who is your fav mane 6

Started by perrykt1, 2017 Sep 17, 18:51:32

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ok here is a thing who in the mane 6 is your favorite

is rarity your fav?
2 (9.1%)
is pinkie your fav?
4 (18.2%)
is rd your fav?
3 (13.6%)
is aj your fav?
3 (13.6%)
is twi your fav or is flutters your fav?
10 (45.5%)

Total Members Voted: 12

Voting closed: 2017 Oct 18, 18:51:32

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choose your fav here they are to choose
who is your favorite pony out the mane 6?

Night Striker

Fluttershy is love, Fluttershy is life

That is all I have to say

While I may not be part of LoE staff, I always try to help others who might have problems in LoE the best I can because I want others to share my enjoyment of the game. ^-^

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Shadow Midnight

Sky Arrow

~insert clever signature here~

Master Masher

Rainbow Dash for the WIN! :3  o.O  lol  B)  =P  o_O
Hi master masher. master as in well a master at button mashing. i am a gamer planing on braving youtube as"Master Masher" what ever it comes down to. Still figuring out the kinks with the running LoE and my profile


................................Can I choose all of them?  ^-^   :]   lol   ;)   >.<   :D
Hi, I'm Silverbeat! No, not "silver beet", like the vegetable. "Silver" as in the colour, "beat" as in "rhythm". I can assure you that, to the best of my knowledge, I am not edible ^_^
If you see me around, feel free to say "hi" :)


2017 Oct 08, 07:52:35 #6 Last Edit: 2017 Nov 25, 15:55:34 by CandyCookie
Pinkie 4 Life
The Queens Of Cookies


Quote from: Silverbeat on 2017 Oct 07, 21:15:20................................Can I choose all of them?  ^-^   :]   lol   ;)   >.<   :D
silver beat you can!


hey ponies that replied your going to vote who is the best know that you chose so vote who you think is gonna win?
Twilight Sparkle?^-^
Pinkie Pie? :D
Rainbow Dash? B)
Rarity *-*
AppleJack? :]
reply to vote who you think is gonna win!


Quote from: perrykt1 on 2017 Oct 09, 20:02:57hey ponies that replied your going to vote who is the best know that you chose so vote who you think is gonna win?
Twilight Sparkle?^-^
Pinkie Pie? :D
Rainbow Dash? B)
Rarity *-*
AppleJack? :]
reply to vote who you think is gonna win!
oh did i forget flutters?


ok i forgot fluttershy in that saying so here she is
Fluttershy :(
know vote!



Quote from: perrykt1 on 2017 Oct 09, 18:08:48yes silver beat you can!

Good! Then I choose all of them  :D
Hi, I'm Silverbeat! No, not "silver beet", like the vegetable. "Silver" as in the colour, "beat" as in "rhythm". I can assure you that, to the best of my knowledge, I am not edible ^_^
If you see me around, feel free to say "hi" :)


Quote from: Silverbeat on 2017 Oct 10, 09:43:14Good! Then I choose all of them  :D
:D ok vote who is the best know


so vote who is who you think is gonna win cause i have most votes ok choices
Twilight? ^-^
Fluttershy? >.<
Pinkie? :D
Rainbow? B)
or Rarity? ;)
Or Apple Jack? :]
choose who you think is gonna winn foaks!

Master Masher

i had a dream that i was flying with rainbow dash.
Hi master masher. master as in well a master at button mashing. i am a gamer planing on braving youtube as"Master Masher" what ever it comes down to. Still figuring out the kinks with the running LoE and my profile


Mane 7 you forgot Starlight Glimmer

Master Masher

fluttershy and rainbow dash :(   B) who am i kidding? i went out of my way to get the mane 6 so i can't pick favorites X3  ;)  :D  :]  B)  :( . but i do have a soft spot for Derpy Hooves. i feel she underappreciated.
Hi master masher. master as in well a master at button mashing. i am a gamer planing on braving youtube as"Master Masher" what ever it comes down to. Still figuring out the kinks with the running LoE and my profile

Misty Fly

"underappreciated" what is you talking about her fanbase is horrid! If anything she is overrated! And so is other overrated 4 that's why my vote goes to applejack

Master Masher

i have not looked at that yet
Hi master masher. master as in well a master at button mashing. i am a gamer planing on braving youtube as"Master Masher" what ever it comes down to. Still figuring out the kinks with the running LoE and my profile

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