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Quote from: Buttercookie on 2015 Jan 05, 21:56:33((A harf is breathing so hard you make a proper sound instead or heavily breathing))
Door slams open
(Constant running around)
"I HAVE AN PINEAPPLE AND I'M NOT AFRAID TO USE IT!- Wait, your not him... *Facehoof*"
"Oh I am so sorry if I scared you, there is a robber chase going on and I'm, well, chasing."
"Ah, could I stay here to rest? Gasp
Quote from: cloudwilk on 2014 Dec 07, 12:33:16OOC: Wait, wuut? Ok then, now my OC begins to sled out of control...
As Cloud waves from side to side, he lets out a last yawn before saying, "I think I'll go to bed too..." He hadn't wanted to... He wanted to stay, at least just to go over someone's house. But his exhaustion caught up with him. His wings were still stuck up, but the tips sagged a little because of his exhaustion. He didn't even know where to go. "On the second thought... I'll stay a little longer." He got close to the fire and laid down in the snow.
Quote from: Buttercookie on 2014 Dec 05, 21:27:32"HEEEEEELLLLLLPPPPPPPP!!!!!
"One hot chocolate please!"
"Ah, that was nice."
"Get my old sled, ah, memories..."
"And go to a hill."
"3... 2... 1..."
"... I went to the highest hill, didn't I. *Sigh* Ahhhh!"
"Somepony help me!!!"