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Messages - bauccgia0

Original Characters / Re: Schakolad Chip!
2014 Jun 27, 21:12:10
Ramisha gets it right! Which is funny, since I kind of based the character off the Heavy, so his pic is topical. Sorry for the very, VERY late response; haven't been on this site much.
((Laserbolt isn't doing anything yet, so I'm gonna skip a post, mkay?))
Laserbolt had produced a syringe, and was about to stick it into one of the jellies, when the meteors destroyed them instantly. "Ah, man! Oh, wellllll..." The syringe floated back into his bag, as he looked around. "So... what next, Luna?"
"What?! No I don't, what are you talking about!" Larry grabbed his book bag and held it close to him. Dipper raised an eyebrow, and looked at Larry. "Does it look anything like this?" Dipper pulled the Journal out of his jacket, and Larry's jaw dropped. "Hey, that looks really cool! I-" He stopped, and sighed. Then he took out the journal. "It doesn't look the same, but it's got this weird thing inside."
"What's with the lamp?" Dipper asked. Larry grinned sheepishly. "I kinda.... broke something. So we went to replace it." He hoped that Summer would keep the book a secret for a bit.

((Hint: Don't keep it a secret.))
Dipper stepped out of the door to the Mystery Shack, and saw the teens walking up to the Shack. "Oh. Hey, Summer! Hey... you?" He raised an eyebrow at Larry, who slipped the book into his book bag. "Hey. Name's Larry. I work here now, hope you don't mind."
"Gotcha!" He followed her, letting out a sigh of relief.

(Do ya mind if I play Dipper?)
Larry suddenly closed the book, and looked up. The bird was gone, but the thunder clouds were still there. "It's... I was gonna write a story later, and this thunder storm proved to be pretty inspirational. SO! We heading back?" He forced a grin, hoping she wouldn't push too hard for an explanation.
Larry ran completely outside, looking upward. As it started to rain, he heard the caw again. Above him in the clouds seemed to be an enormous bird, with strange colors. It almost looked like it was a carving of some sort. "Is that...?" He looked around, and conveniently enough, nobody else was on the street. He started scribbling in the notebook. In all caps at the top, he wrote, "THUNDERBIRD", and then recorded its appearance, and its effects on the area.
Larry suddenly flipped open the journal and scrawled, "Strange weather patterns, tremors in area." in a blank spot. "Excuse me, sir! You have to pay for that first!" Larry turned and saw the cashier, who looked a little peeved. "Oh, sorry. How much?"  "10 dollars, although I don't know why would buy it. Everyone else who looked at it pretty much ignored it. I thought we'd never get rid of it." Larry gave the cashier ten dollars, then ran outside. "Summer, can you look for a lamp? I gotta look into this, I think."
Larry, noticing the tremors, walks outside, and looks up. "Looks like it's gonna rain. Guess it was thunder, or something."
Laserbolt, seeing the new heartless, grins. "You know, maybe it's just me. But am I the only one wondering how long that thing could power an engine? I need to grab some of that stuff. Cover me, folks, I'm goin' in!" And with characteristic brashness, he dove into the horde, firing blasts of energy from his keyblade at the heartless.
"Perhaps it's a reversal. Red fire is hot, blue fire is... cold? Maybe heat will put it out."
Okay! I'll send him a message.

Post Merge

Here you go folks, straight from the horse's mouth.
That is the RP.
That is the new OOC. You'll have to sign up for the forum real quick, but it's easy enough. See you guys there!
The stallion snorted at Flame, and started walking away. [glow=brown,2,300]"Ah think ah need to get goin'. See you 'round, Soldier."[/glow]
Laserbolt peeked into the first room, trying to make sure that there was nothing inside. It was strangely dark, darker than he had expected. It was also a strange kind of dark. Everything near to him was bright as day, but a few feet out, it got pitch black. "Luna? Do you know how to get rid of forced darkness?"
Earl began setting up his class, hoping he had read the schedule right. It seemed to be strange. It kept changing the times, it would stay the same for a bit, change, then return to the previous readout. "I'm not sure about this..."
Well, we could migrate this over to Magus' new forum.
"Ah. Gotcha. Maybe I should do that, sometime." Laserbolt trotted ahead, wondering about the logistics of donating his soul.