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Quote from: ShadowHeart on 2012 Jun 01, 14:49:36Haha, I bet. I found some pretty funny rages on youtube about it only hours after the game was released.
i dont play it but my friends do and they said it was rly annoying
Quote from: ShadowHeart on 2012 Jun 01, 09:37:29Eh, no I didn't get diablo 3. I have heard that error 37 is pretty annoying though.
thank you so much for considering me
oh and u have diablo 3? did the error thing go away
Quote from: AnyaSmash on 2012 Jun 01, 05:14:50
That's odd.
Well whatever we've done seems to have fixed our overload issues, so I guess this means you can keep watching your favorite topics and we finally have our space!
Quote from: SweBow on 2012 Jun 01, 04:36:11I thought about such a situation being possible, so I hit the notify button. I'd hate to disappoint, but...
I think it still exist. But you won't get an email about it.
Quote from: McSleuthburger on 2012 May 31, 19:41:42It doesn't have a function, or it doesn't have a server-side function? I just clicked it and it did its usual "Are you sure you wish to enable notifications..." popup and when I clicked "OK", the notify button changed to "Unnotify." The button did not revert back to "Notify" upon refresh, nor when I cleared my cache (ok, well I didn't exactly expect that to do anything, but it was worth a shot .) Unless this setting is saved via a cookie for some reason, it has some function on the server still.
swebow beat me to it, the button is still there and looks pretty but it really doesnt have an function
Quote from: SweBow on 2012 May 31, 19:40:43Uhhhhhh...... Nope.avi?
Yes, but it won't work, else will make sure it won't work
Quote from: ShadowHeart on 2012 May 31, 19:09:34Unity is free. There is a pro version for $1500 that has quite a few more (albeit useful, but unnecessary) features and optimizations. Define easy. You do need to know how to program in either C#, Javascript, or Boo (or know someone who does ), if you want to make anything worthwhile. What it does is give you a 3D workspace where you place game objects. From there, you attach scripts and other components to those objects. The program itself isn't laggy considering how powerful it is. Compared to programs like steam and big games like World of Warcraft, it hardly consumes any cpu cycles at all. My Mac installation is about 1.9 gigs. I have a feeling that it'll be slightly smaller for a windows installation. In comparison, My World of Warcraft install takes about 24.5 gigs and Diablo 3 takes up about 12 gigs. It's super easy to download and install. I find it very fun to use because you can make changes and test them immediately. You can even edit a script while the game is running (that's a programmer's dream)! Also, anything edited while the game is running is automatically reverted back when the game ends so you can test things without worrying about hitting Ctrl+Z hundreds of times. The only complaint I have is that sometimes certain things glitch up when you upgrade your project (you have to update your project with Unity when it updates.) The biggest advantage of Unity is that you can save your project and open it on Mac or Windows and that it can compile the game to a Unix OR Windows executable. I cannot stress how amazing that last feature is. If it didn't compile to both formats, you'd have to reprogram the ENTIRE thing in another language. Talk about a pain in the flank...
i think the turning prob should go away once we get a real running pony!
also, i think the boosting shouldn't make u go so fast. The whole fun of a race is being clumped together and in the heat of competition.
btw im thinking of getting it free? Is it easy? Is it laggy? Does it take up lots of space? is it hard to download? is it fun?
Quote from: ShadowHeart on 2012 May 31, 17:53:07Just open the game real quick and run around as Fluttershy. I have a feeling that this is what you're talking about. Also, you're right, horses don't drift, but on sand and loose ground surfaces horses do slide a little because of how often they lift their hooves off the ground. The amount of slide, I think, shouldn't be eliminated, just drastically reduced.
np. anyways, i was also thinking we could have a reward system! like:
Congradulations! You have won your first race! *you receive an ear piercing*
Congradulations! You have participated in 10 races! *receive a diamon necklace*
Contradulations! You participated in your first race! *recieve a bracelet*
I think that would be a good idea. Ive drawn out a few item ideas. i also have a pony creator thing drawn out too incase LOE doesn't want this in their game.
as for turning.....idk...i guess it just feels like a car to drifting, hooves don't drift..
