ADVENTURES OF EQUESTRIA (all ponies welcome)

Started by Lullaby Princess, 2015 Sep 20, 21:18:21

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Super sayian pony

Red: Well while your with me I will protect you no matter what and not because your a princess either.


Lullaby Princess

* she stopped crying and wiped her tears * But one thing I don't understand... * she stood up holding her bruised hoof * ...why are you doing this for me? I mean, well, every pony is all for the reward... which is a pretty big just saying...
Moving on doesn't mean forgetting... it means you choose happiness over hurt.

Merci, Chloe Flora!


Kenya is in her Draconaquus form on the couch

Super sayian pony

Red: Well it was like that at first but then i noticed that you didnt want to go back and be the princess. I have had that feeling before. Thats why im travelling across equestria.


Super sayian pony


Lullaby Princess

// sure :3 //

Hm...well, I don't know the first thing about you have any place in particular of where you are traveling to?
Moving on doesn't mean forgetting... it means you choose happiness over hurt.

Merci, Chloe Flora!

Super sayian pony

Red: No I was just traveling because it felt right.



2015 Sep 23, 17:32:22 #148 Last Edit: 2015 Sep 23, 17:35:54 by dashie77
Kenya Was Praticing her chaos in her room

Post Merge

Kenya Walked into u guy`s room "WERE OUT OF TOILET PAPER!!!

Post Merge

BTW Kenyas the size of a filly

Lullaby Princess

Well-- * she looked at Kenya * uh...what?
Moving on doesn't mean forgetting... it means you choose happiness over hurt.

Merci, Chloe Flora!


"I said we are OUT Of toilet paper!!!!"

Super sayian pony

Red: Wait whut? o_O Where did she come from? Well good thing i bring extra everything.
*red pulls a roll of toilet paper and tosses it to Kenya*


Lullaby Princess

Hm... I'm going to go talk to my parents... you guys wait here... * she walked inside the castle and closed the door *
Moving on doesn't mean forgetting... it means you choose happiness over hurt.

Merci, Chloe Flora!

Super sayian pony

Red: Well this might be awhile.
*red sits down next to his bag*



Lullaby Princess

/Time skip to nightfall / * she sighed * you understand?
King: * nods * Go forth with your new friend...
Queen: You will always remain within the safety of the kingdom.

* she hugged them and waved a final goodbye * I will return. I promise. * she opened the door, grinning from ear to ear * Well, Red, you are officially my first friend and travel buddy! Oh, and you received a medal for rescuing me. Here. * she handed him a diamond medal *
Moving on doesn't mean forgetting... it means you choose happiness over hurt.

Merci, Chloe Flora!


"What about me!! what about me!!!!!!" Kenya Said "I can transform into a pony!!"

Lullaby Princess

* she looked at Kenya * Of course I would not forget about you! Here you go. * she handed her a tiara * ^-^
Moving on doesn't mean forgetting... it means you choose happiness over hurt.

Merci, Chloe Flora!

Super sayian pony

Red: Ooh nice... *he puts on the diamond medal* ...We should stay the night at the hotel for the night then get going on our adventure.


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