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Topics - Alassë

Preferably male. And British. :3 'Cause I really wanna post this on Youtube. :nod:

Song description from here:
"Doctor Whooves version of ponyphonic's beautiful Lullaby for a Princess. I also borrowed elements from MsIkarishipper's Luna's Reply.

I'm a huge fan of Doctor Whooves, and after listening to the original song several times, I knew I had to write a Doctor Whooves version. The premise is that the Doctor is mourning the loss of his kind, even though he knows he had to seal them in a time lock in order to prevent them from tearing the universe apart."

If you or someone you know is male, has a British accent and can sing decently, please please PLEASE let me know!! :D :3

Anywho, here's the song. :)

Time has been cruel and knowledge unkind
How can I have locked you away?
The blame was your own; the punishment, mine 
Gallopfrey's silent today

Now into the stillness I keep trav'ling on
With no one my comp'ny to keep
The deed I have done to save all of time
Has wounded my hearts much too deep

Once did a pony who traveled so far
Look out on all of space and time
He smiled and said, "Surely, there is no pony
So lucky and so very brilliant as I"

So great was the pow'r of his ponies, the Time Horses
That when "To war, now!" they cried
The shadow they cast swept the whole universe
And grew ever darker as centuries died

Lullay my ponies, goodbye Gallopfrey
Rest now from war and from pain
Would that my lullaby could reach you now
Through matter, through time, and through space
May my apologies find you somehow
And carry my sorrow in kind
My home, my friends, and my loved ones are gone
Why must you have all been so blind?

Soon did that pony take notice that the war
Was tearing apart space and time
And neither had either side stopped to consider
How ending it now would be helping both sides

But such is the weight of the knowledge he'd gathered
His morals he had to uphold
And faced with the end of the whole universe
He trapped them in time with a permanent hold

Lullay my ponies, goodbye Gallopfrey
Rest now from war and from pain
Would that my lullaby could reach you now
Through matter, through time, and through space
May my apologies find you somehow
And carry my sorrow in kind
My home, my friends, and my loved ones are gone
Their memories haunting my mind
Oh why must you have all been so blind?

The years now before me
Empty and alone
I never imagined
I'd face them on my own

May this choice that I've made
Lead to brighter days
I love you; I miss you
Forgive me, I pray

May all your dreams be sweet and light
Safe and sealed away from pain and strife
And know not of sadness, grief, or care
And when I dream, I'll fly away and see you there
Sleep, sleep,
Welcome welcome, one and all! :D If you have not signed up for this RP and would like to join in, never fear - your friendly neighborhood Sign-Up Thread is here! B)

A quick note to those of you I met in-game: For the purposes of this RP, none of our characters have met prior to the events in this RP. This'll make it less confusing for those who weren't able to join in on our fun during the pre-alpha. :nod: And to be honest, I don't even remember half of what happened anyways. :P

One last review of the rules before I jump into character and officially begin the RP:
Quote from: ssumppg on 2013 Jul 10, 01:53:13~RULES~  (By signing up you agree to abide by these rules. Breaking them will get you warned, then banned. Thank you.)
- Keep all content to a PG rating. The only exception is fantasy violence, which can be up to PG-13 levels.
- No trolling or "breaking" the RP. If you have conflicting lore/headcanon, please contact me in a private message and I will do what I can to sort it out.
- If you are going to be absent for more than a week, please write yourself out of the RP, even if it's only temporary.
- Please read all posts that were written since the last time you were on!! Not doing so results in confusion and me having to say "No, you can't do that because this happened several pages back". I understand that the RP thread goes a little fast, but due to the nature of this RP you really need to understand what's happened in order to post something that makes sense.
- I reserve the right to add new rules and/or modify existing rules at any time for any reason, whether stated or not. Changes to the rules are effective immediately unless otherwise stated.

Now then - let the adventure BEGIN! :D

Post Merge

*happily trots in a circle near the edge of the Everfree Forest* This is SOOO exciting! I've never had such a large group sign up for one of my Everfree Forest tours before! *continues to trot in a circle*
Welcome to the WhoPonies!

