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Messages - Timber Keyblade

Canterlot Archives / Re: Kingdom Hearts RP
2015 Jul 16, 06:52:08
"..." Gypsi stayed quite when Finn spoke.

"A meaningless effort" He spoke, completely unfazed by Finn's words, "One who knows nothing can understand nothing"
Canterlot Archives / Re: Kingdom Hearts RP
2015 Jul 15, 21:46:33
"There is so very much to learn" He continued, "You understand so little"
Canterlot Archives / Re: Kingdom Hearts RP
2015 Jul 15, 21:10:21
"W-whoever you are, stop scaring us. Wait! Where did you come from?" Gypsi's expression of fear turned to curiosity when she realize he wasn't from here.

"You do not yet know what lies beyond the door" He replied.
Canterlot Archives / Re: Kingdom Hearts RP
2015 Jul 15, 20:39:42
"This world has been connected" He spoke in a dark, monotone voice.

"Wh-What do you mean?" Gypsi asked, shaking a bit.

"Tied to the darkness..." He replied, "Soon to be completely eclipsed"
Canterlot Archives / Re: Kingdom Hearts RP
2015 Jul 15, 18:11:22
"Hey, you found them! Great, let's gather them and-" A strange and dark presence suddenly appeared in the cave with them, causing Gypsi to jump a bit. "W-who's there?" She called out.

"I've come to see the door to this world" A thin figure, dressed in a brown cloak and hood stood in the darkest part of the cave.
Canterlot Archives / Re: Kingdom Hearts RP
2015 Jul 15, 16:24:37
(The storm comes in after the characters talk to Ansem *the man in the brown cloak* and This is Kingdom Hearts, so you do get to go to other worlds)

Gypsi enters the cave and looks around for the Struggle swords, "They've got to be around here, somewhere" She said to herself.
Canterlot Archives / Re: Kingdom Hearts RP
2015 Jul 14, 21:26:59
"Moon said it'll be done by sunset. Oh yeah, I almost forgot. My brother, Metal, actually brought these things called struggle swords for swordplay. He said it's safer to use those than the wooden swords" Gypsi pointed to the large tree, "He placed them in the secret cave, just behind the large tree. You're welcome to look inside if you want"
He walks outside and walks down the same road, he was on when he was talking to Maple.
"Umm... Blaze..." Gypsi points across the river, which several Diamond dogs appeared. "Time to go. Oh no!" She turned around to find a pack of timber wolves approaching from behind the trees.
Quote from: Jcfraven on 2015 Jul 14, 11:52:42
'I was going to talk to him about all the occurred, yet I knew not his location. If you wouldn't mind bringing me to him, it'd be appreciated.' She writes to Weston.

He nodded and replies, "Of course. I don't know where his exact house is, but I did follow the road he was walking, so I might now where it is"
Mistral smirked and replied, "The same group I'm with. I'll tell you more about them when we find a place to rest" She then slowly slid off Gypsi's back, stand on her shakily legs.
"I'll tell you why Desperado's after her" Mistral said calmly. "I only ask, is that you don't turn me in..."
"He looked really heart broken when he was walking back to his home" He explains, "I think I know where he lives"
Gypsi was taken a back by Blaze's question, "I... I-I..." Mistral cleared her throat a bit, "I can tell you what she is. If! you do me a favor"
"I'm Weston, and I'm a human, but that doesn't matter. That matters is Maple" He spoke.
Weston leaves the spa, after finding it empty, "I guess there out sick" He turns his head then sees Sonata, "Wait. Wasn't she with- Hey!" He calls out and runs up to her, "Weren't you with Maple?" He asked.
"Well... I'm part ocelot a-and part deer... So..." Gypsi said, a bit flustered. "Meaning, 'She' won't have a problem leaping over a large gap. Or, a river" Mistral finished, which she laughed when she mentioned the river.
Gypsi wrapped her tail around Mistral tightly then leaped on a tree and leaped across the river, landing safety on the ground.
Gypsi sees the dead end coming up, "Uh oh... that's not good!"
Weston walked through town until he found what he was looking for. The spa. Sanny said she worked there, and sense she was busy at school, he decided to see if the owners needed some help. He approach the door and saw the 'Help wanted' sign on the window as he passed by, "Hello?" Weston called out as he entered, "Anyone here?"