Quote from: ShadowHeart on 2012 May 31, 14:31:44First off, let me just say that I was so relieved when I saw someone actually reply. For the past day and a half I've been refreshing my download count and forum posts to see if anything changed. I guess I just get impatient and nervous with stuff like this. It also frustrates me when people say, "I have an idea that would be awesome if it was made!" and then don't participate in the process at all. Meh, but that's me. Anyway... back on topic:Spoiler: showlooking good so far! just a few things that u could fix.....if u wanna
I think the a bit more like a car. Like u coast too much. If u don't get wut i mean, just ask. or if we get someone to make us a pony model, they would clean things out so dont worry about that too much. I think wut im saying is that the turning is too wide. It's more like a car's rather than a pony's. I think a pony's turning wouldn't be so wide . look at Skyrim's model of horse running. look at the turning too. hope this helps -->this was the best vid of the horse i could find. I wouldn't base the run cycle off this tho. this run cycle really BUGS me. The turning is good tho with it.
I like the figure 8 track. its nice for beginners. If it's not too hard, could u move the two jumping ramps closer together? I barely made the jump and most of the time, i didn't even make it. maybe its just cuz im too lazy to build up lots of momentum. but if somepony were to miss the jump, they would have to go ALL the way back so they could gain enough speed to make the jump. I would also let ponies go just a tad bit faster in the grass and off road....just cuz if u go off road just a bit, u kinda lose the race...
Dirtville is a real challence but that's wut makes it fun! I think the hills shouldn't be on there for running but for decor because when we do get the running pony on there, it might look wierd running on a mountain...that's just me. this is only a minor concern so don't worry about it too much.
The twists and turns of dirtville are challenging and sometimes annoying. U could try changing the turns like a mentioned before. That might make it easier.
Everfree freeway is fun too. I like the aspect of jumping over the grass that makes u go slow but if u added sharper turning, it would make it less annoying. Again, I wouldn't let the ponies run on the pointy mountains because it would look a little funky once we got the final model in.
One more thing, we need an artist to make a main menu! I wanna be the....uuuh......Concept that what it's called? U know, the person who thinks up ideas for the game. can i be dat??
anyways, i luv the game so far!
1 more thing! I think the game is too based off of springing. I don't think there should be sprinting or run speed. I think everypony should have the same running speed and no stamina bars because then everypony would be zooming around and it wouldn't be very action packed if ponies were zipping and zooming everywhere. It would be better if ponies were in a clump and that would make it more exciting! The only way they should get boosts if they jump over an obstacle well enough, they press a button at the right time at the beginning, or like i said before.QuoteAnd if you look at the horseshoe in the bottom left of this vid, u see that the more jumps u do, the more the meter on the horseshoe goes up. Once it is full, the pony will get a boost. Or, if your a unicorn, you get either a boost or a random spell
Also, I think the jumping is too high. Once we get the final pony model, i hope it will jump like a real pony
most of these things are things we will worry about when we get a real pony model.
QuoteI think wut im saying is that the turning is too wide. It's more like a car's rather than a pony's. I think a pony's turning wouldn't be so wide .First off, and most importantly, don't be Fluttershy . Say what you need to say. I've said it in a previous post: don't be afraid to critique. If I didn't think I could handle it, I wouldn't be posting a half-flanked (pony censor ftw?) game on a forum. Regarding the turning, do you mean make them all turn more like Fluttershy currently does with the very high traction? Acceleration and Traction are currently the same thing, so I think what you're suggesting I do is separate them, increase the ponies' traction, but have their accelerations vary. Well, ok, you didn't say anything about acceleration, but most racing games have that as a stat, so I assumed that you were thinking that
QuoteI would also let ponies go just a tad bit faster in the grass and off road....just cuz if u go off road just a bit, u kinda lose the race...Do you think removing sprinting would make this point null, less important, or would it still be valid?