We are a group of traveling friends who like to explore! Anyone from any playable (or RP-able, like Changelings, Time Horses or any other race that can look like an Earth Pony, Pegasus or Unicorn) race is welcome to join us on our epic adventures in the Legends of Equestria universe (not canon MLP). Just read the rules and fill out the form below to sign up! :D

Oh, and we have a theme song. :nod:

~RULES~  (By signing up you agree to abide by these rules. Breaking them will get you warned, then banned. Thank you.)
- Keep all content to a PG rating. The only exception is fantasy violence, which can be up to PG-13 levels.
- No trolling or "breaking" the RP. If you have conflicting lore/headcanon, please contact me in a private message and I will do what I can to sort it out.
- If you are going to be absent for more than a week, please write yourself out of the RP, even if it's only temporary.
- Please read all posts that were written since the last time you were on!! Not doing so results in confusion and me having to say "No, you can't do that because this happened several pages back". I understand that the RP thread goes a little fast, but due to the nature of this RP you really need to understand what's happened in order to post something that makes sense.
- I reserve the right to add new rules and/or modify existing rules at any time for any reason, whether stated or not.
Changes to the rules are effective immediately unless otherwise stated.

Spoiler: About the Elements of Harmony & The WhoPonies • show
Several of us expressed interest in being bearers of the Elements of Harmony (since we're RPing in the LoE universe, not canon MLP). We are currently going through a series of "tests" to determine who represents which Element. The result of these tests will be reflected in the following list:

Magic -
Honesty -
Kindness -
Laughter -
Generosity -
Loyalty -
Love - 

Spoiler: Time Horses - Please Read This! • show
Just to keep things from getting confusing for us time-travelers, here's the basic lore for Time Horses in this RP:

- Draconequi (Discord's species) are to Time Horses as Daleks are to Time Lords.
- The Elements of Harmony were forged by the Time Horses as a means of defense against the Draconequi.
- One of the Time Horses (I'd like it to be Whooves, since, you know, that'd make the most sense :P but I am flexible as to which Time Horse) lured all the Draconequi and any Time Horse who thought the war should continue (which was nearly all of them) to Gallopfrey, then wielded all of the Elements of Harmony to seal them in a Time Lock.
- Young Gallopfreyans go through the same ritual as their human counterparts, namely looking into the Untempered Schism at the age of eight and thus becoming Time Horses. That's when many of them get their cutie marks.
- Time Horses can either be winged (pegasus), horned (unicorn) or plain (earth pony). When they regenerate, it will randomly be into one of these three "forms".

The following items are more flexible than the above:
- I like to think that one of the things that make Time Horses so powerful (and such a threat to Draconequi) is that they are immune to all magic that is not Time Horse-related (eg: the Elements would affect them, but not Unicorn or Draconequi magic).
- I also have a theory/headcanon that the ethereal plane Twilight met Celestia in during the Season 3 Finale is where the Elements were forged, and where Time Horses got their ability to regenerate.

If you have any questions/concerns, please PM me. :)

Now then! :P

Please fill out this form in a reply to this thread and I will add you to the list. You can start RPing with us as soon as your name is added (the RP thread is here!! :D ) . And again, please make sure your character is as easy to RP in the actual LoE game as possible. ^-^

Here's the form:
Cutie Mark/Talent:
Additional Info [optional]:
Link to Character Bio [optional]: 

Spoiler: Ponies Signed Up • show
Forest Shadows
Storm Bolt
Light Walker
Dream Dust
Fair Blue (goes by Fairy)
Light Fire or 'The Doctor'
Creepy Stalker
Pumpkin Seed
Harmony/Bad Harmony
Thunder "Arrowhead" Jet
Dusk Fire
Super Nova

Post Merge

Name: Alassë
Race: Time Horse
Gender: Female
Age: 357, but appears similar in age to the Mane 6. 
Appearance: Purple with white mane & tail. Most always wears a book hat and stuffed saddlebags. 
Cutie Mark/Talent: An intricate symbol representing the beauty of Space-time - that is what she saw when she looked into the Untempered Schism as an eight-year-old Filly.
Personality: Most ponies don't really understand this mare. She appeared in Ponyville one day and began to constantly ramble on about how she'd lost her "tardis" (whatever that is). She's rather random and talkative, but is also highly intelligent and of a helpful disposition.
Job/Hobbies: Guide - helps lost ponies find their way, especially around the Everfree Forest.
Link to Character Bio:
-Physical Stuff-

Body Color: #9966FF
Mane/Tail Color and Style: White; mane worn long with bangs, tied back with a dark violet bow; tail medium-long and slightly unkempt
Eye Color: Blue-grey
Cutie Mark: An intricate symbol representing the beauty of space-time
Spoiler: More In-depth Explanation • show
This wonderful image & concept were done by DNAwesome. :D
Physique: Tall (by in-game standards), average build

-General Stuff-
Name: Alassë Prisca Sparkle Fly [In-game: Alase (earth pony), Prisca (unicorn), or Sparkle Fly (pegasus)]
Race: Time Horse
Gender: Female
Age: 357 years old, but appears similar in age to the Mane 6.

