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Topics - BlazeyE

Video Games Archive / War Thunder!
2014 May 16, 11:35:36
I've noticed that there really isn't a thread for this game here... Whether it be no one plays it, or no one has made it yet... So, I thought I'd make the thread just for the heck of it.

Recently (that being yesterday), Ground Forces was released. I played a bit of it, mainly to just get my x2's in, since I'll be gone for the weekend at a fire school for technical rescue. And I have to say, even with the glaring bugs, such as tanks where DM's don't exist, tanks with unrealistic (that being not historically accurate) armor loads, such as a T-34 being able to withstand the brunt shot of a Panther or Tiger at point blank range, and shots not even registering half of the time, the game is outstanding. Love the no health bars! But, I do really feel that Ground Forces will be a viable competitor to World of Tanks, especially with the engine that Gaijin is able to support.

And I'm really surprised that in comparison, the later Tiger II and Panther are actually superior to the IS-4 and ISU-122, which were built to counter those tanks.

Anywho. Discuss if you want. If no one actually plays, it'll just be around for me to rant/rave on. XD