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Messages - Rissian

Quote from: Rikaria on 2015 Jun 10, 09:34:18
What Nature and IVs do you want on it? (Rather, which IV do you NOT want 31 on?)

I'd say an attack IV is one I wouldn't need for Ninetales. Either Timid or Modest would be cool. I used to do competitive battling on diamond and pearl not so much now but it's still fun to battle others.

Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2015 Jun 10, 08:10:49
Freaking spiders man, all of this rain has made them want to enter houses, I just hit one with a 10 pound weight because it was one of the more dangerous ones from the look of it. I don't mind normal ones but I can't stand the venomous ones. :l
Quote from: Rikaria on 2015 Jun 09, 20:54:29
What in particular do you want for Ninetales, by the way? If it's something that can be done via breeding, I can take a request (as long as it doesn't involve a shiny).

I mainly want a drought Vulpix or Ninetales and I don't really trust the GTS for legit pokemon. I'd also like to breed them for IV's though which would take more than one. If you or kirby could help that would be cool. I don't really have much to offer in return though.
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2015 Jun 10, 06:12:18
Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2015 Jun 09, 13:30:19
Spoiler: show
The idiotic indoctrination of telling kids that the world is theirs for the taking and that anything can be achieved with hard work and dedication has got to stop. It's killing the souls of our youth.

I'm a millennial, like many in my generation I grew up being told that I could be anything I want to be, that I can do anything I set my mind to. It doesn't take long in the real world to realize what an utter fairy tale that worldview is. I had that figured out before I even finished high school. That's why I didn't go to college - I knew that; contrary to what my parents, teachers, and politicians were telling me, an overpriced piece of paper does not guarantee success in life. And I was right. Oh, was I right! Any number of unemployed college grads can tell you that.

Of course, today the very people who instilled this fantasy in our kin have done a complete foot-in-mouth 180. Take my mother for example, her response to the staggering percentage of recent college grads unemployed, or working for minimum wage? "It's their own fault they can't find a job, they should have majored in something more practical. I majored in nursing because I knew this country has a nursing shortage and I would get a job. They should have looked before they leaped."

Oh really, mom? What ever happened to "You can do anything."? What happened to "Follow your dreams."? They were just doing what their parents told them to and pursing a career in what interests them. Weren't you the one who told me "Never let money rule you, do what you love and don't worry about getting rich."? At what point did that turn into "You should have gone into a more lucrative field."? By telling grads they chose the wrong field, you're admitting that what you told us while we were growing - that we can do anything we set our minds to - was a bold-faced lie.

The problem is poor parenting. It's a parent's job to prepare their children for the real world, not set them up for disappointment by keep them in a feel-good fantasy land. And boomer parents totally failed in that department.

Midnight I honestly believe that if people want something they shouldn't complain about what it takes to get it and just try and get it, if they're constantly complaining and degrading their view on others it's not going to help them get what they want at all, usually when I see others talk about these kinds of things it's about a job,  their pay, or something else when honestly you can live just fine with a $12-21 an hour job with enough research on what you need. Sure you may not be able to be anything you want but you sure as heck can set proper realistic goals that are in range. Towns and cities are not cheap places to live in, the cost comes from convenience.

People need to research how to get the type of things they want the only thing stopping them is not knowing how to go about it. For instance I'm choosing to buy a place rather than to rent it once I work out what I need to be able to do that, you'll spend far more money on renting than you will on buying. I was taught the same as other kids you can be whatever you want. The thing I applied to that teaching was within realism the only types of things I allow myself to want to be I know are actually possible for me myself to be in this day and age.

Many people believe it's impossible to own land and a house these days so they rent instead, this is just from my perspective as I have no idea what you want to be or do in life. But for me I just want to have a job I can live on, I'm not really picky about it either. Where I live it's possible to buy a house and a small amount of land(About 4-8 acres) with payments of only around $256-300 a month on a loan, that's because I researched the different counties of Missouri and the money per acre required I also researched the cost of the bills I'd likely have and what I need to do to be able to get that loan. The good thing about the areas I researched they're not in the city so I don't have to worry about other issues that can occur from living in the city or renting. You know what my eldest sister pays for rent? $600-700 a month. But she chose the convenience of the city and to rent rather than to own because she's still searching for a specific style of house that she wants she also has a better job than I will have starting out so that option was good for her.

The average cost per acre in central Missouri is $2000 an acre. If I want to get a better price down in southern Missouri it's only $1000 an acre (Depends on the county). That's quite the big change and would knock the loan payment even lower granted it'd be a 10-15 year loan. any less years would cost too much for what my predicted monthly income could handle if I get the job I'm going for since the utility bills would have to be handled carefully. Granted these lands are all determined by the average of the county, one county to another can have vastly different prices.

Now one thing that does annoy me though is parents should not say "If you find a job you love you'll never work a day in your life." Even jobs you love will eventually cause you stress. If a job was meant to be fun it wouldn't be called a job.

