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Messages - FirstChoice

I'm afraid it was last LoE update, I tried to play for a while, game is still unplayable after all these years, and not living soul after 2 hours of playing... Thats not how MMO Games works...
I tried to play Legends Of Equestria today and when I finally created my character I wanted to start playing.

Than game crashes and create txt file on desktop with name "errors".

When I open it it says: Tried to instantiate PlayerBase with id 90, but it already exists as 90 with resources PlayerBase.

Help please?
Hi, nice to meet ya!  :D
Quote from: Thundergirl on 2016 Jun 29, 08:04:05
Still cannot do it, cause I am 13. I need 5 years to do that!  :l
Anyway, are you going to have an Open Server Weekend on July?  :3

Follow Facebook Fan Page to be informed about incoming server openings:
Quote from: Crimson_Tail on 2016 Jan 17, 23:02:46
I gotta say, this was sorta worse than the last open server event to be honest ..

Same here...

That 5-15 max FPS all the time  :l
I finally connected but Its like...

Playing Crysis 3- high settings, HD, 40-50 FPS.  ^-^

Playing Legend Of Equestria- lowest setting, SD, 5-10 FPS.  :I

A few years passed- servers still sucks :D

Not good, I wanted to play so much.
Tried to login several times... rly?  :l

Quote from: Vanilla Drop on 2014 Jul 10, 16:12:44
I hope i won't miss it this time.
i've never played befor, so i'm really excited!

Nothing to lose.

Actually I was in every open weekends and every time game was lagging and crashing all time. Even on new computer  :l

Hope this time it will change  <3
I think this time LoE will run well, cuz I bought new computer on February.... Unfortunelly Intel Core i7, GeForce GTX 780 and 8 GB of RAM its still not enough....

After 100 or more tries to login I finally connected to game...

10-15 FPS...

All mates from my class thinks I'm the person who is handling English best of all other, but i don't think so...   :P

By the way I'm from Polish  ^-^

@EDIT @DOWN- Oh yeah- forget about that- me too  :D
Welcome, enjoy your time on forum, later on game of course ;p
MLP: FiM SD Archive / Re: Greetings!!!
2012 Jun 18, 15:41:12
Hi  ^-^ Welcome to LoE
Welcome!  ^-^
Mrs. Cheerilee

Of course  ^-^
Welcome to LoE enjoy your time on forum ( later on game)  ^-^
Greetings, enjoy your time in forum, later on game.