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Topics - Jade Mask 114

Off-Topic Archive / Hang-Out
2013 Feb 17, 09:19:40
AnySmash allow to to start this thread. All of you can talk here but keep family friend and with the forum rules and have fun. And now let the the hang-out start.  :D
Star Noon tested his wing magic on him, and though the wings became a permanent part of Jade, he did not mourn the new development.  Instead, he took advantage of the situation; currently he is taking flying lessons from a close friend, Bullet.

Hi Bullet, I'm here for my first flying lesson Jade smiles at Bullet.
The Retirement Home / Count to -1000
2012 Sep 27, 20:27:16
as it says just count to -1000 and I might let continue.

Name:Jade Mask
Race:Earth Pony
Bio: The son of a strong earth pony stallion and a fire wolf, Jade Mask was only a newborn foal when his parents were killed in a dragon attack.  As his parents were well known in the town they lived in, and Jade had no other relatives, the colt was placed in the local orphanage to be cared for till he came of age.  The facility itself, however, was quite large and not well funded; every two months the faculty would change hooves, leaving only a few helpers to look over the twenty or so orphans living there.  During his stay there, Jade was forced to mature more rapidly than the average colt, and within the first decade of his life the pony had become a strong-willed and talented hunter thanks to his wolf ancestry.  Some time afterwards he left the facility of his own accord to hunt for food in the forests nearby.  There, he found and saved the fox cubs Noon and Midnight  from a pack of fellow wolves.  For his bravery, the young stallion-wolf was adopted into the fox family, with whom he lived until his coming of age.  It was around his twentieth year that Jade encountered the strange foreigner who hired him as an informant.  Always one to do his best at all he attempts, the stallion-wolf became an expert at espionage, and virtually disappeared from public knowledge.

Despite his current occupation, Jade Mask can be kindhearted at times.  He also continues to stay in touch with his adopted family; recently his adopted sister Noon tested his wing magic on him, and though the wings became a permanent part of Jade, he did not mourn the new development.  Instead, he took advantage of the situation; currently he is taking flying lessons from a close friend, Bullet. (I'll get a update picture and thank you The Wandering Magus for helping me)