-Social Stuff-
Current Residence: Mainly Ponyville, but she travels constantly. Her favorite place is the Everfree Forest.
Job: Guide - gives tours and helps lost ponies find their way, especially around the Everfree Forest.
Family: See History.
Closest Friends (in no particular order): Fair Blue "Fairy", Creepy Stalker, Dream Dust, Harmony/Bad Harmony "Baddy"/Rebellious Harmony "Rebel", Shade, Thunder Jet, Pumpkin Seeds, Blobking "Blobby"

-Personality Stuff-
Likes: Anything that happens to catch her attention.
Dislikes: Cruelty.
Motivation: Adventure, discovery, learning, and making Equestria a better place.
Strengths: Intelligent, creative, friendly and energetic.
Weaknesses/Flaws: Easily distracted, gets lost in her own thoughts, little tact.
Fears: Being in pain, seeing a loved one hurt.
Personality: Most ponies don't really understand this mare. She appeared in Ponyville one day and began to constantly ramble on about how she'd lost her "tardis" (whatever that is). She's rather random and talkative, but is also highly intelligent and of a helpful disposition.


Spoiler: General Time Horse Stuff • show
In case you know absolutely nothing about Doctor Who, here's some basic lore for Time Horses (which are based off the humanoid "Time Lords" in the Doctor Who series):

- TARDIS stands for: Time And Relative Dimension In Space. They are vehicles used by Time Horses to travel through space and time. They are "grown", not built.
- Time Horses, when they are about to die, go through a process called "regeneration", which literally transforms them into a whole new pony: new body, new personality, etc. "Regeneration energy" is what they use to go through this process, and each Time Horse has the same limited amount of regeneration energy (enough to regenerate 12 times).
- Draconequi (Discord's species) are the mortal enemies of the Time Horses due to their reality-warping abilities.
- The Elements of Harmony were forged by the Time Horses as a means of defense against the Draconequi.
- One of the Time Horses (Doctor Whooves in my personal headcanon) lured all the Draconequi and any Time Horse who thought the war should continue (which was nearly all of them) to Gallopfrey, then wielded all of the Elements of Harmony to seal them in a Time Lock because the war was literally tearing the universe apart.
- Young Gallopfreyans entering the Time Horse Academy go through a ritual where they look into the Untempered Schism (a "hole" in the fabric of reality, through which you can see all of time and space at once) at the age of eight and thus become Time Horses. That's when many of them get their cutie marks.
- Time Horses can either be winged (pegasus), horned (unicorn) or plain (earth pony). When they regenerate, it will randomly be into one of these three "forms". 

     Alassë Prisca Sparkle Fly was born as a horned [unicorn] Gallopfreyan to two of the most brilliant TARDIS growers Gallopfrey had ever seen (her father was an engineer, her mother was a designer). Her older brother - a white winged stallion with silver mane - never traveled, preferring to stay on Gallopfrey to raise a family and teach at the Time Horse Academy.

     When Alassë (who went by Prisca at this time) was eight years old, she was brought before the Untempered Schism for her initiation into the Time Horse Academy. There, exposed to and unprotected from the enormity and raw power of time and space, the filly found herself completely enraptured by the indescribable beauty of the universe. She took several steps toward the Untempered Schism - something nopony had ever done before - until her horn barely touched the opening. A bright light seared through her mind, her soul - then she blacked out.

     The filly awoke several days later in the Academy's medical facility. Her mind was still humming from the beauty of what of what she saw. Much too excited to stay in bed, the filly galloped to the Academy Library and began looking up everything she could find on the layout and workings of the universe. Her brother was the one who found her, and was also the first to notice that not only had she lost her horn, but she had also gained her cutie mark: an intricate, symmetrical design that symbolized the beauty of space and time. This is when the filly began to go by her first name, Alassë.

