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Messages - MisfitRemix

I use an 8 year old Toshiba laptop that runs on windows. The fact that it is 8 years old shouldn't make it have so many problems though because I can run other games like League of Legends and Champions Online just fine. Sorry if that wasn't the information you wanted, I am not very tech savvy.
The game will let me log in and create my pony, but as soon as I finish creating my pony the game takes me to the loading screen that lets you into the game and loads for a while before either taking me back to the log in screen or closing the game entirely. If I try clicking anywhere the game screen will turn white and stop responding. Regardless of whether I do anything or not, after ten minutes or so the game tells me that my connection has timed out, then it takes me back to the login screen and says that the room failed to connect and it will try to switch rooms. Then it just stays like that forever until I press cancel.
Here are some screenshots of what is happening.,100):origin()/pre00/2c1c/th/pre/i/2017/257/0/5/mlp_screenshots_1_by_legendofzeldisdabomb-dbndde5.png?1,100):origin()/pre00/88d3/th/pre/i/2017/258/2/e/mlp_screenshots_2_by_legendofzeldisdabomb-dbnidqb.png?1,100):origin()/pre00/a721/th/pre/i/2017/258/f/0/untitled_by_legendofzeldisdabomb-dbnidqb.png?1,100):origin()/pre00/f3e3/th/pre/i/2017/258/2/3/untitled_by_legendofzeldisdabomb-dbnidqb.png?1,100):origin()/pre00/f152/th/pre/i/2017/258/0/c/untitled_by_legendofzeldisdabomb-dbnidqb.png?1,100):origin()/pre00/779f/th/pre/i/2017/258/4/7/mlp_screenshots_2_by_legendofzeldisdabomb-dbnidqb.png?1,100):origin()/pre00/07b0/th/pre/i/2017/258/8/f/mlp_screenshots_2_by_legendofzeldisdabomb-dbnidqb.png?1

After several HOURS of trying to be a unicorn like my oc, I decided to try to play as another race just to see what would happen. The problem still occurred if I tried to be an earth pony but I was able to get into the game and actually play a little bit as a pegasus. However, if I try to leave Cloudopolis the game just crashes like it does when I try to play anything other than a pegasus, and I have to completely shut down the game and start it up again. When I come back in it just puts me back at the portal I tried to leave from in Cloudopolis. So, I am pretty much stuck playing a pegasus and can't leave Cloudopolis at all. Also, once I finally got to play the game I experienced a lot of bugs that I already made a post about.
I have tried to download, deleted, and redownload both direct versions and the normal windows version of the game multiple times. I can only open the game with a direct download version, if I try to open it with the normal windows version it has me extract all files like it should but when it is done and I tell it to open the game nothing happens. I even tried to download all three versions so I had them all on my computer at the same time(not that I really thought that would help), but nothing I do fixes the problem.
Please help.
Resolved Issues / Re: Can't Enter The Game
2017 Sep 11, 16:54:42
I found another way around the emote bug. If I target an npc and use one of the ground stomp attacks my character will do the attack and be able to move around again.
I am having the same problem, but the !s don't disappear even though my quest log says that I passed through them. They stay marked on the minimap and floating in the rings and an additional one is above the quest giver telling me to speak to him, but he just tells me to go through the rings and come back to him when I'm finished.
Resolved Issues / Lots of Minor Bugs
2017 Sep 10, 19:51:17
While I was playing the game I noticed quite a few minor bugs, such as:
Stuck in an Emote
After talking to an npc with a quest my character would sometimes activate an emote during the conversation and be stuck doing that emote and unable to move until I log out and log back in.
Edit: I figured out how to get out of this bug(read the comments below), but the game decided that since I figured it out , now it keeps activating my abilities during the conversation and draining my energy. It also keeps skipping the dialogue boxes of NPCs so fast that I can barely read two words of a text box before it goes to the next one, making me miss most of the conversation so I only catch half of what I'm supposed to do. My quest journal still tells me what I'm supposed to be doing anyways, but I would actually like to listen to what the NPC has to say.
Stamina Bar
One being that if I am flying my stamina bar will not go down until I land sometimes. I noticed that this is just a visual glitch because I was flying around for a while to explore and I fell because my stamina ran out. Once I land it then starts to go down to zero before it will regenerate, but it will sometimes go down like normal if I am just sprinting. Other times if I am just walking or standing my stamina will drain all the way down and this is not a visual glitch because once it gets below 20 I can not start to fly or start sprinting.
Another one is that I found a shop that sells socks so I bought them, but when I put them on they were invisible even though in my inventory it shows them as equipped on the character sheet. However I did a quest that gave me a soldier's helmet, another one that gave me a scroll bag, and another that gave me a lantern to hold, but I have no problems seeing any of them them when equipped. I also bought a top hat from the same store to see if it was a glitch with store bought items or something like that, but I was able to see the top hat as well. It just won't let me see the socks for some reason, which especially sucks because socks were the one item that I really wanted.
Mane and Tail Movement
Also, my character's mane and tail are constantly flopping around regardless of whether I'm moving around, or if I have been standing perfectly still for a few minutes. I see other players running around and their Mane and tail mostly stop moving a second after they stand still like it should, but my character looks like it is having a seizure. I have only seen one other pony having the same problem with their mane and tail, and that pony was an npc.
My character cannot walk up most staircases either, if I try the game treats the stairs like walls and I have to either jump or fly over them to go up the staircase. I can't walk up the stairs even if I jump halfway up the staircase and then try to walk up them, but I have no trouble going down them. And although I can't walk up the tiny steps, I can walk over the railing that is at least as tall as my pony perfectly fine.
Walking Quest NPC
At some point I found a guard next to the teleport spot near the airship going to Cantermore. He gave me a quest to go find his wife and remind her that they are supposed to be having lunch in half an hour. Finding her was easy as she was marked on the map with an exclamation point like she was supposed to. However, I had a hard time clicking on her to start a conversation because she only stops moving in certain locations, and she only stops moving for literally half a second, and she walks really fast. She also takes a long time to get to another location she stops at, and when I finally caught up to her and got the option to talk to her to pop up when I click on her, as soon as she gets about twenty feet away the conversation ends and I have to catch her all over again. Waiting at the few locations she stops at doesn't help, and I have to zoom through the conversation and hope I click the right response to complete the quest. I don't know if this is a bug, or she is supposed to do this, but if she is doing what she is supposed to do it would be highly appreciated if the devs slow her down or at least make her stop moving when you try to talk to her.
After I completed the above mentioned quest with the guard and his wife they stay marked on my minimap with exclamation points for some reason. I looked at my quest journal and saw the parts of the quest that I had to do like it shows for other quests. It says that I need to talk to the guard then his wife then the guard again, which show a grey diamond next to them meaning they have been done, but then it says that I need to talk to the wife again then the guard for a third time marked by a green diamond meaning I have not done this yet. The problem is that after I talked to the wife and went through the conversation the way that I needed to with saying the correct responses the first time then went back to the guard, he thanked me and gave me the quest completion rewards and experience, but he is still marked on my mimimap along with his wife. After going back and forth between them for a while with them only giving me normal one sentence npc chatter I decided to exit the game and come back in. They were still marked on my mimimap. I went and tried to talk to them again and the exclamation marks finally disappeared from the map, but they are still displayed over their heads and the quest is still listed as unfinished in my quest journal. When I log out when I am done playing for a while their exclamation marks are back on my mimimap when I get back in the game, and it will do the same thing as before if I talk to them again. This is the only quest I have found that does this.