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Messages - NebulaMist

The Retirement Home / Re: Corrupt a wish
2013 Aug 29, 13:08:21
Granted,but you are a real pony.....From the Real World....Not MLP D:

I wish that this wish is acceptable.
The Retirement Home / Re: Corrupt a wish
2013 Aug 21, 05:34:50
Granted,but you won't get any game  >.<

I wish that Luigi would be more loved D:
The Retirement Home / Re: Corrupt a wish
2013 Aug 19, 09:28:46
Granted,but you got locked in.

I wish for Fluttershy to be not so shy about it without taking the thing seriously...Boost the confidence what :V
The Retirement Home / Re: Corrupt a wish
2013 Aug 18, 14:32:42
Granted,but you live in the street because something happens to have stolen all your bits :V

I wish for the next Pokémon game to come out quicker D: I can't wait anymore ! It's so awesome ! Oh by the way,you can't make it lamer :V
Original Characters / Re: Nebula's OCs
2013 Aug 15, 04:10:04
Ahhh....I thought I made it clear XD

Alright. Nebula is an alicorn. But because of the bullying she had known,she hide her HORN to strangers so she have only her wings left.
So she is known as a Pegasus by strangers/bullies.

But thanks for the compliments.  ^-^
Original Characters / Nebula's OCs
2013 Aug 12, 07:42:27
Hello everypony ! I'll put there all my OC I'll create during my journey there. Please bear that I have little knowledge of the MLP universe. If there is errors,please tell me. ^-^ And yes,I'm DarkRioluKiraya in deviantart,so don't scream that I stole them from "myself" x) If you want proof,send me a PM. I'll be happy to oblige :). Now that is said,let's move on !


Name : NebulaMist (Neb/Nebula)
Species :  Alicorn / Known as a Pegesus
Gender : Mare
Age :  17
Appearance :
Cutie Mark : Pink Mist with a Fushia symbol
Talent : Flying at high altidude and finding good hiding spots.
Personality : She's a calm pony who you can trust any secret you want to give her. If you talk about a rumour about PinkiePie having a hidden place where she puts every extra cupcakes Mrs.Cake does. She would envistagate first before believing it. She seems social but she prefers the quiet and she would hide to high places and look around.
Hobbies : Finding hidding spot to admire the landscape,flying high and cooking meals.
Likes : True friends,flying,landscape,cooking.
Dislikes : Bullies,pride stallions,failed meals.
Fears : Being bullied again.
Strengths : Mostly flying but she is good at magic.
Weaknesses : Magic stamania and can be easily hurt.
Living currently : Cloudscale
Backstory : Born as an alicorn. She always knew the quiet and the void of friendship because her parents would try to protect her of the teasing that would do when she would go to school. Her mother learned her every illusion spells to hide features that she would like to hide.When she went to school,she was teased a lot in Kiddengarden. So she uses her magic to hide her corn to be accepted. She only let it out when she is either tired or that she trust the person. So many ponies thinks that she is only a Pegasus. And she likes it that way. [Writing/Not finished]


Name : MoonDust
Species :  Pegasus
Gender : Mare
Age :  17
Appearance :
Cutie Mark :  Yellow Moon with a silver pile of "dust" under it.
Talent :  Finding Meteors/Smashing then into dust.
Personality : She is a shy pony. She is not easy to befriend with but once you know her,she will open up and let her joyful self out.
Hobbies : Finding Meteors at night,smashing them to sells them at small prices to finances her studies.
Likes : Anything about space and night.
Dislikes : Rain,anything that blocks the clear sky.
Fears : Thunder / Monsters
Strengths : Flying and selling stuff.
Weaknesses : Fighting monsters,emotions.
Living currently : Ponyville
Backstory : Unknown
Alright ! Thank you for the awnser :)
As I don't have the skills to apply,I have one question that had been in my head for quite of time...

Can we apply for a post for an amount of time ?

What I mean is that (for exemple) we can work on the project for,let's say, 3 months and after we can't because of life n' stuff but we want to help on speeding up the project.

Is it allowed or not ?
Fix-it-Somepony XD
If BigMac a liar,his name would BigLie
The Retirement Home / Re: Colts vs Fillies
2013 Jul 24, 10:39:46

I'll just ignore it for a time  :l
The Retirement Home / Re: Colts vs Fillies
2013 Jul 24, 10:27:30

I don't know if I should stop or not :l
The Retirement Home / Re: Colts vs Fillies
2013 Jul 24, 10:15:36

Dunno *shurg* :c
The Retirement Home / Re: Colts vs Fillies
2013 Jul 24, 10:07:42
Because it seems like it :s
The Retirement Home / Re: Corrupt a wish
2013 Jul 24, 09:52:22
Granted,but it's transparent,so you have a hard time to find it.

I wish for void.
The Retirement Home / Re: Corrupt a wish
2013 Jul 24, 09:33:16
Granted,but you can only see the future of the person's death you have contact with your hands. :I

I wish that I'm not bored anymore :l
The Retirement Home / Re: Corrupt a wish
2013 Jul 24, 09:27:20
Granted,but you can't go back to Equestria DD: You are doomed to float in space forever.

I wish that I can have finaly an awnser about my art. :l
The Retirement Home / Re: Corrupt a wish
2013 Jul 24, 09:09:24
Quote from: Mystery0123 on 2013 Jul 24, 09:01:43
Quote from: NebulaMist on 2013 Jul 24, 08:59:47
Quote from: Mystery0123 on 2013 Jul 24, 08:55:00
Well, I'm all out of ideas... :\

Ouch xD

Well,I wish for a cookie then :L

I'm not even gonna corrupt this one, seeing as though the corrupting is apparently over.
*Gives cookie* :P

Yaaayy 8D

Granted,but you just used all your wishes.

I wish that I can see through walls *_*
The Retirement Home / Re: Corrupt a wish
2013 Jul 24, 08:59:47
Quote from: Mystery0123 on 2013 Jul 24, 08:55:00
Well, I'm all out of ideas... :\

Ouch xD

Well,I wish for a cookie then :L