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Messages - Blue Candy

Introductions Archive / Re: Hi guys
2016 Feb 26, 01:50:54
Quote from: vazonov11 on 2016 Feb 19, 04:10:35
Why did so to dramatize.

I am the drama queen extrordinaire.

I'm not kidding about the paranoia though. I've remade my account a few times cause of it.

Quote from: Weremetalwolf on 2016 Feb 19, 15:33:35
Welcome to the forum my apparently old friend! Remember to take a look at the Forum Rules to keep yourself up to date. Hope to see another active member of the forum around and I'm sure you'll make a lot of friends. But most of all, remember to HAVE FUUUN!! :D

Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2016 Feb 17, 23:27:08
Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2016 Feb 16, 21:21:20

Way too many fans just plain don't pay attention!!! >:(
They don't pay attention, and then they try to come up with theories, and their theories end up terrible and wrong and could easily be disproved by evidence in the show, which they would've realized if they had paid attention!!!
Spoiler: RWBY Volume 3 finale spoilers • show
There are apparently some people who think that Salem is Cinder, like Cinder turned into her or something.
1. Different voice actress. Cinder is voiced by Jessica Nigri, and Salem is voiced by Jen Taylor. Totally different voice actresses. And don't say "Well, maybe Cinder's voice changed after she transformed." Then, explain Salem telling us about the origins of mankind at the beginning of Volume 1. Yeah, that mysterious narrator who told us about how mankind was born from dust and had to find a way to protect themselves from the Grimm? That was apparently Salem.
2. I thought it was pretty easy to connect the dots that Cinder was working for Salem. During the flashback sequence of Beginning of the End, at one point, it sounded like Cinder was talking to someone on the phone or something. The way that she talked sounded like she was reporting in to someone. She ended the call with thanking them. At the end of Heroes and Monsters, Cinder said to Ozpin "She was right about you. Such arrogance." The whole fandom exploded with "She?! Who is 'she'?!!" but I guess some people forgot about that.

There are still way too many people who think Ruby is a Maiden, when she's not. She's a silver-eyed warrior. When Qrow told her about silver-eyed warriors, he was telling her that to explain to her the power that she used on the dragon. If she was a Maiden, he would've told her about the Maidens, but he didn't. But some people only paid attention to 1% of that and went "Oh, so she's a Maiden, and since he said that Summer had the same power, that means Summer was a Maiden and her last thoughts were of Ruby."
NO, YAH GOOF! Summer had silver eyes, and Ruby has silver eyes! Qrow started off the entire thing with "What was the first thing Ozpin said to you when you met him? ... Silver eyes."
Yeah. Remember?
Ozpin: "Ruby Rose. You... have silver eyes."
Ruby: "Uh, um..."

*Siiiigh* This is almost as bad as when people were going "Pyrrha is going to get the Fall Maiden powers, and then her last thoughts will be of Jaune, and Jaune will become the Fall Maiden!" They explicitly said in that big exposition scene that guys cannot become Maidens! Jaune is a guy. He cannot be a Maiden.

"Well, maybe they just think that guys can't be Maidens because no one ever thought of a guy."
They said that Maidens have been around for thousands of years.
They said they've been studying how the passing on of Maiden powers works.
They said that if the Maiden's last thoughts are of a male or an elderly woman, the powers will go to a random young female.
In all those thousands of years, there were Maidens who thought of guys, and their powers went to random young females.
Guys... do not... become... Maidens.


I can't explain how mad this makes me.
Introductions Archive / Hi guys
2016 Feb 17, 22:56:55
I'm not new here, not by a long shot. But I also don't want to tell anyone who I am yet because of paranoia.

But it's nice being back. I missed my friends.