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Topics - bauccgia0

Same rules as Life in Ponyville, except set in Gravity Falls, Oregon. This is a rare instance where ponies are not allowed! OCs are allowed for Jump In, but to be a character from the show, you'll need to sign up, with a scenario proving you can be in character with that character. Sign up for show characters here: I will start with my character.

A shortish teenager walked into the Shack, wearing a red t-shirt with the single word, "Ham" written across it. He was sort of chubby, and had auburn hair. "Hey! Anyone know where..." Here he looked at a newspaper, where an advert was circled in red. "...Mr. Pines is?"
If you wanna be an in-show character you gotta prove that you can be that character. Provide a paragraph of in character acting, and if it's good enough, you've got the character.
Canterlot Archives / Gravity Falls RP Poll!
2014 Feb 19, 17:10:44
Hello, LoE patrons! I wanted to make a Gravity Falls Roleplay, separate from the ponies and stuff, and I was wondering how many of you would be into that. Vote above, to tell me what you think!
Original Characters / Schakolad Chip!
2014 Feb 03, 19:58:18
Schakolad Chip
Age: 12
Talent: Baking! Especially cookies.
Appearance: Short, chubby, brown mane with lighter brown coat, blue eyes.
History: Schakolad came from the North, to Ponyville, to seek his fortune. Some told him he was too young to make the journey, but he didn't care! When you grow up in Stalliongrad, you get tough. Unfortunately, tough against the elements isn't the same as tough in real life. No money, no job, no house. This was not a good plan. No matter! He'd find a job, a house, and all that other stuff. Schakolad is here to stay, Ponyville!
Original Characters / West Star, Redux
2014 Feb 03, 19:41:26
I woke up on the outskirts of a forest. I stand, examining myself. White coat, green mane... I trot up to a nearby pond. Yellow eyes... It's a good look... I don't remember who I am, but I remember a name. Laserbolt. I remember nothing, except that it is his fault I have lost everything. I will find him. And I will ruin him. But I need a name... a good name. I look into the sky, and see a red star glowing in the night. Star... West Star. Yes... It will do.

I will live inside you forever... with Discord himself by my side...

West Star
Age: 25
History: None known to any here.
Appearance: Strangely like Laserbolt, but darker eyes, and green mane. And a grin that's hard to forget.

((Looking for criticism, however, the lack of history is on purpose.))
What it says up there: All out of character discussion goes here. Arguments, questions, everything. Thanks for playing!

GMs: bauccgia0 & Wandering Magus


Ah, Nightmare Night. A time when ponies dress up as monsters and Mare-do-wells, when candy is consumed en masse, and, of course, campfire-lit descriptions of ghosts and ghoulies, meant to frighten and delight young and old alike. There are many reasons that the average equine loves scary stories, but the main one is that it reminds us of how safe we are. After all, no matter how terrifying the story gets, everypony can sleep easy, knowing that none of it is real.

But what happens to the stories? Surely, something must happen to them. It wouldn't make sense if something didn't, for in our world where love is a tangible force, where the mere idea of peace is enough to fight our adverseries, surely all that fear and imagination would have to go somewhere.

And go somewhere it does. That somewhere is right here. This is the House of the Nightmares Eternal. Every word warning foals of the creatures under their beds, every creature said to be stalking the roads past midnight, every cautionary tale, and every gruesome murderer end up here. As did you.

You don't know why you are here. You simply woke up in a room, with no features to speak of. The carpet seems well cleaned, as do the walls, and the only way out is through one door. Outside said door are all the abominations mentioned above and more. So... what do you do? Will you open it?

Forum rules.
No powerplaying (no controlling other ponies' characters or the NPCs)
No godmodding (no invincibility, no instant-win abilities, no time travel, no unreasonably meta knowledge)
No swearing besides pony swears (buck, horseapples, banish, mule, etc)
No flaming, trolling, personal attacks, or anything else of the matter, you will be reported and banned from the game.
No carrying weapons into the RP. You are defenseless until otherwise armed, and magic is being kept to a minimum until the same happens, for in-game reasons.
No over the top gore
No sex, drugs or anything that would be inappropriate for minors.
Violation of any of the above or any of the Forum Rules will result in being reported and banned from the game.

Only the GM and assistant GMs can run the game.  If you think you are qualified to help out, please PM me or assistants.
Please sign up before playing.
Keep OOC in the OOC thread.
All rules and conditions subject to change at any time by GM and assistants.

