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Messages - alphaslime

Too bad I am not really in a state to help you guys right now (I can just do just simple blender models and textures in gimp) Now that i have finally gotten serious about game Dev though, I should have a better skill set next time you do this.
I will see if I can pop on later today.
Called it. It should be fun to see what new things the modelers have made.
Is this special announcement the stress test you guys were planning? I heard you mention it a few times in the bronies for good stream.
Guess I have another livestream to watch. Listening to you guys talk again should be fun, and the rest of the stream looks interesting as well.
Well the live stream was fun. I was even able to stay up through most of it. Looking forward to the next time you guys do this.
I will see if I can catch the particle/modeling/texturing segments, and possibly one of the animation parts as well. Is this going to be recorded by anyone?
I should probably go and learn the unity engine again, my programming abilities are in a rather poor state.  On another note, you guys can rest assured that all of you are much more likely to get on then me.
Quote from: Popfred on 2013 Jul 10, 03:54:25
Is it programmed at LUA scripting system? Well I would but I think I am too underage to the job.    :c

No lua here. Just C#, unity's version of java script, and boo. It is technically possible to implement form what I read, but it is unlikely it works nearly as well as the 3 default languages.
Edit: Got ninjad by MiJyn
Just sent in my application to be a programmer. It seems highly unlikely I will hold up to the competition, but at least I can say I tried.