Rad Thunder's back story

Started by Rad Thunder, 2012 May 09, 16:15:43

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Rad Thunder

2012 May 09, 16:15:43 Last Edit: 2012 Jun 05, 17:44:35 by Rad Thunder
Name: Rad Thunder
Race: Pegasus
Gender: Colt
Age: 22
Coat color: Dark Red
Mane: Blonde with black streaks
Clothes: Sleeveless jacket with short cape, watch on front left hoof, blue elastic bands on back legs knees. And wears shades.
Cutie Mark: Twin bright red lightning bolts
Personality: Brash, confident, but comical and friendly

Story: Rad Thunder like most Pegasi, come from Cloudsdale. Even at a young age, he's been a fantastic flier and was always trying to show off at every flight camp he was a part of, but was always shown up by another. One incident was the last straw (3 guesses which one that was), and he finally left Cloudsdale for good to train himself and to hone his flying skills solo.

Cutie Mark and shades story: Rad Thunder got his cutie mark during a dangerous stunt he tried just months after leaving Cloudsdale. He attempted to fly through an active thunderhead. He blazed through the cloud with clear ease, but when he was about to exit the cloud, disaster struck, literally. A lightning bolt hit right in front of his face, blinding him and causing him to crash. When he awoke, his eyes were damaged so much that he was just short of blindness and any form of light was intense to him. But luckily, he bought a pair of sunglasses to wear, and it balanced out his sight somewhat. And it was when he got his sight back that he noticed that he had received his Cutie Mark, a pair of red lightning bolts crossing each other.

Spoiler: show

Cutie Mark

Updated Rad Thunder made in Pony Creator

^By FireFly

^By Star Striker

^By Sugarcup

^By Ethereal Nebula

Rad Thunder

Updated with my real cutie mark, and with a current look of Rad Thunder made on the DA Pony Creator. The only real difference is the new mark, and he now had pads on all 4 knees. :P


Awesome! And I really like his beard.  *-*

Rad Thunder

Quote from: daswed on 2012 May 11, 14:07:29
Awesome! And I really like his beard.  *-*

Is that like a 'I really like her mane', but for colts? o_o


Quote from: Rad Thunder on 2012 May 11, 14:09:47
Quote from: daswed on 2012 May 11, 14:07:29
Awesome! And I really like his beard.  *-*

Is that like a 'I really like her mane', but for colts? o_o


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