Kingdom Hearts RP

Started by Timber Keyblade, 2015 Jun 24, 19:25:26

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Azure really didn't think it was the time for games, especially when some guy just dissapeared in front of them.
"Ok, mind if I hang on to this bat for a little? Just in case that guy's still on the island."
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs:

Timber Keyblade

Gypsi picked up a struggle sword that resembled a rapier, "Good idea. Though, I think we're safe as long as Moon is here" Then she gave a soft smile, "Come on. Let's try these out" Then she walked out of the cave.
Looks like your about to have a Bad Time~

Aeterna Sol

"To be honest..." Blazing Sun said, turning back to look at the others. "I don't know who or what he is, but something's going on. I feel a strange energy spike of some sort, completely unrecognizable. I think I'll need a weapon too." She took a sword in between the size of a long sword and a short sword. Finally, one of her thoughts caught her attention. Though, it seemed to be more like a... Memory. Almost as if she was seeing the future... but she wasn't as far as she knew. It seemed like a purple sky, with a strange hole in it. She then felt like she was getting sucked in through the sky... Then it all stopped. She woke up, breathing heavily, with an obvious scared expression.

((This is a new one, by the way. I got the vision idea from Finn having one of some pillars. I'm sure it's not gonna happen again. Also, she will be unable to tell the others, if you're going to ask that. Mostly because she doesn't understand a thing that happened in the vision.))


(Shulk power!)
Azure cautiously stepped over to the featureless door. "What's behind this door, though?"
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs:

Aeterna Sol

((I know right?!))

"Huh? Oh, I don't know..." She said, still scared. "Why not we check? You know, once we have the means to?"


"I don't see any way of opening it, though..."
Jogging a little on the spot, Azure then ran into the door, hoping to barge it open. Painfully, it didn't work.
(Did we even find out what was behind that thing in KH?)
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs:


[Something something hearts. It's not exactly told, from what I remember, but shown to you via cutscene at some point. Hint: Bad things really want what's on the other side of it.]

Finn had sighed with relief on seeing the figure leave. The method, though, left him with a very bad feeling...
"Honestly, I don't know what I was intending to do..." He admitted.

"And I don't know what you were trying to do. Throwing your weight at it won't help, not when you don't really have all that much of it."
The kitsune walked up to the door, looking it over. "You want a door open, you give it a good KICK!"

There was a loud thud as his foot slammed into it via a surprisingly powerful side kick, but the door did not give in the slightest. It might as well have been a part of the wall painted to look like a door, for all the good his kick had done.

"Actually, yeah, that's not opening up. And I got a real funny feeling about it, too... I don't think opening it's a good idea. A very bad one, actually."

Shrugging, he went over to the pile of struggle bats, looking over it briefly before picking out a longer one, a bat with a fairly small "blade", but one that was stuck to the end of a fairly long pole.
Having extinguished the fireball that had been in his hand, he had some difficulty comparing it with his staff, which was actually far shorter.

Tossing the spear-like bat back, he picked out another, wand-shaped one. Shorter than his staff, but it felt better in his hand than that other bat.

"Anyway, I'll be heading out to that plateau now. Later!" Waving goodbye, Finn tried to leave, only for his face to run right into a wall, due to his vision still adjusting to the loss of illumination. His second attempt worked out a bit better, though.
Oh, signature? Well, mine's G.I, no Joe at the end. Wait, that's not how this signature thingy works, is it?
Ah well, it's not like anyone pays any actual attention to these things; I'm sure it'll be fine.


"H-Hey, wait up!"
Not wanting to be the last out the cave, Azure darted out after them, following to the plateau.
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs:

Aeterna Sol

"Hm. I guess there's nothing left in here..." She said, teleporting out of the cave, and proceeded to try and catch up. "Well... *Sigh* This better be good."

