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Messages - Julius

Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2017 Feb 19, 03:37:49
Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2017 Feb 17, 20:15:46
Who are you?

Pretty sure it was Lost Sanity, by the by. Oh well, they're gone now. :P
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2017 Jan 13, 08:00:37
Quote from: Sweet Brew on 2017 Jan 12, 19:58:52
That weird thing everyone's doing on their phones...
The one where it puts dog ears and a dog snout on you with the big tongue, it's just creepy!!

Please stop making those pictures your icon!
I'm shook nasty!!! DD:

... It's called Snapchat, it's fun! My favorites are the flower crowns but I can't show you 'cause of silly forum rules. ^^
Please! I'll PM you my friend code. ^-^
Bottle caps and hyper training are worthless, they don't change the IV's so they don't transfer through breeding. Regardless, I am done breeding!

Do you still have Pokerus @KirbyFluttershy ?
I did that to get two 4 IV Dittos instead, 6 IV is a 1/1024 chance.
The reason I was complaining is I hadn't bred for IV's before, now that I got into the flow of it it's not that bad! ^-^

3/6 Of my Pokémon have been bred!
Well, I just finished everything but the battle tree. Time to breed. Ugh, I hate breeding. ;~;
Hahah, that's just how they do in Nintendo World! They just tell you to grab one of everything. lol

What'a your favorite new Pokemon so far? I'm really loving Rockruff!
Alola! I forgot to post this the other day, but here are the release goodies from Nintendo World! I'be been loving the game so far~ ^-^

Quote from: Rikaria on 2016 Nov 16, 15:00:15
I knew about the Sun/Moon video takedowns from like a week ago, and I heard about the banning thing from news sites this morning. As much as I'd like to go into that topic further, I'd rather not since it can lead to a sensitive topic.

With that being said, which version are you all gonna get, and who will be your starter?

Sun is going to be lit. ;)
Off-Topic / Re: Today's Smile
2016 Nov 09, 15:50:51
Quote from: Sweet Brew on 2016 Nov 09, 02:50:59
Turquoise Splash, the dude's not very well known, but does awesome stuff.

Will definitely check it out! I need something to cheer myself up~ ^-^
Off-Topic / Re: Today's Smile
2016 Nov 08, 04:32:17
Quote from: Sweet Brew on 2016 Nov 08, 03:05:41
My favorite pony musician is getting back into music! :3

Ooh, which one?
Dude, games are usually ready about a month before release date. They have their release date set ahead of time so they can ship the games to all the stores. Pokemon is little over a week away, I'm pretty sure it's more than ready to be played. ^-^
Sometimes preorders accidentally ship early! It's glorious. c:
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2016 Nov 07, 05:13:21
Guys, change the subject. This is not a place to talk about politics... Even if they're annoying. >:/
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2016 Aug 31, 09:07:52
Quote from: Sweet Brew on 2016 Aug 30, 22:56:13
People are raging so darn hard over a simple game, they say "It's $60! and he lied!" but most people make that money back in a day or two at work.(Not everyone does though, and I get that.)

I really don't want to touch the other things you said, but this... This... You really have no idea how hard life can be in a lot of places for you to think that of "Most people"... :/
I was thinking you might have had a seizure, but then I read your dumb things post and... Yeah dude, you're overreacting. Glad you went to the ER and made sure you were ok but still, you were probably just very excited and/or stressed out. Maybe Pokemon or games in general really aren't for you like Kirby said... :ajshifty:
I'm kinda curious though, ER? For playing Pokemon? Really? :I
Off-Topic / Re: Today's Smile
2016 Jun 16, 19:56:08
Quote from: Chromastone64 on 2016 Jun 16, 17:12:08
Ok, I can now say the Hildibrand Manderville quests in Final Fantasy XIV are the funniest side quests I've ever played.

Yes, yes they are. I can't wait to see him again. <3
Pfffft, I've been hella hyped since day one myself! :P