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Messages - Rattletrap

I think that when we originally set up instancing, it was defaulted to load the player into the instance with a lower number of players so as not to overload one instance. However, now that's not such a problem and we should probably revisit that issue.

If you are wearing anything else that takes up the same slot that the wings use (back plate armor, some dresses, etc.) then it won't let you wear the bat wings.

Here's a few that I took, mostly before and after shots:

Early arrivals.

Shadowbolts setting up for practice:

Nightmare at the gate:

Summerween trickster at the gate:

Cloud stairway after the event:
Thread Games / Re: Word Association Game
2018 Apr 16, 22:52:10
Light beam
Granted. You have a speck of sugar.

I wish for a golden apple.
General News / Re: The LoE Forum is Back!
2017 Aug 24, 18:08:15

Okay, celebration done now. Must dive back into work on the game.
Quote from: McClaw on 2016 Jan 21, 09:15:15
I'm hoping someone on the devteam can tell us the current names of some of the features we saw.

What is the name of the cottage in the Heartlands where Quicksand can be found southwest of Midway Village?

At this point, it is simply known as the Cottage. That designation may or may not change somewhere down the road.

Quote from: McClaw on 2016 Jan 21, 09:15:15
What is the name of Foreshadow's "retreat" south of Midway Village?

Foreshadow's location is known as the Hermit's Cottage.

Quote from: McClaw on 2016 Jan 21, 09:15:15
What is the name of the new structure northwest of Midway Village? (The one that looks like a birdhouse tower. Some of the design suggests griffins.)

I believe the current designation for that structure is the Roost, but someone from our Design team might have a better answer for that one as it is still a work in progress.

Quote from: McClaw on 2016 Jan 21, 09:15:15
What is the name of the platforms south of the airship dock in Cloudopolis? (And were they new in OSE 10?)

That platform area is currently known as the Drop Platform.
Quote from: White Pony on 2016 Jan 18, 08:22:49
When you mentioned that there was a new update to the interior of SugarCane Corner, I explored the interior and didn't really notice anything different... but later, I see a whole area was created in the wall, over the cookie/cupcake display-case, for ponies.  Two levels of in-wall shelves for dancing ponies.

The whole interior was actually redone to get rid of a number of glitched spots like the display case where ponies could get stuck and the green cabinet that ate ponies. Though most of the details are not noticeable to the average player, they do make gameplay in the area much better.
Quote from: NotoriousSMALL on 2015 Dec 27, 18:52:41
in four months they have to have something done. Which makes me wonder if there'll be a changelog and if so, when

Yes, there are some changes and there will be a changelog.
Thank you for mentioning that. I believe that we had a problem on one of the server resets where several NPCs failed to load. I can remember talking about it with one of our other team leads and arranging for another reset, which solved the problem. We're sorry that you had that experience and we hope that you'll be back to play the next time we have another open server weekend.
Silver Platter's Quest is Strawberry Fields for Now
The Good Egg Quest is temporarily disabled until I get it properly worked in with Farmer Fields' and Silver Platter's other quests.
I'll have to get some time to compare the Wiki to our current list of quests in game. I'm currently busier than Applejack in apple bucking season.