Timber Keyblade

Gypsi walked through the shack, over the bridge and onto the plateau, "It's really beautiful outside... despite that cloud in the distance"
Looks like your about to have a Bad Time~


(Definitley know what world I'm going to first :) )
"Yeah, I saw those clouds earlier. Here's hoping they just pass us."
Azure then turned his attention back to the bat he had.
"Never was good at fightin' without a weapon. Too weak."
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs:


"Oh, please. Strength isn't everything, pal." Finn had said as he lounged about on the paopu tree. "Don't misunderstand, I'm not trying to be hurtful or anything. I'm just saying, raw strength isn't the absolute answer to fighting. I mean, look at me! Do I look tough with these noodles I call arms? 'Course not, but I get along fine."

He then sat up, giving a glance at his new weapon. "But speaking of fighting... Might I suggest to everyone present, a round or two of sparring? I mean, our food's apparently taking forever and a half, so why not waste some time? The most we'd all have to worry about is a bit of bruising, and some soaked clothing if someone falls off."
Oh, signature? Well, mine's G.I, no Joe at the end. Wait, that's not how this signature thingy works, is it?
Ah well, it's not like anyone pays any actual attention to these things; I'm sure it'll be fine.

Aeterna Sol

"I'll sit this one out. Rather be asked by someone who is worthy... Like Finn, who's my rival as I said." She remembers the reason that she made the kitsune her rival. "Speaking of which, would anyone be willing to fill him in as for why he's my rival? Don't worry, I'll defend anyone that falls victim to him 'snapping'."


"I'm sorry, what?" The kitsune was looking fairly nonplussed at this point, as in surprised and more than a bit confused. "I don't get it, how are you going to defend someone from a laughing fit? Earplugs? And sure, your hometown's name is pretty funny, no offense, but you can't get the same reaction twice! And I'm quite sure I'm not going to up and assault anyone over it!"
Oh, signature? Well, mine's G.I, no Joe at the end. Wait, that's not how this signature thingy works, is it?
Ah well, it's not like anyone pays any actual attention to these things; I'm sure it'll be fine.


"I'll try it, then." Azure said after a pause, swinging the bat around a little, before holding it in reverse.
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs:

Timber Keyblade

"You do that too?" Gypsi asked Azure, "Metal does the same" She then smiled.

"Mind if I join" A voice spoke up. Gypsi turned to see Moon on the bridge, with his black struggle sword.

(Just to let you know, Moon's fighting style is similar to Riku's)
Looks like your about to have a Bad Time~


(I don't want to look like I'm ripping off Ventus, that's actually how I hold bats/swords IRL ^-^ )
"Oh, you're...Moon?" Azure asked. "I'm Azure."
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs:

Timber Keyblade

"Nice to meet you" He greeted back, "And if your wondering about dinner, it's cooling down right now. It'll be a few minutes before it's done"
Looks like your about to have a Bad Time~

Aeterna Sol

"... I'm gonna have to explain myself, aren't I? The strange thing is... You really did assault me, and you even threatened to break my horn, all because you thought I was lying? Dumbest reason I've ever heard." Then she remembers his gauntlet, and as a result, the light that she just barely noticed underneath it. "Though, what's the gauntlet for? And what was with you stopping mid-sentence when I noticed that light under it, you seemingly in pain, then just forgetting everything that happened right after I mentioned my home?


"That's just... ridiculous! That's not like me in the slightest!" Finn said loudly, staring at the unicorn as if she'd spontaneously grown a second head. However, a deep breath and a shake of the head managed to calm him down.

"I've had the gauntlets for as long as I could remember, ever since I was found washed up onto the beach." He said, ignoring his earlier outburst completely as he held out his armored hands for all to see. "I just have a habit of wearing them whenever, and they're not as restrictive as one might think."

"And you said something about a light?" He removed the gauntlet on his right hand. The only thing under the armor was a strange black mark on the back of his hand.
"I've had that for as long as I could remember, too. Couldn't tell you what it means, though, as I don't even know myself. Same goes for everything else; I can't answer if I don't know why or how. And unless the tattoo, or what I think is a tattoo, itself glowed... Well, I just can't see any of that story of yours happening... Sorry."
Oh, signature? Well, mine's G.I, no Joe at the end. Wait, that's not how this signature thingy works, is it?
Ah well, it's not like anyone pays any actual attention to these things; I'm sure it'll be fine.

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