     Due to her accident with the Untempered Schism, Alassë's ability to sense the presence of other Time Horses was severely damaged. She could sense their collective presence in the whole of space and time, but she could only detect the local presence of those Time Horses she was especially close to. It was so bad that she often couldn't tell if the pony she was standing next to was a Time Horse or not. However, this "accident" also granted her a unique, unexpected advantage: she has the ability to switch between winged, horned, and plain Gallopfreyan at will - at the cost of some of her regeneration energy. She can also use her regeneration energy to heal life-threatening wounds rather than regenerating completely. Because of this, she is still on her first regeneration, and it is unknown if she has the ability to go through a full regeneration.

     To celebrate getting her cutie mark, Alassë's parents began to grow a brand-new, prototype TARDIS, the only one of its kind. They gave it to Alassë as a gift and explained that, while it was too young to be flown yet, it would, with the proper care, be ready for use by the time she graduated from the Academy. The young filly was overjoyed by this gift, and spent much of her spare time learning how to take care of her "Baby" and help it grow. Her soul burned with the desire to see first-hand the wonder and majesty of the universe in all its ages.

     Once Alassë graduated from the Time Horse Academy and was certain her Baby was grown enough to fly, the young mare took her TARDIS to the stars. She became so preoccupied with her travels that she paid almost no attention to the intensifying Time War, which was being waged between the Time Horses and the Draconequi... that is, until entire species began to disappear from existence. Alassë was immediately disturbed at this. She contacted her friends and family, trying to figure out why the Time Horses were at war with the Draconequi. All she was ever told, however, was that Draconequi were "the great scourge of the universe" and that they needed to be "purged from existence".

     Deeply saddened by the sudden cold-heartedness of her friends and family, Alassë decided that she wanted absolutely nothing to do with this Time War. She continued to travel, doing all she could to stay out of the war's influence. She even went so far as to ignore the call for all Time Horses to return to Gallopfrey at a specified date to defend it from a powerful Draconequi attack.

     Then, it happened.

     Alassë was flying her TARDIS through the Time Vortex when she felt it. Gallopfrey - her friends, her family, every single Time Horse who had answered that call, who was now on her home world, putting their lives on the line to defend it from an onslaught - was gone. Severed from existence. No longer present in any time or any place.

     She would never see her friends or family again. In fact, she might never see another Time Horse again.

     She was completely and utterly alone.

     The shock was too much. Her mind shut down as her Baby - now without a pilot - began careening toward the nearest planet: Equestria.

     Alassë was thrown from her TARDIS, landing near a hospital in Ponyville. The locals brought her inside and treated her wounds. Once healed, Alassë immediately began searching for her Baby, which was a near impossible task since it had certainly "blended in" to its surroundings immediately upon landing (as most TARDISs were programmed to do). Alassë's search led her to nearly memorizing the layout of the Everfree Forest and even finding a time rift in Canterlot, but at last she realized that searching for her TARDIS was a fruitless endeavor. Knowing she would likely be stuck on this world for decades or longer, Alassë began supporting herself by giving guided tours of the Everfree Forest and other places in Equestria.

~Theme Song~

Hello everypony! :D

I've been posting stuff elsewhere on the forum for about a week now, so I figured it was about time I "officially" introduced myself. lol

I first discovered the show around the same time Season 2 was airing (Canterlot Wedding was my first live episode). I've always been a fan of the toys (and equines in general), so when I started seeing ponies on deviantart, I just had to check it out. :) I have since gotten some of my friends hooked on the show. B)

My interest in MMOs began at a young age; I used to watch my BBBFF play games like Star Wars Galaxies and Age of Conan. I dabbled in several free MMOs (Perfect World International, Flyff, Jade Dynasty, DC Universe Online, ect.) before moving on to the paid ones (Aion, Lego Universe, Star Wars: The Old Republic). My two favorites (and the only ones I still have installed lol ) are DC Universe and Star Wars: The Old Republic.

So, naturally, after becoming a brony I wondered if there was/would be a MLP MMO. One Google search away, and vuala! I found this lovely place. :3

I am REALLY looking forward to this weekend!! :D :3 When the game comes out "for real" I'm going to have one pony of each race, though my "mane" pony will be my earth pony (which I'm going to RP as a Time Horse. :P ). The "special connection to animals" and "can carry more things" drew me to the earth ponies. :)

See y'all in-game!! :D