This sounds really cliche and cheesey, but Knowing really is half the battle for a lot of things in life. The problem is figuring out what things you need to know then applying them to what you want in life.
Does anyone happen to have a fire friend safari in Pokemon X/Y that contains a Ninetales? It's kinda annoying that it's the only way to obtain one without buying pokemon bank and transferring them from Black/White.
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2015 May 31, 19:05:27
Fighting Chaos over and over again just to get a single skill from him in Sonic Battle. It takes forever.  :l
Quote from: Rikaria on 2015 May 29, 18:29:33
I spammed the final level of Reflect (or whatever it was called) for that fight lol

I only had the 2nd level of reflect sadly.  ovO I was also only lvl 40 so partially it was my fault for not leveling.
Off-Topic / Re: Today's Smile
2015 May 29, 18:15:34
Emerl, became a monster on Sonic Battle, he's stun locking some of the enemies I guess the move set is working out pretty well.  :I It's also pretty funny to watch when all I have to do is charge my stamina and wait. The game also dropped Amy's rare attack support so he gets even more damage per hit from that I think.
Spoiler: New Background • show

I got a new background recently.
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2015 May 29, 17:27:17
The fact that my sister's cat Kaija won't stop clawing and meowing at the doors in the house because she's in heat. She woke me up 2-3 times last night, 2-3 times...  :l
I never even made it to the true final boss on Kirby 64. I need to replay that game again someday.

I'm sure Sephiroth was a roadblock for many kids. I couldn't get past him in KH2 until I was older. Granted he's an optional boss but without beating him you could never finish Cloud's quest.  >:/
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2015 May 26, 18:03:57
Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2015 May 26, 13:40:52
Getting banned from a Minecraft server for griefing my own house.

That's kinda annoying what they did, if it were me I'd like to be able to get rid of my own house if I wanted to change locations in Minecraft. Right now on a server I have a house on an island in the ocean. But yeah it's your house so you should be able to do whatever with it.

I had to get a tetanus shot today, because I hurt myself in the yard so there went some money for that. I hate how clumsy I can be sometimes.
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2015 Apr 07, 22:00:17
I'm annoyed at Valkyrie Chronicles currently, I'm using a tank and you somehow miss shots often even though they're more accurate than any other class would be realistically in the game's lore, even though the long range class's weapons would be less accurate due to wind drop. But my tank can somehow miss at close range even with 3 accuracy upgrades.
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2015 Apr 07, 21:27:57
Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2015 Apr 07, 21:15:58
Okay I'll bite...

1. It's been disproved that raising minimum wage causes inflation equal to the raise. Yes it will cause slight inflation but not nearly enough that minimum wage workers won't see benefit.

2. Minimum wage was not designed to live on because during the time the concept was established the only people making minimum wage were teenagers in their first jobs at fast food joints. Over the centuries the wealthy have gotten greedier and greedier and are hoarding more and more of the nation's wealth. They expect workers to work longer and harder for the same wages while they pocket all of the profits from increased productivity and won't pay it out to payroll.

3. Stop acting like corporations are in a pinch. If they wanted to pay their workers more then they could by cutting into those record profits they keep reporting year after dadgum year. Here's a dose of reality for you:

In 70s the top 1% took home 9% of the nation's income. Now they take home 25% and their share continues to rise. If you don't think something is screwed up with that then you're blind.

I think this country would be a lot better if the government would repeal archaic anti-labor union laws and allow out workforce to fully unionize. Countries with unionized workforces have WWWWWAAAAAAYYYY better equality than those who low-unionized workforces. The underclass deserves a voice. Workers deserve to be treated like human beings, not expendable resources.

Look at the few industries of the American economy with high unionization rates - Education, Law Enforcement, Postal Service. Notice how these industries have extremely high wages compared to other similar industries? Because they don't roll over and let the bigwigs walk on them. They unionize and fight for themselves.

Quote from: Rissian on 2015 Apr 07, 21:05:42
A dynamic rate is just another form of regulation which will hurt the consumer not the company.

I never said corporations are in a pinch, where did you get that idea? They're greedy and that's exactly why product cost will rise if we change the minimum wage laws. I also hope you have sources for those disproved facts. Back in the 90s gas prices and food prices were 3 times cheaper than they are now. Where are you getting your facts from?

Why do you think there should be wealth equality? So hypothetically if someone else gets a more advanced job that requires years of college to be paid off they should suffer if they ever start a company because of wealth equality? Minimum wage jobs don't require college or bills to pay off and the people who do have higher paying jobs got there from studying. There will always be wealth inequality because not all jobs are equal to another. I don't expect to be paid a lot for a fast food job. You're basically talking about low level communism.

Companies will always treat us like expendable resources because that's what we are to them changing wages won't ever change that.

Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2015 Apr 07, 21:05:42
Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2015 Apr 07, 18:15:48
Everyone knows that. Both major political parties agree that the minimum wage needs to be raised. Everyone wants it raised except for the overpaid suits who get to make that decision: congress.

