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Messages - RainCloud

Stage 1 completed :3
I was watching a vid on Youtube, and it had a brony song on the background. And i was like: 'hm, catchy, where is it from?' So after watching a lot of brony stuff, i decided to watch the show as well  ^-^
News Archive / Re: 24 hour event!
2012 Dec 24, 08:03:59
Cant wait  ^-^
Quote from: Blizzard Wing on 2012 Nov 18, 14:30:30
Quote from: RainCloud on 2012 Nov 18, 01:43:03
And now i'm sad :(  I just found out that if it's day here, the most of you are sleeping.
Oke, now i'm not sure if that is right...I dont understand your weird clock :(
Oh wait, i looked on the internet, and my first thougt was right. It seemes i need to stay up late to be with the most of you...

same here. ^-^
I'm from Germany so I too have to stay up late to talk to anybody, but it's nice to know that I'm not the only one :D

Seriously?! Your German? :D
Then we have exactly the same time-zone, i live next to you :)
Quote from: Midnight muzic on 2012 Nov 18, 13:28:26
Welcome to the forum! Hope you enjoy goofing around with all the ponies around  :D

Thanks :)
And now i'm sad :(  I just found out that if it's day here, the most of you are sleeping.
Oke, now i'm not sure if that is right...I dont understand your weird clock :(
Oh wait, i looked on the internet, and my first thougt was right. It seemes i need to stay up late to be with the most of you...
Introductions Archive / Re: Hello
2012 Nov 18, 01:28:47
Welcome at the forum :)
Quote from: Weremetalwolf on 2012 Nov 17, 18:53:12
OC stand for Original Character, and it's the avatar you usually use for roleplays. I'm talking about RainCloud pony  X3

Oh :D

What is a OC?  X3
But thank you :), i guess
Welcome  ;)
Quote from: Night Pony on 2012 Nov 17, 17:30:39
Welcome to LoE!  ^-^ And honestly I would never ever ever guessed that her CM was a rain cloud.  lol

Yeah, it's just unbelievable ;)
And now i want something to talk about :(...You know something?
Hello Tokyo ;)
Introductions Archive / Hello Evrypony~
2012 Nov 17, 17:15:11
Hey! My name is RainCloud and i am new here  :D

Here are some random facts about my 'Character'.
* Like me, RainCloud isn't Englisch, so sorry for bad Englisch :)
* This is maybe the most weird fact: RainCloud's Cutie mark is a rain cloud
* RainCloud is a pegasus, and se likes to run and fly around, searching for places to discover
* If you may thougt otherwise: RainCloud does like the sun as well  :P

And if you still want to know something about her, you should ask ;D