Why I Hate/Can’t Accept Discord’s “Reformation”

Started by LostSanity, 2015 Nov 08, 18:42:27

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Okay... so... as I'm sure most people saw... I didn't really like the latest episode. In fact, for me, it was the worst of the season. Possibly the worst episode I've watched of the whole series.

So since I'm constantly surrounded by "controversial" opinions/stuff in general for whatever reason... Maybe an explanation is in order?

At least in terms of why I don't like Discord and I can't accept his so-called "Reformation" which is pretty much a bold faced lie and he hasn't reformed at all IMO.  :l

So... let's start at the beginning. When Discord was introduced in Season 2, I actually did like him. He was probably the most interesting villain of them all. But that's all. I liked him as a villain:s

Then Season 3 happened. This season seems to be the most controversial of them all from what I've seen. Most people don't seem to like this season. It was okay for me I guess. I overreacted to the revealing of Twilight becoming a princess but that's not what this is about.

"Keep Calm and Flutter On" was the supposed "episode" where Discord was supposed to be reformed. Was he though? He seemed to want Fluttershy as a friend though. Things didn't get much better after that for me. You can't expect me to trust him after that. Not after what he did. So I don't trust him. AT ALL. Plus... that wasn't really a good episode and there was NO REASON TO REFORM HIM IN ANY WAY WHATSOEVER. Again, IMO.

Then, he was pretty much the cause of the Tree of Harmony going berserk in the Season 4 premiere. That's strike one. Not a great start for some jerk who's supposed to be "reformed" now is it?

Then there was "Three's a Crowd" The only episode that made this bearable for me was Princess Cadence. THAT'S IT. Discord got his comeuppance at the end of the episode though. HE FAKED BEING SICK. STRIKE TWO.

Then there's the Season 4 finale. OH BOY WHERE DO I BEGIN?! HE HELPED TIREK. Now... I'll admit he made up for it in the end but the fact of the matter is that HE TURNED ON HIS NOW SUPPOSED  "FRIENDS." STRIKE THREE. AT THIS POINT THEY SHOULD HAVE TURNED HIM BACK TO STONE. Again, IMO.

Then we have Season 5. "Keep New Friends But Keep Discord" and now "What About Discord?" In the first one, he got jealous of Fluttershy having another friend. Hell, I trust The Smooze more than I trust Discord. BECAUSE DISCORD CAUSED WHAT SMOOZE DID. Keep him away from jewelry/gold and I bet Smooze would be fine. Just my thinking anyway. Then of course, he made Twilight jealous in the new one ON PURPOSE. Yes she learned something from it, BUT HE STILL DID IT ON PURPOSE. As for the way the new one ending, well, that satisfied me because TURNABOUT IS FAIR PLAY. STRIKE FOUR. WHY ISN'T HE A STONE STATUE AGAIN?  :l

Then there's how he acts in the comics. I don't know if anyone else keeps up with those but I do. Now honestly... he's done some... more interesting things in the comics. He tried to help the CMC get their cutie marks (before Season 5 in Friends Forever issue) and he took Fluttershy and the CMC on a weird adventure through dimensions. The first one almost ended in an apocalypse, luckily the CMC were able to stop that. The second one Discord acted foolishly again and the CMC got kidnapped and weren't rescued until Fluttershy gave Discord a lecture and he was able to do something to get them rescued.

The more recent Friends Forever one was more interesting with Luna. Luna seems to see some of herself (when she turned into Nightmare Moon) in this one and was able to help Discord with his sleep problems. Discord supposedly learned something and even helped Luna pass the time during her nightly duties with playing cards with her. At first, I liked this. Of course it was obvious that on the final page he was even cheating at the cards.  :facehoof:

Yeah... four strikes in the show. He doesn't seem to be all that bad in the comics though. I guess? Too bad he doesn't act like that in the show.

So yeah. All in all, I don't trust Discord and he's not "reformed" in my eyes nor will he ever be more than likely.

Should he be turned back to stone? More than three strikes says yes as do I. Will he?

Probably not.

Just don't expect me to like Discord episodes. Ever.

Mr. Controversy,



Spoiler: show
[shadow=gray,left]I'M ONLY HAPPY WHEN IT REIGNS[/shadow]

The Roman Reigns of the forum

Icy Shield

After S4 finale, I don't think writters would make him go back to his evil roots again. But he is indeed is best as a villain. He is spirit of chaos and disharmony for pete sake! He can't be 100% reformed, it's against his nature. I just wonder what will he do when Fluttershy pass away or if their friendship will end in some way.

Let it snow!


I think I can understand where the writers are coming from with Discord, though.

There's a very close relationship between chaos and order (and Discord identifies with chaos, not evil or cruelty). They're not just defined opposites; those who study chaos theory quickly realize that they end up creating each other. Without chaos, order will eventually immobilize everything.

In Equestria, a reformed Discord can fill the role of "loyal opposition" and work against stagnation. In story terms, Discord can be used as both a "safe" antagonist and a lesson that there's a difference between those that you don't like and enemies. Both Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon can be used in similar roles, along with Trixie, Gilda, and other characters.