I'd rather see a flat minimum wage abolished, anyway. The best way to raise the standards of the underclass is to put a cap on the multiplier between the highest paid and lowest paid employees in a corporation. Say the CEO can only make 100x as much as the lowest paid employee. That way the only way for the CEO to get a raise would be to give his employees raises. that would close the wealth gap overnight.

I never understood why people want minimum wage to rise. The more regulation you put on businesses the more they will charge for their products and you'll be in the same exact boat all over again. If minimum wage goes up so will food prices so will gas prices everything will inflate because the companies will increase the price of their product. Minimum wage was never designed for people to live on. Minimum wage is for starter jobs. Why do people assume raising minimum wage will fix anything. The economy is in the trash right now so regulations will only make it worse.  :c

I don't want it raised and I'm not some middle aged suit, our economy is bad enough already. I know a lot of other people who don't want it raised either. The people you hear on the news don't represent the majority opinion of the country they're just the loudest and expect minimum wage to pay for a house/rent +living expenses when that's just not the case nor how it was designed.

A dynamic rate is just another form of regulation which will hurt the consumer not the company.
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2015 Apr 01, 05:00:44
Internet is out so I'm  stuck using my cellphone.  DD:
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2015 Apr 01, 01:04:14
Quote from: Vick McBread on 2015 Mar 31, 23:28:48
Schools and churches of America are businesses. When you go to school, the school makes money. The Education System is completely bought and paid for. I wish I was home schooled instead. I actually REGRET listening to my teachers SO intently. I was the most obedient little boy that all the teachers liked. THUS I didn't have any guts, any spine. TODAY, I can call myself a man, because I stopped listening to BS, and got my head screwed on right. AND YES! I EAT CHICKEN NUGGETS! THEY TASTE GOOD WITH KETCHEP! HAVE YOU HEARD WHAT'S IN THE WATER OF AMERICA? THERE IS SO MUCH CRAP YOU DON'T KNOW ABOUT!

...Thank you for listening to my rant today...

Vick. Churches are paid for by donations it's how they keep a tax exempt status the only Churches that aren't are one's that host private schools. For the normal churches sonetimes the pastors or workers will pay out of their own wallet if the church is going through financial trouble and donations aren't enough my uncle is an elder at the church I goto so I know how some of the stuff works there they aren't a business I'm not sure where you got that idea at. The public schools however are paid for by  taxes but they often make deals with the government for funding so they're more business like than a church ever is.
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2015 Mar 31, 08:14:46
Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2015 Mar 30, 18:18:10
Spoiler: show
Trying to watch the recording of Rooster Teeth's Final Fantasy 15 demo livestream on Twitch, and it keeps hitting spots where it has to stop and buffer. I thought the days of waiting for something to buffer were behind me. :\

Weeell... what I've seen so far (the combat tutorial), the game's pretty awesome. I can't wait to get it.

Post Merge

I reeeeally reeeeally want Final Fantasy 15, and I plan to get it when it comes out, but... I'm not sure if I can get used to the fact that Noctis sounds like Batman. I don't like it. The voice does not fit the way he looks at all. They did a fine job with the other three, and then Noctis is like... a skinny teenager who stole Batman's voice via black magic or something. Seriously, is it too late for them to change his voice? Please? It's like, a teenager who's trying way too hard to sound edgy and gritty.

I had to watch the tutorial and intro again today to understand what other people meant and now I see why. His voice is quite a bit too deep for the way he looks.  :I Not sure if I'll get used to that or not in the main game but I'll probably be okay with it after awhile the game's too awesome to not play, and I like the other three's voices so that will help. ovO
Off-Topic Archive / Re: Amazing desserts
2015 Mar 29, 15:19:03
Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2015 Mar 29, 14:42:46
Hope you had fun!
And yesss, banana pudding is so good. But I only like it if it has Nilla Wafers in it. And I only like Nilla Wafers if they're in banana pudding.

Choco Tacos. ovO It just makes me sad that each box only has 4 tacos.
Spoiler: show

Yeah I had great fun I got to drive my nephew's ATV again. We had cookie cake, burgers, veggies and more. My cousin also brought the Bloodborne game to my nephew's party so me and my cousin played that a bit as well.

Why can't they sell those tacos here at our walmart?  DD:

My mom makes home made banana pudding with Nilla Wafers.  :3 I love it. I'm going to ask her to show me how she makes it someday that's a dessert I don't ever want to lose the recipe for. With her's she uses vanilla pudding and uses real bananas mixed with the pudding rather than the banana cream stuff most people buy at the store, and it basically tastes much fresher and has a stronger banana flavor and the vanilla really helps. She then puts the wafers on top.
Off-Topic Archive / Re: Amazing desserts
2015 Mar 28, 04:11:28

Old Fashioned Banana pudding with wafers my mom's making it for everyone at my nephew's birthday today.  :3 It doesn't look like much but it's delicious.