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Messages - OldenEmpire

Griffions, obviously. They were the first race not a part of the main pony races in the show and I see little reason to change that here. Not only are they pretty cool (in my own opinion of course), they are cool without being fundamentally edgy like a changeling.

I think McClaw has a smart idea there. Although it raises concerns that it would force all griffion players into being pigeonholed into one kind of way to do things. Probably make it into a choice between flying and combat, and leave it at that. They can have most of the skills the same, but slightly different modifiers might make a worthwhile difference, possibly even a skill or two. I also think a lower flight and ground speed for more HP and higher attack would make sense as well, or, failing that, a higher regain rate with less abilities to show more of a physical nature as opposed to magical one. If they do have a higher regain rate, it might be a smart idea to lower their sprint speed, if nothing else but ensure they don't simply become the best race for traveling long distances which so far most of the game consists of.
Thread Games / Re: Word Association Game
2017 Sep 11, 13:01:42
Thread Games / Re: Word Association Game
2017 Sep 10, 12:28:40
Banned for not being appreciative of a lengthy explanation offering a explanation over the previous ban that also postulated additional reasons and explanations of why the reason for the ban were incorrect. Mere length of a post is no indication to it's quality!

Not too long, I did edit it about a dozen times however because I wasn't quite satisfied with the way it sounded.
Pony Off-Topic Archive / Re: ocs
2017 Sep 09, 03:56:55
I usually tend to see a lot of pegasi oc's around, and not just necessarily just in LoE. Unicorns are also pretty common as well as some changelings. Haven't run across too many alicorns thankfully.
Banned for not bothering to explain the explanation of 'because just cause' is more the just because. It's because of just cause. Truth be told, for 'just cause', I do not know whether the post is referring to the video games by the same name, or a cause the poster believes to be just (which was not explained in the slightest of detail).
Thread Games / Re: Word Association Game
2017 Sep 09, 03:37:11
The ArtsTM
Thread Games / Re: Word Association Game
2017 Sep 09, 02:37:48
Dresses! ;)
Thread Games / Re: Word Association Game
2017 Sep 08, 10:57:46
Books!  ^-^
Thread Games / Re: Word Association Game
2017 Sep 06, 23:53:24
Thread Games / Re: Word Association Game
2017 Sep 05, 14:58:02