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Quote from: DrMurdershy on 2016 Dec 09, 23:39:53
Oh dear, everypony is getting impatient now that the LAR starts in a few days!
Time sure has flown and everypony is losing their minds on who was accepted. Somepony PLEASE do something!
I just hope this doesn't get out of hoof.
Quote from: Peace Keeper on 2016 Dec 09, 20:20:04
With these many F5s We may then see an F5 tornado
Quote from: AdrenalineRush26 on 2016 Dec 08, 19:56:32
Thursday night and still no word. I'm guessing they will notify people over the weekend.
Or maybe they've already notified people and told them not to announce that they were accepted!
Quote from: Peace Keeper on 2016 Dec 07, 20:35:34
Hehe true, especially for the L.A.R. I bet people around here are Twily crazy for the date to finally come by, even myself.
Also, wow a lot work you gotta go through.
Quote from: inum76 on 2016 Dec 04, 21:05:12
Way to stay positive about your chances.
And I agree, I think they would indeed be selecting from a variety of testers. Your setup may not be as much the norm as mine likely is, so I am sure you would be near retroactively selected, just for that alone, if it is all that unique.
Me, I am sure I have a generic setup.
I am running on a (an old non VR ready) gaming laptop, running Windows 8.1, an older i7 and older Nivida chip. Other than not being VR ready, it can play many 3D games quite well. It has little trouble with most any 2014 game. No Man's Sky, is one It can't play, as a newer game.
So, I got something good (good enough to play this, I am sure), though not a stand-out setup.
Should be interesting to see if I get selected within the next few days. To those that do get in, cheers!
Quote from: Ellowee on 2016 Nov 21, 20:22:04
Aaaaaand it's a wrap! We've now closed applications for this first stage of our Limited Access Release.
We'd like to thank everypony who's applied to help us test Legends of Equestria at this point; you've certainly given us plenty of reading material to get through!
So what's next? Well, we'll be reviewing all applicants over the next two weeks or so; after that, we'll contact the people we've chosen to participate in the LAR to let them know, in advance of the LAR kicking off on December 12th!
Quote from: Cooly568 on 2016 Nov 21, 15:24:08
Five hours left to judgement day.
I'm starting to feel like what I wrote wasn't good enough, but, we'll see.
Quote from: Rikifive on 2016 Nov 20, 18:24:29
I wonder if the game would resist my game-breaking skills this time, because that:
was hilarious. The gravity was crazy and I was bouncing all over the place when trying to move. It was even worse when you did that outside.
I've got an idea when I was in Fluttershy's Cottage and wanted to try something. I've got a different result than I expected, which was the broken orientation bug, resulting in easily getting stuck in the corners.
The interesting thing is, that other players see you normally, even if you're upside down and unable to move properly from your perspective. That was disappointing.
Also, I've managed to get beneath the ground in Ponyville, so I took a look what's inside the houses and as I thought - they're completely empty with some grass inside.
Thank Celestia there was a floor below the ground to regain energy to fly, otherwise I'd end up endlessly falling in the bottomless pit. So now I know, that maps have invisible borders in all sides.
Nopony would have any chances with me in hide and seek game.
That was fun when players were able to see only my head protruding from the ground. Some players may remember that, because that one was visible from other players' perspective as well, because they were asking me what I am doing.
While getting through the floor was an unexpected one-time bug (it would require further investigation to recreate that), the one with broken orientation is pretty easy to make, when you know how to approach that.
The other common bugs like multiple hats are obvious, so there's no point for me to report them.
Happy testing everypony! Be sure to do silly things to bug the game!
Quote from: BludSpammd on 2016 Nov 11, 05:59:09
That was very nice of you to say. Things like this is what inspires us to keep pushing our limits and expand upon the game.
It's not as expansive as your typical MMO, but as long as there is an interest to help developing the game and play it then the LoE universe will keep expanding.
Quote from: DrMurdershy on 2016 Nov 10, 23:57:42
I imagine LoE being one of the most popular MMO's amongst bronies and children.
The game is built by a team that isn't a multi-billion dollar company like Blizzard, Wargaming, Nexon, etc. The people that have built this game has been entirely done by many people who volunteered to put in their skills to help the games development. I guess you would say it's a community effort that is directly team based.
They use as much of their time as possible to continue to build the game. It takes so much dedication to build any video game. It's taken years for LoE to reach where it stands now as it'll come to be officially released I believe in early 2017??
The Limited Access Release is basically a clean up stage. To hunt down bugs that still exist before games prior release. However, even games that we play today that have been out for years still have bugs in them but are very small and un-noticeable. But big bugs and errors such as script errors are serious and can give the player a bad experience.
Since the game is Free To Play, there will never be any addons or special items that you could buy with real money. That would just ruin the game. Many games today that are MMO's have those options because it's what gives the company money to be able to create another game of that series.
I'd imagine sometime years later when LoE has been out for awhile, I could probably see them creating another version of the game but on a top of the line game engine such as Unreal Engine 4 or whatever is updated at the time or they stick with Unity. They're both good game engines. I took a game programming class in high school. That didn't go so well but I still passed the semester for my elective credit.. somehow .
Anyway, since the first OSW which took place on July 5th, 2013, there have been many bugs that we as a community have been finding to be fixed. The game itself has come a very long way since the stress test which was the pre-alpha stage which I was a part of. Boy, it was a naked game! There was really nothing to do during that time .
But all that has changed! The game itself now is pretty solid even in the last OSW but there were still bugs and even some major errors that you had to do some looking in order to find them.
This is really one of the only other projects that Hasbro has not tried to demolish because of the names of the cities, towns and villages and other stuff that were changed and didn't match what the show actually had. MLP Fighting is Magic was supposed to be one of the most popular fighting games in the brony community but we all know how that turned out... but there's a tribute version of that game so it didn't die out entirely. No one can stop the brony fandom. Which I'm glad LoE didn't get screwed on by them because of how much time and effort has been put into this game. So much love, care and dedication and the community has helped the game to where it currently stands and hopefully will be officially released in the coming months.
I certainly hope that this post can be agreed upon and given a hoof bump.
Quote from: DrMurdershy on 2016 Nov 04, 16:04:32
That's what I've been wondering too. But, I wanted to be mindful and not bug them about it.
But it's got me concerned as well.
Quote from: Thunderhooftv on 2016 Oct 27, 17:59:58
OMG I CAN'T WAIT everyday i refresh my page waiting for the limited assess release application CAN'T WAIT
Quote from: Purple on 2016 Oct 07, 20:41:58
I'm definitely applying! I'd like to be able to help input into the game ^^