Have the writers achieved this? No, not really. But it's also not something that can be achieved in a single story.
Watch for "Census Taker" (pegasus), "Chuck Wagon" (earth pony), and "Bug Hunter" (unicorn).

Aria BIaze


Since this is the only topic about "Reformation" on here, I'll post this here.

Some of this has spoilers though (mostly MLP Comic Spoilers) so I'll treat them as all other spoilers

Spoiler: show
Okay... so... 'Siege of the Crystal Empire' MLP Comic arc. For those that read the comic, READ THIS. For those that don't read the comic, READ THIS.

You won't regret it. Probably the BEST arc in the comics so far.

Opinions on the comic aside... onto substance...

How it ended...

THAT'S how you do a reformation/redemption. NOT how it was done for dictatorship jerk Glimmer.

The End.


[shadow=gray,left]I'M ONLY HAPPY WHEN IT REIGNS[/shadow]

The Roman Reigns of the forum


First off Discord IS discord. He's going to cause problems just by existing, he can't help it. As far as his friendship issues go I blame Fluttershy far more than Discord himself. In keep calm she shows him how to be a better person, not a better friend. Also that should have been a 2 episode event. Watch Emperor's New Groove if you want a better feel of how it should have went down.

As far as the Tree yes it was technically his fault but it was the Tree weakening that caused the seeds to sprout not Discord himself. Like he said he placed them there long ago for a backup plan that simply failed and of course he would sit back and enjoy the chaos, it's just part of who he is. Not to mention he used the situation to teach twilight a valuable lesson.

Three's a Crowd was really just 2 things. Discord again just loving the Chaos he causes and testing the limits of what friendship can mean(feel like I worded this badly but meh) which to me says Fluttershy has yet to actually have a sit down with him and really explain things.

Tirek...yeah this is just him falling off the wagon in a sub-par written episode.

For Keep New Friends But Keep Discord is again a failure on Fluttershy's part in regards in the many aspects friendship, the fact she didn't pick up on it just makes it worse. And the Smooze? I can see Discord doing this no matter what the situation, it just appeals to much to his sense of humor. (he REALLY needs to update his jokes, a millennium in stone really hurt his act)

Have yet to see What about Discord so I can't comment on it.

Discord does not have the experience of normal interaction that a many take for granted. He is having to learn how to be friendly, heck even just civil, to others literally from the ground up. He has nothing to draw from or experience it second hand from observation as it seems he interacts mostly with Fluttershy and it seems that's with just between themselves. This tells me that Fluttershy has done little in the way of educating Discord and simply expecting him to follow her moral guidelines which is just asking for disaster.

My biggest problem with the writers so far is the lack of interaction with Pinke. Not only would this pair be instant friends IMO both for the fact that, one Pinkie wants to be EVERYPONIES best friend and two they have such similar personalities. The fact that Discord isn't drawn to Pinkies innate chaotic tendencies is just plain weird. Not only is it a better fit, Pinkie would also force Discord to be more social thus giving him more interactions to draw from. This last part is just a Discopie fan griping but I still feel its a valid point.


2016 Jan 13, 13:02:30 #6 Last Edit: 2016 Jan 13, 13:13:01 by wingedpineapple
Quote from: LostSanity on 2016 Jan 12, 18:18:53
Spoiler: show
Okay... so... 'Siege of the Crystal Empire' MLP Comic arc. For those that read the comic, READ THIS. For those that don't read the comic, READ THIS.

You won't regret it. Probably the BEST arc in the comics so far.

Opinions on the comic aside... onto substance...

How it ended...

THAT'S how you do a reformation/redemption. NOT how it was done for dictatorship jerk Glimmer.

u wot
Spoiler: show
it pretty much came from nowhere for Sombra and hope not even regretted for almost dooming equestria

Edit: Alright I admit Sombra's redemption was better than Glimmer's BUT I still can't handle that Hope got her obviously forced happy ending almost dooming equestria with the only regret of "oh well ,the umbrun wasn't as good as I tought but I'll give them the Crystal Heart regardless"


I never said it was perfect.

My whole thing is that it was done FAR better than Glimmer's so-called "Reformation/Redemption"

IMO. Obviously.
[shadow=gray,left]I'M ONLY HAPPY WHEN IT REIGNS[/shadow]

The Roman Reigns of the forum


There's a miniscule chance my opinion may be changing if a certain 'feeling' I got when S6 started comes true.

There's nothing to back it up yet... but...

All I can say...

Is stay tuned.

[shadow=gray,left]I'M ONLY HAPPY WHEN IT REIGNS[/shadow]

The Roman Reigns of the forum


2016 Jul 04, 14:38:50 #9 Last Edit: 2016 Jul 04, 14:55:42 by ABreezyFan32
This Is True... I Also Don't Agree With This "Reformation" I Think It's Pretty Idiotic Of The Writers To Do This! I Mean Really Writers He Was Supposed To Be A Main Villain Not Some Mr.NICE GUY!!!!!!  ovO ovO

Post Merge

So I Wish We A Community Of Bronies And Pegasisters Go Change The Way The Writers Of The Show Think To Make Discord A Villain Again!