Post Merge

((Added rules, forgot to put those here))
Original Characters / West Star ((WIP))
2013 Oct 14, 21:37:22
Necromancy. The word conjures images of dark rooms, candles, and sigils burning bright into the night.

What a load of crock.

Necromancy is one of the highest forms of swindling, used to con grieving widows and foolish foals, and can only be described as nothing but cheap parlor tricks. Magic alone cannot raise the dead.

But that isn't to say... The dead cannot come back.

West Star is a prominent student of Scientific and Magical History at the Royal Canterlot University. He wanted to become a doctor, so that he could help the sick and injured. He figured that it would be easy. Find the problem, fix it, hurrah, you've got a happy, healthy pony.

However, fate would intervene. He received an internship a couple days before a Chimera attack on a small farm in Ponyville. As he frantically attempted to help the nurses and doctors, the main workers on the farm, the parents of the foals they protected, died from internal and external bleeding. The doctors did everything they could, they said. There was nothing they could have done, they said. Injuries too severe, parents too weak, whatever they said, it all ended up... not their fault. It didn't matter that three young foals were left positively orphaned, so long as the doctors covered their flanks. West quit the next day, disgusted with the profession.

That day changed West forever. He began studying the history of injury and death, trying to figure out what makes ponies tick. He read up on mana channels connected to the brain, which organs the body could live without, and which ones were the most important. He concluded that everything in an equine body was all used to power the brain. If the brain could be made to function by itself, independently... Why, his discovery could make him famous! He began experiments, acquiring brains from the college resource labs, attempting to figure out what made them tick. Eventually, he made a serum, out of Parasprite wings, Moondrake leaves, and Zap Apple skins. The serum would cause the brain to function on its own.

((Not finished yet))
I was wondering if your cutie mark is set from the start, or if it can change depending on what you do with your life? I know the obvious answer is yes, but at the end of season three, it just complicates the matter. So, this can also be a discussion forum about these... things that are so important.
Original Characters / OC: Laserbolt
2013 Jun 05, 09:08:58
Alright, I guess I should finally share myself with the world. Pay attention, foals. There will be a quiz.

Age: 25
Race: Unicorn
Place of Birth: Manehattan
Mother: Nuts 'n Bolt
Father: Lightning Bolt
Likes: Science, Luna, Bertram, Pinkie Pie
Dislikes:Being Interrupted, The royal guard, Incessant noises, Slendermane's cult, TWILIGHT SPARKLE

The Face Behind the Science
Spoiler: show

(OOC: Thanks so much to Skysketch for this amazing picture!)
Laserbolt isn't a mad genius. He's more of a slightly unhinged egghead. He's the type to "borrow" something, and then make it an integral part of his magical digging machine. He gets mad easily, but cools down just as quickly. He enjoys being around other ponies, but prefers solitude. He does enjoy a good party, though. He can be kind of arrogant, usually after inventing something. He's not big on fighting, and usually stays out of trouble. Unless somepony has something he needs...
He is skilled in the art of magic and science, but mostly in the area of trial and error. He is also a skilled teacher.
Teaches Magical Tinkering at the Canterlot University for Adepts.
As a foal, Laserbolt was fairly regular. Definitely smarter than most, but other than that, there wasn't much to indicate the genius that would emerge. In school, Laserbolt did quite well, and had a one-sided rivalry with one young unicorn. Actually it was more of a... Okay, he hated her, & she didn't even know him. She was a ticking time bomb, and almost destroyed the school in her last test! She wouldn't even have been considered if it hadn't been for that explosion. It was purely a coincidence. For some reason, not only did she pass, but she actually became a student under Celestia! CELESTIA, I TELL YOU! There is no respect for protocol these days... And to add insult to injury, the sudden surge of mana in the air completely ruined Laserbolt's test! It took him one more year to sort out the paper work to take the test again. Not like he's bitter or anything. But, he finally graduated with flying colors, and was able to leave to explore the world of magic himself.

