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Messages - Stormy

Quote from: Royal Engineer Pony on 2014 Aug 08, 01:53:48
How do I get the Linux version to even work? I am not very adept at using it. At all. If I had any say in the matter, I would not be using it...

To be specific, my OS is Kubuntu. But I hardly think that makes a difference. I'm probably going to start getting ignored on this board, too... but I just wanted to try it out... I refuse to accept that it is not possible for a Linux user like myself to be unable to play! I must know everything about it. Everything that any normal person (who would not in their right minds would ever even use Linux) would understand.

I'm not using Linux currently, but, given the files, I assume it's an executable/binary in which case you'd probably download it and then execute from the directory it's in on the command line without any specific command line args. That should work  (I think) as long as you've got the same processor architecture as they compiled for (x86, x86_64 I suppose), so if you have an Intel or AMD processor new enough to play the game you likely fit that profile. The OS shouldn't matter and, in theory, if you have 64 bit which one you use won't matter either but try the one for your system first (i.e. use the 64 bit one if you have a 64bit machine). If you're not certain which it is try typing 'uname -a'. Somewhere in the string it returns there should be enough info to tell which it is. Or you can look it up in whatever passes for the linux version of device manager on Kubuntu.


download file
open command line (may be called Terminal or XTerm or half a dozen other things)
use 'cd <directory>' to change to the directory where you downloaded the zip file to
use 'unzip' or a similar tool to decompress the files
find the binary/executable in the decompressed files (may be a folder or two down)
type './LoELinux.x86' or './LoELinux.x86_64' and wait for it to finish loading.

It's probably as simple as downloading the file, using the left click menu to ask to decompress it and double clicking on the binary in the GUI, I'm just more used to the command line.
So, does 'error: couldn't log in' mean anything other than just lots of traffic and many people trying to login? I was able to login twice so far, once late yesterday night and once early this morning (as in 2am early). Nevertheless in each case I tried many times before it worked. Since then I've tried a bit and no luck.

If anything I think these open weekends prove the server's capabilities (or maybe the server hardware?) aren't anywhere near up to the point of being able to accommodate everyone who wants to play the game.

Also, I think that the server really ought to be designed such that you can be logged in and shown the server list even if you can't get on a server right away. That would minimize the number of times the server has to handle an identical request and then refuse it (wouldn't it?). It'd probably need like 5-10 minute timeout where you get dumped off and have to relogin if you can't get onto a specific server. Ideally they'd just set some limits on server capacity so that the client could show how many people were on compared to that max number. As it is, getting dumped back to the main screen just to hit 'login' again so you can get back to the entering login details gets very annoying quickly. Not really sure why they wouldn't go with the standard mmo style (these days at least) of having the login input boxes and button on the main screen and not have to push a button just to get to them. Well, besides aesthetics maybe...
That game, huh. :P I have basically that on my computer (Super Hexagon via Humble Indie Bundle). :) Kinda difficult.
I get that you guys want to show all the bronies LoE, and at a convention is a great way to do it, but it seems like whipping up interesting in something that's never going to come out. :(

The public access was pretty awesome in January. :) Love to see that again. I'm sure everyone agrees with me when I say that plenty of us would be more than happy to just hangout online in Pre-Alpha -- we don't mind that it's not done yet.

Hope everyone at that convention takes the opportunity to check it out. It was pretty awesome, last I saw, even without much to do.