I think it's fine that reformed, I just don't like how they did it. I was expecting some kind of compromise or something.
What is this 'happiness' others speak of


2016 Jul 31, 14:36:34 #11 Last Edit: 2016 Jul 31, 14:43:04 by DancingLights
I think the problem here is, we've all assumed he was a villain in the first place.

He's modeled after Q, from Star Trek: Next Gen. He's portrayed from the start as an antagonist, casting himself as judge and jury of the human race, telling Picard they're a race of barbarians that oughtn't to be set loose on the galaxy.

But then, for all his power, he doesn't really stop 'em, does he? Indeed, in the end, everything he does seems almost... helpful.
Take, for instance, the first episode involving the Borg. Q throws the enterprise across the galaxy, where they find themselves face to face with their greatest enemy yet. A race of cyborgs that absorb all that they find into their collective.
Many people die in this fiasco.

And yet... they discovered that the Borg were out there. When the invasion came, humanity WASN'T crushed and absorbed. A few deaths seems a cheap price to pay for that.

When Discord first took everything over... Tirek wasn't a thing yet, Sombra wasn't born, Nightmare Moon hadn't happened... ponies were essentially free from conflict. Imagine, ponies without conflict... Nothing for them to struggle against, to learn and grow from...

So, Discord took on the role of the devil, giving them something to force the ponies to grow and mature. (I believe that this was a time before most monsters as well; Discord clearly has had some influence on the everfree. I mean, timber wolves made of wood? Poison joke? Apples with dozens of arbitrary rules to preserve them longer than a couple of days?)

By the time real threats arose, ponies were stronger, ready to face them. I... don't think Discord planned on getting stoned for so long, though.

Doesn't it seem the slightest bit fishy that discord "betrayed" the main six, for someone who was bound to betray him just in time for him to learn a friendship lesson and give Twi a key?
When he spent the beginning of the episode practically pointing Twilight to the journal, WITH highlighted passages pointing out the five items collected so far?
It's almost like he KNEW what the keys so far were, and was going out of his way to get them the last one, neh?

Post Merge

Quote from: LostSanity on 2016 Jan 13, 18:14:53
I never said it was perfect.

My whole thing is that it was done FAR better than Glimmer's so-called "Reformation/Redemption"

IMO. Obviously.
Arguably, Starlight's not reformed.
In my headcanon, she just used the story about her friend and his cutie mark as a rationalization for conquest.
She's not exactly sorry for what she did. She still tries to solve her problems by manipulating others, particularly if it can be done by magic. However, by pretending to be "reformed," and "sorry for what she did," she can learn more about friendship, and how it can be used to USE PEOPLE, with full sanction of the princesses, along with learning how NOT to cross Twilight and get taken down again.

In short, she's a monster, full on sociopath. But she's also adorably snarky. I hope they do take this path with her. MLP lacks true sociopaths.


Personally, I don't think he is truly reformed. He chose to be 'reformed' simple because it was the unexpected, hence more chaotic, thing to do. He doesn't have any grand goals, not even to kick Luna and Celestia out (personal headcanon Discord made the elements to add some risk to his game) as the destruction of the state, while it would create more chaos temporarily, would mean there would be less chaos afterwards. He's playing the long game, and it's all for chaos, good and evil mean squat to him I believe.
What is the strongest weapon of ponykind? The Elements of Harmony? No! The Princesses? No! The cannon? The spear? The horn? Not at all! Courage and courage alone stands above them all!

Midnight Breeze

2016 Aug 21, 13:47:51 #13 Last Edit: 2016 Aug 21, 14:17:01 by Midnight Breeze
Quote from: OldenEmpire on 2016 Aug 21, 00:33:04
Personally, I don't think he is truly reformed. He chose to be 'reformed' simple because it was the unexpected, hence more chaotic, thing to do. He doesn't have any grand goals, not even to kick Luna and Celestia out (personal headcanon Discord made the elements to add some risk to his game) as the destruction of the state, while it would create more chaos temporarily, would mean there would be less chaos afterwards. He's playing the long game, and it's all for chaos, good and evil mean squat to him I believe.

I've had a pretty similar theory myself for some time now. I think he's not really reformed, he just behaves because he knows he can't win. Twilight and her posse are stronger than him, the only thing rebelling would accomplish is getting him trapped in statue form again and he knows that, so he chooses to behave so he can at least keep his freedom. If he thought for a second he could beat Twilight he'd betray her in a heartbeat.

Thing is, Discord is immortal, so he can just bide his time until Twilight's friends die of old age and try again...


I don't think winning is really important to Discord. I mean sure, he might prefer to not be a statue, but I think he made his own rules to his game and he's going to keep playing his game. Winning over the elements isn't really a goal to him, as he could simply just eliminate it or minimize it's threat with a snap of his finger (brainwashing, relocation, or many other fun* options). He can win anytime he really wants too, but the would ruin the fun of it. It's the challenge, the struggle of order vs chaos, that makes it worthwhile.
What is the strongest weapon of ponykind? The Elements of Harmony? No! The Princesses? No! The cannon? The spear? The horn? Not at all! Courage and courage alone stands above them all!

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