QuoteEverfree freeway is fun too. I like the aspect of jumping over the grass that makes u go slow but if u added sharper turning, it would make it less annoying. Again, I wouldn't let the ponies run on the pointy mountains because it would look a little funky once we got the final model in.Making turning sharper? You turn with the mouse, which makes it as sharp as you want. Though, I think you're referring to the general low traction of most of the ponies, which I agree with. Also uh, you weren't supposed to... run in the pointy mountains . They're there to make the course look more ominous and tell you, "Hey! Pointy stuff here! Try to run around us!" Of course, those short turns and low traction will make you slide into them quite often . When testing I actually utilized and placed specific patches of grass to slow down the turns, but I should have figured it wouldn't be as obvious to those who didn't design it xD.
QuoteI wanna be the....uuuh......Concept that what it's called? U know, the person who thinks up ideas for the game. can i be dat??
Quote from: ShadowHeart on 2012 May 29, 09:52:25All good ideas. I think my current model could stand to be more like Alicia. So far, the only difference between the races is that they tend to be better in certain stats. Earth ponies are better in running speed, unicorns in stamina, and pegasi in sprint speed. It only has about 25-30 hours of semi-concentrated, not-knowing-what-the-heck-I-was-doing work into it. Nonetheless, I've compiled it and am releasing it in all its "glory" (or lack thereof.) Let me know what you think and don't feel bad critiquing it. There are sooooo many things I wish I could have added or fixed up before I released it, but I'm too tired to care at the moment and need to take a nap....Spoiler: show
i know that people here make some. idk if u could get them to help u. -->
And if you want any ideas of how to make racing more exilerating, look here -->
of course, nobody will ride the ponies but if u wanted only the unicorns to have magical powers, then this would be a good place to look. Like unicorns could could put ice down to slip up the apponents, throw fireballs at other ponies, and give themselves a force feild to protect themself from other unicorns. Pegasi could have certain shortcuts that only flying ponies can use to make them go faster. And if you look at the horseshoe in the bottom left of this vid, u see that the more jumps u do, the more the meter on the horseshoe goes up. Once it is full, the pony will get a boost. Or, if your a unicorn, you get either a boost or a random spell. Earth ponies should sometimes get better boosts than the others to balance things out. This game also has power sliding like in mario kart.
It would b cool if this game came out and u could customize your own pony (when we get somepony to do that), collect items to wear, and connect with total strangers to race with! These are all ideas. I'm not saying that we should flat out copy this game but base a few things off it.
It would be cool if we could level up in this game and only connect with people who are around the same level as us. but not exactly, it would be too hard to search for other ponies of the exact level. You would unlock more items and courses as u level up and better spells if you're a unicorn! tho the leveling up system might be hard. But if we did it, you would get faster as ur level progressed like in the horse game i showed u( the higher the level the WAY faster u go, that's y u should only play with ponies of your level). It would also be cool if u pressed a button at the right time at the beginning to get a boost(like in mario kart).
These are just some ideas (if u wanna know more about this horse racing game, ill tell u. It's not in english and it asks for ur social security number wich is stupid)
another idea would be if the game would always be in progress. This means that even tho the game is finished, the ppl making it could still release new items, courses and spells!
Quote from: SweBow on 2012 May 10, 19:54:27Putting new meaning to the phrase "Don't knock it 'till you try it!", are we? Haha
Bashing my head against the wall?
Quote from: SweBow on 2012 May 14, 18:25:42Especially the ones in Legends of Equestria. So far as we know anywayQuote from: Trilight Dashie on 2012 May 14, 16:51:15
I'd be a unicorn. Why choose a pegasus and not have magic abilities, when you can choose a unicorn and make yourself fly! And that would totally be ponyville. Also, mare. Even if I'm a man I'd like to be a mare.
Not all unicorns can do that magic
Quote from: Echo on 2012 Mar 19, 18:31:58I have on multiple occasions ^.^
... (( Oh god, rid of this Fluttershy medic model, >:[ the hitboxes are missplased and besides what sick man would headshot a Fluttershy?? This is just cruel. ;-; ))