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Quote from: tangcat on 2014 Dec 20, 05:46:15You just described the already planned, and partially written, quest chain that leads up to getting a talent mark. It's not a test, strictly speaking, but it's full of dialogue, questions, and your answers determine what talent mark is "recommended" for you.
Hi! I have a suggestion to make...
I think you guys should make a test and depending on what they answer they are then suggested a cutie mark for them at the end (they can still change it though)
Quote from: tangcat on 2014 Dec 20, 05:46:15You can't choose to be a filly. You can only choose to not grow up. Because of how integrated talent marks are to the game, it's still being debated within the team whether you'll be allowed to go very far out of the starting zones before you get your talent mark.
this also happens throughout the game if they choose to be a filly At the start
Quote from: GeneralBlazingDonutGlaze on 2014 Oct 17, 20:41:44That is exactly what I just said. Yes.
So, no bat ponies?
Quote from: NightWish on 2014 Sep 06, 18:13:49I've turned off the option to automatically subscribe to threads I post in, it says I'm not subscribed to any, but I'm still getting them..That subscription option and the "show new replies" are two completely unrelated systems. There is no way to stop getting notifications from threads you've posted in without deleting all of your posts. That's just the way the system is designed.