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Messages - OldenEmpire

Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2016 Aug 01, 21:41:21
Lazy world building. Or, more specifically, stories that either simple recreate modern times with ponies or stories where they just sort to forget to give their world a history. I should be able to look past it easily, honestly, we are in one of the most creative fandoms out there, but it really bugs me when I open up a story and see that not a lot of thought has been put into the total history of the world the story takes place in.

For instance, a lot of stories see the 1000 year gap where Luna isn't around, and just kind stop right there. Sure, they may make Luna feel like a outsider, she may not know what's exactly is happening at the moment, but she gets into the loop of things fairly quickly, and surprising, not too much (comparatively to our own time) has changed. Take that and compare it to any 1000 year period in human history, and it just plain ole doesn't compare to the differences we would of had. I don't know, it just kinda bugs me.
Hello there SoanoS, and welcome to the forums. Making friends is a good thing, and this game does seem to encourage it. Personally, if they add a different race I'd like to to be griffions, but that's just me. Always liked the feathered fellows, besides, there has to be a few living in Equestria, they have been neighbors for how many centuries? Till next time I suppose.
Hello there Viking, welcome to the forums. I was also part of the last trio of Open Server Events that have been hosted, though, it was only after this one did I decide to come on here to the forums. Met some people that I wanted to keep in contact with, and I know at least one of them is somewhere on these forums.

I figure the last 2 verification questions are just there as a sort of deterrent. All that I can think of anyway. Good luck finding something here to keep you entertained.
Hello Crystal, and welcome to the community. I admit I am also new to these 'forums', though it doesn't look too daunting. As for a starting character while I admit a pegasus seems like a good choice to get used to maneuvering in three dimensions, I would instead suggest a unicorn.

Being as landbound as a unicorns are, you can and will get better at noticing things and understanding obstacles that block the paths of others, something that might be missed while zipping over the landscape, something that your subjects might appreciate later. Also while you are a unicorn you can start learning magic right away, while if you gained your horn later you would be behind others that started with a horn.
Hello there Valiant! I am new to these forums as well, though I have been around for a while. I am inclined to agree with you when you say LoE is the best game we have completely made up. Hopefully we both can have a good time at these forums.