Plushie Adventures: A New Adventure

Started by Super sayian pony, 2015 Sep 20, 00:08:48

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Peace Keeper

Hmm... perhaps true SSP. If you were just made recently, perhaps you don't have a memory to start with. Well... hopefully if you do keep your memories, I hope I can help make them good to cherish for eternity.

He sees Mogeko hugging the plushie and smiles.
Seems he loves that plushie so much.
Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.


((she XD))
aww you cutie!
A nomad, tired from wandering.

Peace Keeper

*-Whoopse lol sowies

Guess she REALLY loves it.
Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.


Mogeko gets addicted to ANYTHING
A nomad, tired from wandering.

Super sayian pony

SSP: Well thats not reassuring. :ajshifty:



hey SSP do you wanna become a pony?
A nomad, tired from wandering.

Super sayian pony

* :ajshifty: *

SSP: I'd rather not.



A nomad, tired from wandering.

Super sayian pony

SSP: Still I'd rather not.



WHAT EVER! Midawn turns ssp into a pony and it doesn't do anything to him tricked ya!
A nomad, tired from wandering.

Super sayian pony

//Not sure what happened there but ok

* :ajshifty: *



A nomad, tired from wandering.

Super sayian pony



Midawn's face is the troll face
A nomad, tired from wandering.


Natura is really confused...


Mogeko stares at Midawn like she just had eggs thrown at her
A nomad, tired from wandering.

Super sayian pony

2016 Apr 19, 21:33:29 #736 Last Edit: 2016 Apr 19, 21:38:24 by Super sayian pony
//Okay Everypony its time to refresh and restart. Its a new adventure! And Peace *If he wants to* will tell us our setting at the moment


Peace Keeper

*-Alright. Well hopefully this could work a bit okay. I will try to get us into something that could possibly have a good amount of stuff in our setting to get fun.


After several months getting his first plushie and discovering of his magic to live, he has set out somewhat on his own, getting a dorm closer to his school as his house was too far away to travel in a constant manner. He has collected a few of his personal belongings, and decides to bring his SSP plushie with him.
*-Not sure if he has collected others as well but we will see who likes to return in the RP as a plushie or as a pony.
It is now days before his first day of class and he is now trying to accomodate himself to his new living place for the next year or so. He sets all his stuff around, bringing out his plushie first so he has room to breathe and look around.

This will be our room for a while. At least now we got a bit of room. I am glad the family had accepted you with us. We probably be tripping out the students, but then again some of these ponies probably are good puppeteers and believe that it is a puppet trick. There is a lot of stuff here, we got a part, a little forest for a hike in case, there is a beach about a mile from here, and a tall hill not too far in case we want to see space or even the city.
Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.

Super sayian pony

Well at least It would allow me to talk in most situations.

//Im using cyan for SSP now hope ya don't mind ;3


Peace Keeper

*-Sure ^-^
Well probably yea. Don't think they will take the ventriloquism that easily from a pegasus for sure. I think you could fit in here a bit easier than at home. I mean, hard to believe an actual talking, living plushie.
Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.

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