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QuoteWhen I was young, my parents sent me to the Canterlot School of Magic, because apparently, I showed a strange affinity for magic. I quickly became friends with a young filly named Twilight. We studied together, and grew from each other's company. However, after a while, she started studying alone, and she wouldn't talk to me for a while. This made me... more than a little bit bitter. I used it as my motivation that I would become better at magic than her. Every day, I studied, harder and harder. But she never even noticed me. I always found that weird. Then, on the day of the final test- where we have to complete some gargantuan task, to prove what we have learned- she was right in front of me. I saw her entire test. This does relate to me. Her test was to hatch a dragon egg, and she seemed pretty confident she could do it. My test was to start up a magical rune engine. It may seem like it's unfair, but hatching a dragon egg is really hard, so I'll give her the benefit of the doubt. But when she went to do it... Here, Laserbolt relays the story as we've all seen it in the show.
When it was all over, it was finally my turn. I was definitely angry, but I knew I could pass my test. But, of course, something wasn't right. When the planets aligned for Little Miss Twilight Sparkle, it supplied her with insane amounts of power, which had to come from somewhere. Guess where it came from? As soon as I tried to start up the engine, I blacked out. When I woke up, they told me I had failed, and would have to try next year. I was livid. I practically stormed up to Celestia and demanded a retest. I think that's when she started to dislike me. One long, agony-filled year later, I finally took the test. It had been changed to having to, instead of starting something up, to disabling something. An old, 6th Era Battle Golem. I had to shut it down. Yeah. It almost killed me. I think they were trying to make up for the extra year I got, but at the same time, I can't help but feel that Celestia had something to do with it. When I finally did it, I was told that I passed. But no princess came to congratulate me. I didn't get any special recognition, just a "You passed." I left, more than a little jaded. Then, after a decade, I had almost forgotten about it. I had started working at the same academy that I learned at. It was nice pay, but I knew I could do better. One fateful night, my life completely changed. Princess Luna was in my dreams. I know that sounds creepy, but it wasn't that kind of dream. She walked up and told me to meet her in the Canterlot maze that night. Of course, I knew about the kind of dream magic she used, and knew it wasn't just a dream. I woke up, and ran to the maze. It turned out, she was secretly watching my test, and knew how I felt. She told me that she could use an assistant to help attend to her matters, as she wasn't exactly the best at dealing with ponies. And she said she wanted to be a therapist of some sort, to help me with all the pent up anger towards Celestia and Twilight. It was still in there, simmering, and I knew one day, I'd have to face it. I accepted, gratefully, and excitedly. So, from that day forward, I was Luna's faithful assistant and right hoof. Then, some pretty normal stuff happened. I quit my job at the School of Magic, and started a new job at the Royal Academy. It's where I work now. I've been able to use time travel to work there and here, and that's when I met Cherry, Angel, and you.