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Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2015 Oct 02, 18:13:56
I had no idea that there was no sales tax on uncooked food. No wonder my food budget is so much higher than everyone elses. I eat 100% prepared food, which is taxed, ON TOP OF just plain being more expensive.
I gotta learn to cook.
Quote from: Lync Volan on 2015 Oct 01, 18:58:51
I didn't know Dark Souls was an online type game, i only recently got the first one because someone recommended it to me and it sounded pretty awesome (as you can tell i haven't started it yet)
Quote from: Nuserame on 2015 Jul 20, 12:10:48
LaptopBrony with a barely usable laptop? Unacceptable!
Install some ClassicShell, stat! Configure it to disable all the hot corners, and you have yourself a perfectly serviceable OS.
Also I the UEFI lockdown sounds like a lot of hear-say. Locking that down would just cause everyone a lot of trouble as it would brick the machine the moment windows inevitably bricks itself with an update or something. Even then, if you have the machine in your hands its always get around the password.
Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2015 Jul 12, 12:35:08Spoiler: show[spoiler]
You completely misinterpreted the point of that comment...which I clarified in the very next line. I wasn't suggesting that employers just randomly fire people when they hit 40. Why on Earth would I think that? That would not only be incredibly bad business practice, it would be illegal age discrimination. The point is if you're over 40 and have never once been eligible for public assistance of any kind then it means you've made it through the majority of your working life with nary a hiccup. You've never once lost your job or ended up with crushing medical expenses or endured unaffordable rent spikes that forced you to seek outside help. Have you got any idea what a miniscule percentage of the population can say that?
The point was that people who have never run into any serious hurdles in life need to quit looking down their noses on those that are temporarily down on their luck in a way they've never been. If you're going to criticize my post, then at least criticize it for a point I'm actually making.[/spoiler]
Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2015 Jul 11, 09:09:38
If you're over the age for 40 and have never received any welfare benefits in your life, then you're a VERY privileged human being, it means you have always had a reliable source of steady income, a privilege not everyone can boast.
Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2015 Jun 30, 17:18:41
Sounds like a pretty shady ISP to me. I've never heard of any internet plan that imposes data limits. Well, unless you're using dial-up like a caveman.
Quote from: Rikaria on 2015 Jun 10, 12:50:23
Seeing as I already have a female, Modest Ninetales with Drought on my Y, I'm more than willing to do it. Just one more question: any Egg Moves?
Quote from: Chibalt on 2015 Jun 10, 13:22:48
Unfortunately the cost of living in many areas, particularly in the US, is significantly higher than what you get working a full day for minimum wage, sure, minimum wage should not be enough for luxury, but in those areas it tends to simply not be enough for basic costs and needs, many of which are needed to be able to even get a higher-paying job, thus they are stuck in a low-wage job unless they suddenly get a lot more cash which they really have no source of, not even in work, so they pretty much get stuck in a low place.
Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2015 Jun 10, 13:01:29Spoiler: showNot making your kids ashamed to to blue-collar work would be another plus. Throughout our childhoods we were told over and over that a college education is the only way to a comfortable future and that if you don't go to college you're doomed to be stuck in low wages your whole life struggling to scrape a living together. The truth is blue-collar, public-sector jobs usually pay living wages, and have better job security than white-collar desk jobs in the private sector. The problem is millennials don't want to do manual labor because our parents always portrayed such jobs to us as symbols of failure in life. ("If you don't want to end up digging ditches or driving a garbage truck for a living, you'd better get yourself a college education!") The truth is careers in things like construction and waste management are actually decent paying jobs that require no upfront investment like college-level jobs do.
Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2015 Jun 10, 09:59:09Spoiler: show[spoiler]
So you're agreeing that people need to set realistic goals instead of reaching for the stars and getting upset when they don't grab one, right? Cause that's the point I was making. The idea that we can all be whatever we want if we just work hard at it and never give up is a fairy tale. One that's been fed to an entire generation to the point where millennials feel like failures if they don't achieve their life goals.
Bottom line - In this life you cannot be whatever you want to be, you can only be what the world will let you be, nothing more. Not everyone can be the CEO, or the president - yet that's what everyone aspires to be, to reach the top. There are always thousands rank-and-file workers for every one CEO. That's how it's always been, and that's how it'll always be, you can't have a corporation of all CEOs and no workers. Yet we've been raised to feel like failures at life if we don't achieve our dreams, which is simply a flawed worldview.
You can't tell children that anything is possible through hard work and dedication, it's not, and it sets people up for disappointment and self-blame when things don't work out the way they wanted them to. It's like throwing a chicken leg in the middle 10 homeless dudes and saying "fight for it!" then after the fight you walk up to the 9 who didn't get it and say "Well, you could have had the chicken if you had just fought harder!" Which is true on an individual level, but not on a collective one. No matter how hard they all fought, at the end of the day only one of them could have the chicken. You knew good and well that 9 hobos weren't getting any dinner that night, so why are you making them feel like it's their fault their still hungry?[/spoiler]