OC: Valorwing

Started by Valorwing, 2013 Jul 09, 08:01:05

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2013 Jul 09, 08:01:05 Last Edit: 2013 Jul 09, 19:45:25 by Valorwing
Name/Aliases:  Valorwing, Val
Age:  Early Teens
Gender:  Stallion
Occupation:  "Adventurer"
Talents:  Aerobatics, Whistling, Scarfing Pizza, Amazing Luck
Personality:  Daring, clueless and avaricious, but occasionally and surprisingly noble and sacrificing when provoked to be. 
Family:  Starlight Shadow (sire), a pegasus pony with black skin, a purple mane, and a love of astronomy, and Draymare (mother), an earth pony with white skin, a blonde mane, and great strength. 

Valorwing is a pegasus pony youth with a fire-orange mane, ruby eyes, and white skin, who prides himself on being "unafraid" in any circumstance (though this is only true half of the time... and often when it is, tends to testify to his inexperience or foolhardy nature).  He inherits a well-spoken and intellectual side from his sire, which sadly tends to make him the sort to look down on the less educated, and he inherits a respect and desire for physical strength from his mother, manifesting in his enjoyment of proving himself in tasks and situations where hard work is called for.  He is, however, fairly lazy, despite his strength. 

Valorwing uses his father's 'night-owl' tendencies as an excuse to stay up much later than he should, most of the time.  He loves helping other ponies with challenging physical tasks because it gives him an opportunity to improve and show off his muscle (when he's not busy napping in some comfy meadow far from town).  He is a swift flyer and a surprisingly strong competitor in any race when he can pull himself together.  Alas, most of the time he's far too undependable.  His father wishes he were a more dedicated student, and his mother wishes he were a more consistent worker.  Both make him secretly insecure in himself and his success when he grows up.  In the mean time, he fights a constant battle between his appetite for high heroism and his appetite for hot pizza with extra cheese and spicy marinara on the side for dipping!!

Post Merge

...and no, like the picture he hasn't got his cutie mark yet.   :s

Post Merge

He's probably afraid of the idea - could end up being a winged slice of pizza, condemning him to eternal delivery boy duty.   lol

Gracie Sky

Hmm, your description of him is well worded.

His lack of cutie mark at his age is a little disturbing, considering how well able he is (and the fact that you actually list a bunch of talents). I'm guessing he's too lazy to actually go look for his talent.

Also, you may wish to expound on his occupation of "Adventurer". It sounds like a self proclaimed title, however.
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