Criminal Record:
Soooo... The Celestial Guard says I gotta include this in here... Yup. But don't freak out or anything! It's not like I murdered anypony. Just... a couple... grand larcenies under my saddle. So, here are some... "crimes" I sorta looked over the first time I typed this up. ((Will add more later))

The Zap-Apple Incident
Spoiler: show
Official Record:
Laserbolt charged with the theft of one (1) Zap-Apple Tree from Sweet Apple Acres
Sentence: 1 year community service under close watch with the Apple Family

What Happened:
So, the record never really tells my story. Yeah, it says I stole a tree. But it doesn't say why, or what for. I was on this rampage of knowledge, where I was compiling a book on plants. I was really into herbology at the time. I had most of the plants around Equestria recorded, either from personal field experience, or from books. but there was one special fruit that hadn't been recorded in any field guide. The Zap-Apple. A miracle fruit that only grew under very specific conditions. And there was only one place that it grew. Right next to the Everfee forest. At... well, you can figure out where. Luckily for me, it was just about time for them to come into season. Unluckily for me, the Apple family wouldn't let me have a tree. I needed an entire tree, so I could figure out how the leaf, blossom, unripe and ripe apples could be used. And of course, the bark was just as important! It took me forever, but I found a way to reproduce the magic that pegasi use to move clouds, and created a chamber that contained a perpetual thunderstorm to keep the tree alive. I put it over the tree, and levitated it right out of the orchard. I guess if I had done it at night, I wouldn't have been caught by Applejack. Little mare's perceptive! I was forced into indentured servitude, but it turned out, the Apples weren't actually mad at me. They were mad at me for taking the tree, but not at me in general. So, it worked pretty well.

(OOC:alright, folks, tell me what you think. I think it's pretty thorough. More later. Anything I'm missing?Also, if anyone wants to redraw this fella, I would be most grateful. Maybe something Science-y. Thanks, Art Guys!)

Stories from the Threads
I'm going to put stories from RP Threads that define my character in this section. That way I don't have to write it all over again.

From the Cherry Buck Season Thread.
Spoiler: show
QuoteWhen I was young, my parents sent me to the Canterlot School of Magic, because apparently, I showed a strange affinity for magic. I quickly became friends with a young filly named Twilight. We studied together, and grew from each other's company. However, after a while, she started studying alone, and she wouldn't talk to me for a while. This made me... more than a little bit bitter. I used it as my motivation that I would become better at magic than her. Every day, I studied, harder and harder. But she never even noticed me. I always found that weird. Then, on the day of the final test- where we have to complete some gargantuan task, to prove what we have learned- she was right in front of me. I saw her entire test. This does relate to me. Her test was to hatch a dragon egg, and she seemed pretty confident she could do it. My test was to start up a magical rune engine. It may seem like it's unfair, but hatching a dragon egg is really hard, so I'll give her the benefit of the doubt. But when she went to do it... Here, Laserbolt relays the story as we've all seen it in the show.

When it was all over, it was finally my turn. I was definitely angry, but I knew I could pass my test. But, of course, something wasn't right. When the planets aligned for Little Miss Twilight Sparkle, it supplied her with insane amounts of power, which had to come from somewhere. Guess where it came from? As soon as I tried to start up the engine, I blacked out. When I woke up, they told me I had failed, and would have to try next year. I was livid. I practically stormed up to Celestia and demanded a retest. I think that's when she started to dislike me. One long, agony-filled year later, I finally took the test. It had been changed to having to, instead of starting something up, to disabling something. An old, 6th Era Battle Golem. I had to shut it down. Yeah. It almost killed me. I think they were trying to make up for the extra year I got, but at the same time, I can't help but feel that Celestia had something to do with it. When I finally did it, I was told that I passed. But no princess came to congratulate me. I didn't get any special recognition, just a "You passed." I left, more than a little jaded. Then, after a decade, I had almost forgotten about it. I had started working at the same academy that I learned at. It was nice pay, but I knew I could do better. One fateful night, my life completely changed. Princess Luna was in my dreams. I know that sounds creepy, but it wasn't that kind of dream. She walked up and told me to meet her in the Canterlot maze that night. Of course, I knew about the kind of dream magic she used, and knew it wasn't just a dream. I woke up, and ran to the maze. It turned out, she was secretly watching my test, and knew how I felt. She told me that she could use an assistant to help attend to her matters, as she wasn't exactly the best at dealing with ponies. And she said she wanted to be a therapist of some sort, to help me with all the pent up anger towards Celestia and Twilight. It was still in there, simmering, and I knew one day, I'd have to face it. I accepted, gratefully, and excitedly. So, from that day forward, I was Luna's faithful assistant and right hoof. Then, some pretty normal stuff happened. I quit my job at the School of Magic, and started a new job at the Royal Academy. It's where I work now. I've been able to use time travel to work there and here, and that's when I met Cherry, Angel, and you.