths before she closed her eyes. Some water spirits like to show off and dance along with her songs, but her dancing was even worse than her poems. No, she decided to take the lazy route; and to stand tall and proud where she was. With the poem on her mind and vengeance in her heart, she began to recite her water spell.

From the sky back to the ground,
Rainfall makes the world go 'round.
While the world continues turning,
I shall keep it safe and sound.

With my song that I am singing,
I will have these dead roots breathing.
With my song, I'll bring life to the ash,
And soon charcoal trees will start thriving.

The forest floor stained grey from the ash,
But on this island, that colour clash.
My water magic will cause a splash,
That'll bring a rainfall to bloom life in the ash.

As the words of the song filled the air, so did bubbles. The bubbles were the size of a tennis ball and sparkled as they poured onto the ground. As the song continued on, the bubbles floated along the ash floor. The bubbles were attracted to the soft green glow emitting from the charcoal. As the bubbles engulfed the green light, they instantly popped. Upon popping, a small burst of crystal water fell upon the forest floor. As the ground absorbed the mare's magic, a small sapling pocked its head through the ash. It didn't take too long till the ashes of the fallen had a tiny green sapling taking the place of the lost one. The mare's song came to a stop once the last bubble popped.  Both Smile and The Frog knew the damaged couldn't be fixed with one song. For these trees to be reborn, it would take many songs under many starry nights. . . But they had done all they could do now.

The Frog took a moment to shake off the ash that flew on him. As he turned toward Smile, the mare had already taken on her invisible form. He wasn't too surprised by the sudden change; she preferred to be invisible to the naked eye. The duo thanked the earth spirits for their assistance, before heading down the ashy path. The damage was repaired. . . now all that is left is justice. The Frog already knew what The Wind had in mind for the arson, but what Smile had planned was unknown.

But with this much empty space it leaves room for ill thoughts to fester.

Spoiler: Please Read Me • show
Msr. Smile is placed far away from Zealous, so he shouldn't notice nor hear anything these two have said so far. With that said, please don't have him notice her. He can notice the bubbles but not her.
🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻


"Hmm, Im not seeing anything here...maybe it must not be in this area."
Zeal was starting to get a bit tired from the search as noticed that the time of dusk was slowly coming to an end within a few hours. But he wanted to make sure whether there really wasn't anything abnormal in the area he just sacrificed just for what he was searching for. He began to take out the gem that was making the black hole earlier to see if he would get any reaction. However, just as the cryptic stallion was about to start, he started to see a glimpse of bubbles in the air. It was faint appearing as if he was imagining it which caused him to blink a few times and smirk.
"Is this another piece of the puzzle that has yet to be completed?... :]" he said.
Just as he looked again the bubbles had already disappeared from his sight. Still, picking his curiosity he put away the stone and closed in towards the direction of where he saw those bubbles.
"[glow=blue,2,300]Hue Lunar Dusk archmage of the EverFree at your service.[/glow]"
conflictus nec divinos



2016 Mar 23, 22:44:20 #645 Last Edit: 2016 Mar 24, 10:11:30 by PlatinumJoystick
((Jeez, Fake, you're gonna make us look bad! aboogaboogabooga

Great post, homie.))
Hail to the Knights Of The Dawn.


//Too late he showed us up a long time ago  :]
"[glow=blue,2,300]Hue Lunar Dusk archmage of the EverFree at your service.[/glow]"
conflictus nec divinos



Quote from: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 23, 05:11:09
Marble : allrighty then *she enters the shed*

"Shall we continue the conversation?" Raven inquires.

Misty Fly

Marble : i guess...*she looks at raven*


Quote from: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 23, 05:11:09
Marble : allrighty then *she enters the shed*

Quote from: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 24, 08:22:51
Marble : i guess...*she looks at raven*

*I was talking to Joy, you left, how could you even have heard Raven, much less respond, and why?

Misty Fly

//i thought you were talking to me


"Well, seems like I will get a chance to explain, after all." Joy hesitated for a moment, as if he still wasn't quite sure that he wanted to reveal himself.

"What would you say if I had been one of those bucks? One of the guys who had to resort to those acts to get by?" Joy's voice had dulled to a bit of a whisper, wanting only Raven to hear what he had to say.

He hoped that the hybrid would be pretty positive in his reaction, because Joy trusted him and, as he had stated before, wanted to keep him as an ally and as a friend.
Hail to the Knights Of The Dawn.


Quote from: PlatinumJoystick on 2016 Mar 24, 10:12:52
"Well, seems like I will get a chance to explain, after all." Joy hesitated for a moment, as if he still wasn't quite sure that he wanted to reveal himself.

"What would you say if I had been one of those bucks? One of the guys who had to resort to those acts to get by?" Joy's voice had dulled to a bit of a whisper, wanting only Raven to hear what he had to say.

He hoped that the hybrid would be pretty positive in his reaction, because Joy trusted him and, as he had stated before, wanted to keep him as an ally and as a friend.

"In such a hypothetical, you've shown to me that, unlike some, you care for your fellows, and try to do right, even if such isn't always practical for you. Thus, my opinion of you stays like it was when you were willing to undertake the magical assistance I'm in need of originally," Raven explains, piecing together what this is all about.

Rush of MLP

At the edge of the destruction, Chrome sat, panting, and covered in burns, ash, and sweat. Within about an hour, he had managed to bring the wall of flame to a halt with the help of many runes and a few forest creatures that were already trying to smother the fire. Tired and injured, he laid down on the forest floor, accepting both that he was too weak to return to the camp and that he was wide open to attack where he was. While the forest creatures around him seemed either docile or grateful for his help, he was sure that something would come along and at least try to harm him while he rested, but he didn't care. He had still helped to prevent the camp from being destroyed, as well as preventing the whole forest from burning down. His only regret in this entire situation was that he was unable to get there sooner. He could only imagine all if the animals that had been trapped by the blaze before they were lost to it.

With a sad sigh, Chrome put his head onto his hooves and allowed his body to shut down as he drifted to sleep.

Misty Fly

*Marble looks at the celling and tries to fall asleep*

Peace Keeper

*-So I assume everything is done here? Or maybe writer's block x3
Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.


((No, no way, just been a bit preoccupied and haven't really felt too inspired lately.))

"Good. That's a relief. Just wanted to come clear, you know? Also allows me to tell you about those 'odd jobs' in the future. For now, let's get a little more attentive."
Hail to the Knights Of The Dawn.

Misty Fly

Marble : what are you two talking about?


"Nothing, go to sleep," Joy dismissed Marble, praying that she heard none of the rather, at least to Joy, personal conversation. He wouldn't be very happy, given that he's seen that Marble could become kind of hot headed and irrational at times, and he didn't want that quality to leak his secret.
Hail to the Knights Of The Dawn.

Misty Fly

Marble : ah well...keep secrets i see...

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